Unpacking the productivity puzzle
IES, as part of a research consortium, was commissioned by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills to prepare a series of strategic labour market intelligence reports on the challenges and opportunities for increasing productivity in four sectors and two cross-cutting themes.
The Institute for Employment Studies, SQW economic development consultancy, the Warwick Institute for Employment Research and Cambridge Econometrics examined the creative, retail, manufacturing and food manufacturing sectors, plus digitisation and leadership and management as cross-sector issues for concern.
The consortium has now published a set of reports on these topics, which unpack the characteristics of productivity for each sector, outlining the major challenges, looking to the future, identifying priorities for change and how employers and government can help.
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The future of productivity in food and drink manufacturing
Hogarth T, Kispeter E (2016), Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick
The future of productivity in manufacturing
Green A, Hogarth T, Kispeter E, Owen D (2016), Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick
The relationship between UK management and leadership and productivity
Tamkin P (2016), Institute for Employment Studies
Productivity in the retail sector: Challenges and opportunities
Cox A, Hay G, Hogarth T, Brown G (2016), Institute for Employment Studies
Understanding the future of productivity in the creative industries
Brighton R, Gibbon C, Brown S (2016), SQW
State of digitisation in UK business
Mack-Smith D, Lewis J, Bradshaw M (2016), SQW