
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Slides: Gender pay reporting: Overview

    Williams A | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Audrey Williams' slides from IES HR Network event 'Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight', 21 July 2016

  • Slides: Gender pay gap reporting: Important, undesireable or irrelevant

    Brown D | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Duncan Brown's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight', 21 July 2016.

  • The Power of Parity

    A study of how Lewisham Council achieved gender equality at senior levels, the learning and implications

    Brown D | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    With a near-equal gender mix at the top of their organisation, Lewisham Council have successfully overcome the continuing gender pay and position inequality that still persists in many organisations across the UK. A new IES report investigates how Lewisham, with 56 per cent of those in senior grades female and a pay gap slightly in favour of women, have achieved this.

  • Final Evaluation of the ReAct programme 2008-2014: Final Report Summary

    Jul 2016 | Welsh Government

    This report summary, containing IES research, offers an overview of the evaluation of the ReAct programme. The Redundancy Action Scheme (ReAct) aims to prevent long-term unemployment by providing pathways to employment for those recently or about to become unemployed.

  • Final evaluation of the ReAct programme 2008-2014: Final report

    Jul 2016 | Welsh Government

    This report, containing IES research, evaluates the Redundancy Action Scheme (ReAct). The scheme aims to prevent long-term unemployment by providing pathways to employment for those recently or about to become unemployed. IES contributed quantitative data analysis to the research.

  • The labour market for nurses in the UK and its relationship to the demand for, and supply of, international nurses in the NHS

    Final report

    Marangozov R, Williams M, Buchan J | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This research examines and seeks to explain the variation in the recruitment of non-European Economic Area (EEA) nurses at trust level in the NHS in England, drawing on evidence from quantitative analysis of available data, as well as qualitative interviews with NHS trusts and health sector experts.

  • The customer journey to initial teacher training: Research brief

    Williams J, Pollard E | Jul 2016 | The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)

    In 2015, The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) commissioned IES to enhance their understanding of the 'customer journey' - the experience of those who register an interest in and progress towards Initial Teacher Training (ITT) - in order to identify where changes can best be made to maximise efficient and cost-effective recruitment to ITT. This document contains the research brief of the report.

  • The customer journey to initial teacher training: Appendices

    Williams J, Pollard E, Hinks R, Huxley C, Marvell R,  | Jul 2016 | The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)

    In 2015, The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) commissioned IES to enhance their understanding of the 'customer journey' - the experience of those who register an interest in and progress towards Initial Teacher Training (ITT) - in order to identify where changes can best be made to maximise efficient and cost-effective recruitment to ITT. This document contains the appendices to the report.

  • The customer journey to initial teacher training: Research report

    Williams J, Pollard E, Hinks R, Huxley C, Marvell R | Jul 2016 | The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)

    In 2015, The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) commissioned IES to enhance their understanding of the 'customer journey' - the experience of those who register an interest in and progress towards Initial Teacher Training (ITT) - in order to identify where changes can best be made to maximise efficient and cost-effective recruitment to ITT.

  • European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2016, Issue 2

    Peruffo E, Jacobs W, Hurley J, Broughton A | Jul 2016 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    This issue of the European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly focuses on the principal political event of the quarter: the UK's decision to leave the European Union.