
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • The role of the line in talent management

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Hirsh W | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    HR needs to consider how talent management lands with those who are tasked with bringing it to life – how line managers are key players and how they can feel unsupported, isolated and unskilled in fulfilling their role. Considering how the line can be enabled to succeed should be the focus of HR intervention.

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    Innovation: turning good ideas into reality

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Smith M | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this paper we explore the importance of the individual, exploring the challenges of engaging employees in innovation, all too often limited by individuals having too little time to enable ideas to come to life or feeling as if they are not ‘allowed’ to have ideas that make a difference. The term innovation can be off-putting too; all too often people feel that only those in senior or specialist roles get to be creative. Some tried and tested ways of encouraging people to play, of giving them permission to innovate and in creating the structured support of colleagues to do so, can make a huge difference.

  • Leveraging coaching for organisational change

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Carter A | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this paper, we place the emphasis on how we can help individuals adapt to, support, and lead change better. The evidence is that using coaching to accelerate skills development, help understand change better and work with teams to adapt to change, can help organisations unstick themselves and offset the all too common inertia that means too much change is attempted and too little achieved.

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    Organisation design in a VUCA world

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Garrow V, Varney S | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this paper, we highlight the importance of organisations having one foot in the past through exploiting current capabilities whilst also stepping into the future by designing organisations able to explore opportunities. This difficult balancing act is supported by engagement and yet engagement is always threatened by change. More established ways of managing change are replaced by evolving fluid approaches, enabled by what is shared across organisations, to promote collaboration, to simplify what is being faced wherever possible, and to mobilise the workforce.

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    Organisational change: finding your way as you journey into the unknown

    A paper from 'HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015'

    Varney S | Mar 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In this paper, we explore how each change now overlays other preceding or concurrent changes to form a dynamic pattern of mutual interference. More traditional conceptions of change management can be left behind by this constant overlay of impacts so how are organisations and the people in them, able to adapt and thrive?

  • UKVI: Facing into Change

    Garrow V | Mar 2015 | Civil Service Organisational Development and Design

    This report is the second in the series following the work of the Organisation Development & Design Expert Service, which works across the Civil Service to support sustainable complex change. This new report is in the form of an evaluative case story focusing solely on an appreciative inquiry (AI) initiative in UK Visas and Immigration. It describes the AI process and early outcomes and the initiative is evaluated against a social movement framework.

  • Speaker notes: Shared parental leave and pay

    Speaker notes

    Debbie Jackson | Feb 2015 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Debbie Jacksons presentation with speaker notes from IES HR Network event 'Shared parental leave', on 26 February 2015

  • Slides: Some things to think about

    Approaches organisations are taking in implementation

    Mary Mercer | Feb 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Mary Mercer's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Shared parental leave', on 26 February 2015

  • Slides: Shared parental leave and pay

    The new rules and how they work in practice

    Debbie Jackson | Feb 2015 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Debbi Jackson's slides from the IES HR Network event 'Shared parental leave', on 26 February 2015

  • HR in a disordered world: IES Perspectives on HR 2015

    Feb 2015 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES presents its annual Perspectives on HR publication, in which IES researchers and consultants offer their insights into the challenges of today's turbulent world for the HR function.