
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Planning Your Career in a Week

    Hirsh W, Jackson C | Jan 2016 | Hodder and Stoughton

    This book seeks to set out a clear model of how to approach the process of career planning. It includes a number of exercises to complete, and it identifies the key steps in the career planning process.

  • A country study on immigrants from the new Member States to the United Kingdom

    As reported in: The social dimension of intra-EU mobility: Impact on public services

    Marangozov R, Nafilyan V, Tassinari A, Buzzeo J | Jan 2016 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    This country case study represents the results of a literature review, data analysis and qualitative research conducted into the impact on UK public services of immigrants from the new EU Member States. The report outlines findings of our literature review and provides an update on recent welfare reforms with regards to EU citizens. It also highlights the findings of our quantitative and qualitative data results before drawing together conclusions and policy recommendations.

  • Slides 'Ethics in HR'

    Alison Carter | Dec 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Alison Carter's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Ethics in HR'

  • Success factors for achieving policy impact in foresight studies

    Cox A, Swift S, Rhisiart M | Dec 2015 | European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

    This report presents the findings of a project that looked at the key factors for the effective transfer of foresight studies results into policy-making. Conducted by the Institute for Employment Studies and commissioned by EU-OSHA, the project included a literature review and interviews with researchers and experts The types of impacts that can be achieved from foresight studies are outlined, and the key success factors for achieving impacts on policy are identified.

  • Social dimension of intra-EU mobility: Impact on public services

    Dec 2015 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    This report looks at the impact of intra-EU mobility on the public services of Member States of the European Union. The current debate in many Member States centres on the ‘welfare magnet hypothesis’, which holds that migrants, including mobile citizens from the central and eastern European Member States, are attracted by the better quality of these services and easier access to them in the host countries.

  • Infographic: Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Key directions for employers

    Nov 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES was commissioned to lead an evaluation of the early Apprenticeship Trailblazers, which comprised interviews and surveys with those involved in Trailblazer development. The final report was recently published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. This infographic reveals the key key lessons for employers.

  • Infographic: Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Progress against aims

    Nov 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES was commissioned to lead an evaluation of the early Apprenticeship Trailblazers, which comprised interviews and surveys with those involved in Trailblazer development. The final report was recently published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Here, we map the progress findings from the evaluation against the ambitions that the government highlighted as important.

  • Slides from 'Annual Provocation: Beyond competencies'

    Nana Amoa-Buahin | Nov 2015 | London Borough of Lambeth

    Nana Amoa-Buahin's slides from the IES HR Network Annual Provocation: Beyond competencies

  • Slides from 'Annual Provocation: Beyond competencies'

    Jonathan Gosling | Nov 2015 | University of Exeter Business School

    Jonathan Gosling's slides from the IES HR Network Annual Provocation: Beyond competencies

  • Process evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers

    Final Report

    Newton B, Miller L, Williams J, Buzzeo J, Hinks R | Nov 2015 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    This is the final report on the process evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers between January 2014 and March 2015. The research explored how Trailblazer networks are established and structured, the processes involved in developing standards and detailed assessments, employer responses to the national principles and to the funding reforms and overall satisfaction of employers with the development process.