
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Slides: Building an HR Analytics Function: Lessons from practice

    Peter Reilly | Oct 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Building your HR analytics capability'

  • Slides: HR Analytics: What can we learn from the published literature?

    Dilys Robinson | Oct 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Dilys Robinson's slides from the HR Network event: 'Building your HR analytics capability'

  • The contribution of Further Education and skills to social mobility

    Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Tassinari A, Williams J, Williams M, Swift S, Newton B | Oct 2015 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    This report investigates how taking part in further education – such as an apprenticeship, work-based learning, community learning and adult education – helps people get better jobs and wages. It also looks at the effects further education has on the prospects for the children of learners. It is a review of published research from government, academics and think tanks.

  • Slides: PACE Culture Change: a practitioner's view of specific change initiatives

    Kirsty Knight, James Sutherland | Oct 2015 | HR Business Consultants, Zurich UK Life

    Kirsty Knight and James Sutherland's slides from IES HR Network event 'HR Annual Conference 2015: Organisational Development', 1 October 2015.

  • Factors facilitating or constraining interventions to protect and promote health of older workers and to help plan and prepare for retirement

    Cox A, Hillage J, Marvell R, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J  | Sep 2015 | National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    This report presents the third of the three reviews based on qualitative, non-intervention studies which examined factors which enable constrain employers in implementing workplace policies and practices to: protect and promote the wellbeing of older workers, support workers who wish to continue in employment up to and beyond state pensionable age, and affect the quality and outcomes of pre-retirement planning.

  • The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of ways to help older workers plan and prepare for retirement

    Cox A, Hillage J, Marvell R, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J  | Sep 2015 | National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    This report presents the second of three reviews based on effectiveness studies which examined workplace policies and practices on pre-retirement planning.

  • The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of methods of protecting and promoting the health of older workers

    Cox A, Hillage J, Fletcher L, Marvell R, Wilson S, Miller L, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J  | Sep 2015 | National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    This report presents the first of three reviews based on effectiveness studies which examined workplace policies and practices in place to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of older workers, and support workers who wish to continue in employment up to and beyond state pensionable age.

  • Pay in Europe in different wage-bargaining regimes

    Speckesser S, Nafilyan V, Ledermaier S | Sep 2015 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    Using a large set of empirical macroeconomic data from a variety of sources, including Eurofound and the European Commission AMECO database, this report analyses how the institutional features of national wage bargaining regimes influence pay outcomes

  • Policy Performance and Evaluation: Synthesis of Country Reports

    Eichhorst W, Hadjivassiliou K, Wazny F | Aug 2015 | CROME, University of Brighton

    This report forms part of the STYLE Working Papers 3 series and offers an overview of the series, summarising eight independent but comparative country reports, of which IES offered one. The reports looks at several European countries and assesses the structure of country-specific, youth-related policies using a common systematic framework.

  • Realistic expectations? The role of the line in people management

    IES event report: Mini-conference 21 May 2015

    Tamkin P, Snowden E, Callen A, Brannon D | Aug 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The mini-conference in May was a very successful event, with lots of positive feedback from members. We have written a full account of the day’s events, covering each presentation in detail.