
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Employer Investment Fund (EIF) and Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF) Programme Level Evaluation: Final Report

    Tu T, Chhatralia K, Tipping S, Shah J, Hale C, Cox A, Marvell R | Apr 2016 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)

    Ipsos MORI and the Institute for Employment Studies were commissioned to undertake a programme level evaluation of the Employer Investment Fund (EIF) and Growth and Innovation Fund (GIF). This report presents the evaluation findings.

  • Slides: Tackling chances, saving lives

    Bartlett G | Apr 2016 | Director, South Downs Leadership & Management Services

    Graham Bartlett's presentation slides from IES HR Network Annual HR Director's Retreat 'Swimming against the tide', 27 & 28 April 2016.

  • Slides: Engaging everyone in change - Involving staff in culture change

    Santer H | Apr 2016 | Organisational Development Practitioner, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

    Hendrika Santer Bream's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'High involvement change: from consultation to co-production', 7 April 2016.

  • Slides: Engaging everyone in change


    Robinson D | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Dilys Robinson's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'High involvement change: from consultation to co-production', 7 April 2016.

  • Ethical leadership

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Tamkin P | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The headlines continue to suggest that poor behaviour from leaders remains a current issue. In fact there has been a regular drip-drip of media stories that suggest organisational leaders have been turning a blind eye to what is right in favour of what is profitable or expedient. The VW emission scandal is the latest in a very long line of eyebrow raising corporate misbehaviour.

  • Can values add value?

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Hirsh W | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    ‘Values’ are all around us, especially these days in relation to employing organisations and behaviour at work. Corporate websites often proclaim ‘Our Values’ although many of them look pretty similar. Values sometimes also appear in recruitment information and other people management processes. Being seen to ‘Live the Values’ is a modern requirement for getting what you want, such as your performance bonus, or promotion.

  • From consultation to co-production: high-involvement change

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Garrow V | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    High-involvement work practices have featured in management research and literature for decades but when it comes to organisational change, people still tend to feel 'done to'. This might be because change is often happening in crisis mode when things need to happen quickly and control is centralised. There is usually some form of consultation but little real involvement in the design and development of structures and processes that will impact people's working lives.

  • Swimming against the tide: getting whistleblowers on board

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Reilly P | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly highlights the practical, procedural difficulties of whistleblowing for HR, but ends with the deeper, worrying evidence that half of HR leaders are being forced to compromise on their principles and the stark challenge that ‘HR might like to start with acknowledging it has a moral purpose in the organisation and make that the basis for its contribution to difficult business decisions.’

  • Performance management, a tale of two practices?

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Tamkin P | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Of all HR practices, performance management systems appear to be almost universally embedded in organisational best practice. One CIPD survey found that 95 per cent of organisations have appraisals (Sung and Ashton, 2005). Assuming that organisations behave rationally, we might expect that they use appraisals because they benefit the organisation.

  • Gender pay gap reporting: important, undesirable or irrelevant?

    IES perspectives on HR 2016

    Brown D | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Duncan Brown offers a detailed description of this year's gender pay reporting requirement and how to maximise the benefits from it.