
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Slides: Workplace applications of mindfulness

    Alison Carter | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Alison Carter's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Mindfulness at work', on 17 March 2015

  • Slides: What is mindfulness

    Liz Hall | Mar 2015 | Editor, Coaching at work; Author, 'Mindful Coaching'

    Liz Hall's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Mindfulness at work', on 17 March 2015

  • Management and Leadership Development: Business Benefits for Jersey

    Final Report

    Tamkin P, Williams M | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report seeks to explore management and leadership skills and the development of management and leadership capability in Jersey based organisations. It draws on a previous piece of work undertaken by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and reported in 20121. The questionnaire used in the Jersey research deliberately draws on many of the questions used in the ‘2012 CMI’ survey to allow comparison and benchmarking.

  • Infographic: Interim findings on the Apprenticeships Trailblazers

    Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The Apprenticeship Trailblazers aim to achieve greater employer ownership of Apprenticeship training. IES was commissioned to lead an evaluation of the early Trailblazers. This infographic highlights the key points of a report published this week by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, revealing the interim findings.

  • Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Trailblazers: Interim report

    Newton B, Gloster R, Miller L, Buzzeo J | Mar 2015 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    A report on the apprenticeship trailblazers one year on from the launch of the first standards in March 2014.

  • Vulnerable Youth & Gender in Europe

    Gökşen F, Filiztekin A, Smith M, Çelik C, Öker I, Kuz S | Mar 2015 |  CROME, University of Brighton

    This report containing IES research looks at gender and class roles in the European labour market.

  • Restructuring in the public sector

    ERM Annual Report 2014

    Celikel-Esser F, Hurley J, Storrie D, Gerogiannis E, Broughton A | Mar 2015 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    The European Restructuring Monitor’s annual report for 2014 explores the rapid transformation of the public sector in Europe since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008.

  • Ethical dilemmas in HR practice

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Carter A | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper raises an interesting issue of the role of HR in ethics, is it HR’s role to ensure ethical behaviour or is it the role of every employee?

  • HR business partners: yes please or no thanks?

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Reilly P | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Business partners are one of the Ulrich model’s most endemic manifestations, seen as integral to the running of business units and providing strategic advice and support to maximise performance. However, all too often various pressures on business partners result in a failure to be sufficiently strategic, the tendency to be drawn into low added value activities and becoming too associated with the business unit in which they sit and less willing to toe the HR line. The popularity of the role can also make it harder to find people of the right calibre. These are partly problems of role definition but also of line interface; devolution to the line has proved harder than anticipated. As a result, there is a real tension between strategic contribution and operational support which organisations have not yet resolved.

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    Beyond competence: shifting perspectives of capability

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Tamkin P | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This review of competencies argues that our tendency in the UK to atomise (whilst Germany for example favours an holistic interpretation) leaves knowledge isolated, fixed in conception and unable to be summonsed to help with new situations. The effects include dispiriting appraisals, narrow recruitments, rote learning, and the downplaying of theoretical knowledge to the broader detriment of agility (back to change management again) and the ability to deal with novel and complex situations.