
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Reflections on different approaches to behavioural change

    Views from the IES HR Directors’ Retreat

    Tamkin P | Aug 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Penny Tamkin has written a reflective paper inspired by presentations at the HR Directors' Retreat 2015, in which she considers the case studies in detail, and explores some of the ideas raised.

  • Barriers to and triggers of policy innovation and knowledge transfer in the UK

    Hadjivassiliou K P, Tassinari A, Swift S | Aug 2015 | CROME, University of Brighton

    The report presents an exploratory analysis and discussion of the institutional aspects and social learning processes that are in play in the UK in relation to youth-related policies.

  • Exploring the value of an O*NET resource for the UK

    Report from a workshop held in London, June 2015

    Hillage J, Cross M | Aug 2015 | Gatsby Foundation

    This report produced by IES on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation examines the potential of an occupational database such as the United States of America's O*NET resource to help research and address UK occupational and skill challenges.

  • Infographic: Workforce planning

    A framework for thinking about your own approach

    Reilly P | Aug 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This infographic summarises Peter Reilly's framework and top tips, as published in his guide: Workforce planning: a framework for thinking about your own approach.

  • Workforce planning: A framework for thinking about your own approach

    Reilly P | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This second paper in our new series of HR Essentials papers focuses on workforce planning. It offers the practitioner two elements of support on just two pages: A framework for thinking about your own approach, and ten practical tips for developing and implementing a successful approach.

  • Understanding provision for students with mental health problems and intensive support needs

    Williams M, Coare P, Marvell R, Pollard E, Houghton A-M, Anderson J | Jul 2015 | Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

    This report presents the findings of a research project undertaken for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to update its understanding of institutional support provision for students with mental health problems and other impairments with high cost or intensive support needs.

  • Final Evaluation of the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme

    Jul 2015 | Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)

    This report contains IES research evaluating the Pathways to Apprenticeship programme. The programme gives young people the opportunity to spend a year in College doing preliminary study and to undertake a work placement preparing them for the Welsh Government-supported Apprenticeship scheme.

  • Slides 'Home Office case study'

    Caroline Callan | Jul 2015 | Home Office

    Caroline Callan's slides from the IES HR Network event: 'HR Business Partners: Yes please or no thanks?'

  • Slides 'HR Business Partners: Yes please or no thanks?'

    Peter Reilly | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Peter Reilly's slides from the IES HR Network event: 'HR Business Partners: Yes please or no thanks?'

  • Review of successful Occupational Safety and Health benchmarking initiatives

    Callen A, Wilson S | Jul 2015 | European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

    The overarching aim of this project was to review occupational safety and health (OSH) benchmarking schemes that have been set up at sector, Member State or European level. The research also set out to assess the benefits that such schemes can deliver, as well as their limitations, and to identify the key factors and main obstacles to their success.