Research collections
We produce reports and resources to further understanding and encourage debate around topics of interest.
Employee Engagement
The key drivers of engagement; the importance of line managers; measuring employee engagement, and more.
Coaching Effectiveness
The barriers to effective coaching and the characteristics of an effective coach.
Facing into Change
Delivering change in uncertain times. Three case-study reports with valuable lessons for HR and OD practitioners.
HR Essentials
This series of four research papers offers our insights into what works in HR practice.
Perspectives on HR
A series of essays published annually, offering our perspectives on the HR year ahead.
Unpacking the productivity puzzle
IES, as part of a research consortium, has published reports into the UK 'productivity puzzle’.
Workforce Planning
The difficulties of workforce planning in unpredictable times and guides on how to approach the process.
Covid-19 Resources
All IES Covid-19 related research including homeworking, workplace health and wellbeing, vacancy trends, ‘what works’ in employment support, HR best practice, supporting disadvantaged groups, and much more.
Progression in Employment
The Progression in Employment project is designed to capture evidence and insights on developing and implementing upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults.
PURPOSE Resources
The PURPOSE programme (Promoting Understanding and Research into Productivity, Obesity Stigma and Employment), is funded by Novo Nordisk. It focusses on improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity.
Looking After You – primary care coaching case studies
A selection of case studies from the NHS England and NHS Improvement ‘Looking After You’ offer, an NHS service evaluated by IES that provides individual coaching support for primary care staff.
Young people's future health inquiry: improving access to good quality work for young people
This research collection forms the outputs of a three-year Health Foundation-funded project led by IES on improving access to good quality work for young people, as part of the action phase of the Young people’s future health inquiry.
Leadership for Personalised Care - Participant Case Studies
Case studies from NHS England and in Control Partnership’s Leadership for Personalised Care programmes, which support anyone working in healthcare to put personalised care at the centre of their practice. These case studies were developed as part of IES’ evaluation of the services and describe the participants’ journey and the impact they are having in their communities.
Remembering Stephen Bevan
In memory of our dear friend and colleague Stephen Bevan, we've collated a wide selection of his blogs and articles that he wrote for several research centres and media outlets.
Commission on the Future of Employment Support
This Commission on the Future of Employment Support has been managed by IES in partnership with abrdn Financial Fairness Trust. The Commission has been a two-year investigation comprising extensive evidence gathering and analysis, public polling and co-design of proposals for reform.
Career Development
Our most recent work on career development explores positive impacts on career support, which factors act as barriers, and the role of coaching in facilitating the process.
Neurodiversity and Work
Our recent work on neurodiversity at work explores the particular challenges of the workplace for neurodiverse employees, and how employers can best develop strategies and policies to support neurodiverse members of the workforce.