
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • What's the point? The importance of meaningful work

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Fletcher L, Robinson D | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    We spend a lot of our time at work. Around eight hours a day, for at least 40 weeks every year, for 40 years or so.

  • The me and we generations: the impact of intergenerational differences in the workplace

    IES Perspectives on HR 2016

    Parry E, Tamkin P | Apr 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Generational differences and how they play out in the workplace have become a major area of interest to organisations and catalysed articles in the HR and broader business press and much commentary from consultancy organisations. The thrust of many of these articles is that such generational differences are fuelling difficulties in the workplace as different attitudes clash.

  • Slides: Performance management: making it work

    Peter Reilly | Mar 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Performance management, change at last?', 22 March 2016

  • Slides: Performance management, change at last?

    Peter Reilly | Mar 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Performance management, change at last?', 22 March 2016.

  • ORGANISER: A behavioural approach for influencing organisations - Summary

    Fell D, Giorgi S | Mar 2016 | Cabinet Office

    This document is a summary of ORGANISER: a behavioural approach to influencing organisations. It was commissioned by a cross-Government group and has been designed to support better policy making.

  • ORGANISER: A behavioural approach for influencing organisations

    Fell D, Giorgi S | Mar 2016 | Cabinet Office

    ORGANISER is a behavioural approach to influencing organisations. It was commissioned by a cross-Government group and has been designed to support better policy making.

  • Understanding the Behavioural Drivers of Organisational Decision-Making: Executive Summary

    Mar 2016 | Cabinet Office

    This is a summary of a rapid evidence assessment for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, carried out to understand the generalisable/common behavioural factors which explain organisational behaviours and influence organisational decision-making and change and, in particular, those influences that do not centre on fiscal incentives or penalties, or direct means of regulation such as inspections or reporting requirements.

  • Understanding the Behavioural Drivers of Organisational Decision-Making

    Rapid Evidence Assessment

    Wilson S, Sonderegger S, Buzzeo J | Mar 2016 | Cabinet Office

    This rapid evidence assessment for the Department of Energy and Climate Change was carried out to understand the generalisable/common behavioural factors which explain organisational behaviours and influence organisational decision-making and change and, in particular, those influences that do not centre on fiscal incentives or penalties, or direct means of regulation such as inspections or reporting requirements.

  • Tackling unemployment among disadvantaged young people

    Research for Centrepoint

    Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Everett C, Newton B | Mar 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The findings of this research for Centrepoint enables them to offer constructive advice on how new policies on youth employment should be implemented to ensure they make a meaningful contribution towards helping the hardest to reach enter sustained employment.

  • Study on the Diversity within the Teaching Profession with Particular Focus on Migrant and/or Minority Background

    Final Report to DG Education and Culture of the European Commission

    Donlevy V, Meiekord A, Rajania A | Mar 2016 | European Commission

    IES was commissioned to provide Greek and Cypriot national reports for this publication, produced by Ecorys for the European Commission. This study sought to consolidate the evidence base regarding the diversity of the teaching workforce – based on a migrant and/or minority background – across the EU28.