
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Database of effective youth employment measures in selected Member States

    Hadjivassiliou K, Rickard C, Manzoni C, Swift S | Aug 2016 | CROME, University of Brighton

    This report presents a database of effective youth employment measures in specific European Union Member States. It is one of several outputs from the STYLE project, funded by the European Commission.

  • Policy synthesis and integrative report on Policy Transfer and Comparative Frameworks

    Petmesidou M, González-Menéndez M C, Hadjivassiliou K | Aug 2016 | CROME, University of Brighton

    This report summarises the main findings from work package four (WP4) of the STYLE project and reflects on the contribution of the findings to understanding the major barriers to and triggers of innovative policies for better youth labour market outcomes

  • Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation: Claimant research

    Aug 2016 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

    This report provides detailed findings of the qualitative research undertaken by IES' for the evaluation of the Intensive Activity Programme (IAP). The programme was a package of intensive support and structured activities that claimants were required to complete within 21 days of making a new Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) claim, in addition to a full-time job search.

  • Intensive Activity Programme trial evaluation: Evidence synthesis

    Aug 2016 | Department for work and pensions (DWP)

    This report offers an evidence synthesis of IES' evaluation of the Intensive Activity Programme (IAP). The programme was a package of intensive support and structured activities that claimants were required to complete within 21 days of making a new Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) claim, in addition to a full-time job search.

  • The path towards predictive analytics

    Reilly P | Aug 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies (IES)

    This paper, written by principal associate Peter Reilly, looks at the growing area of advanced HR analytics. Peter outlines the issues surrounding the definition of predictive analytics before considering why predictive analytics might be an appropriate move forward for organisations and how organisations might approach the implementation of such analytics.

  • Precarious Employment in Europe: Country Case Studies

    Broughton A, Green M, Rickard C, Swift S, Eichhorst W, Tobsch V, Magda I, Lewandowski P, Keister R, Jonaviciene D, Ramos Martin N E, Valsamis D, Tros F | Jul 2016 | European Parliament

    This report contains the results of eight country cases studies for Denmark, France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom reviewing precarious employment. The case studies examine three types of employment in each country that were deemed to be at a relatively high risk of precariousness.

  • Precarious Employment in Europe: Patterns, Trends and Policy Strategies

    Broughton A, Green M, Rickard C, Swift S, Eichhorst W, Tobsch V, Magda I, Lewandowski P, Keister R, Jonaviciene D, Ramos Martin N E, Valsamis D, Tros F | Jul 2016 | European Parliament

    This study examines precarious employment, its patterns, trends and policy strategies in Europe. It explores the risk of precariousness of different types of contract, using information from EU data analysis and a literature review, as well as case studies of eight EU Member States. It finds that there are a range and degrees of risks of precariousness associated with all types of contract, based on key indicators of precariousness.

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    Podcast: Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight

    Brown D | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Duncan Brown's debrief podcast for IES HR Network event 'Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight'.

  • Slides: Closing the gender pay gap in higher education: A sector-wide approach

    Hopkins L | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Laurence Hopkins' presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight', 21 July 2016

  • Slides: Gender pay as part of a diversity strategy

    Gaynor K | Jul 2016 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Karen Gaynor's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Gender pay gap reporting: full analysis and insight', 21 July 2016