Understanding the careers cold spots
The Careers & Enterprise Company prioritisation indicators 2016
This report containing IES research identifies the Careers and Enterprise Company's 'cold spots' for 2016: areas in which young people are most likely to experience substantial barriers to achieving positive outcomes in terms of education and employment from careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG).
The report is based on analysis conducted by IES researchers on behalf of the Careers and Enterprise Company and presents an indicator which identifies the areas 'in need' or 'cold' in the UK, the areas where CIAG is lacking and towards which the Careers and Enterprise Company should direct its resources.
The report offers findings on the particular areas in the UK that require the greatest amount of careers support, and reveals that areas in London and the home counties are consistently 'warmer'. In these areas the analysis finds high levels of engagement between schools and employers, enabling young people to make opportunity-informed decisions in order to achieve positive outcomes.