
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • The Case for Health Coaching

    Lessons learned from implementing a training and development intervention for clinicians across the East of England

    Carter A, Tamkin P, Wilson S, Miller L | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The subject of this report is the IES evaluation of an education initiative/ development intervention consisting of a two-day health coaching programme for 777 clinicians and a further four-day programme for 25 of the clinicians to become in-house...

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    Reading list: Apprenticeship further reading

    Becci Newton | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Becci Newton's further reading list from the IES HR Network event: Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

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    Reading list: Graduates & Students further reading

    Emma Pollard | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Emma Pollard's further reading list from the IES HR Network event: 'Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

  • Slides ' Graduate recruitment: trends, issues and effective practices'

    Emma Pollard and Wendy Hirsh | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Emma Pollard and Wendy Hirsh's slides from the IES HR Network event: Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

  • Slides 'Apprenticeships in England: developments, challenges and practices'

    Becci Newton | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Becci Newton's slides from the IES HR Network event: 'Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

  • Slides 'Jaguar Land Rover Case Study'

    Rob Gill | Jul 2015 | Jaguar Land Rover

    Rob Gill's slides from the IES HR Network event: 'Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

  • Slides 'Trends in the youth labour market'

    Matt Williams | Jul 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Matt Williams slides from the IES HR Network event: 'Tapping into the Youth Labour Market'

  • Summary: Evaluation of the 2010–13 Fit for Work Service pilots: final report

    Hillage J, Williams M, Marvell R, Shiels C, Gabbay M, Weston K, Humphreys I | Jun 2015 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report pulls together the available evidence about whether seven extended Fit for Work pilots achieved their aims and in particular their effect on returning sickness absentees to work.

  • Evaluation of the 2010–13 Fit for Work Service pilots: final report

    Hillage J, Williams M, Marvell R, Shiels C, Gabbay M, Weston K, Humphreys I | Jun 2015 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents the available evidence on whether the Fit for Work pilots achieved their aims, in particular, whether the Year 2 and 3 pilots succeeded in providing biopsychosocial support to sickness absentees, improving their health, and helping them to return to work.

  • Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health of employees: Evidence Review 1

    Hillage J, Holmes J, Rickard C, Marvell R, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brine J | Jun 2015 | National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

    This report is the first of a series of evidence reviews. It includes evidence from five studies about the way in which supervisors can affect the wellbeing of the people they manage.