We author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.
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The Skills Implications of Electronic Retailing
Tackey N, Hillage J, Jagger N, Bates P | Sep 2000 | Department of Trade and IndustryThe Department for Trade and Industry commissioned IES to assess the education and skills needs of the retailing sector, arising from the development of electronic commerce (e-commerce) over the internet, digital television and other media platforms. The research mapped out the principal industries and supply chain involved, identified the skills required in the retail sector and in the supply chain to participate effectively in e-commerce, and assessed the extent to which skill needs were being met. This publication is no longer available.
Reward Strategy: Ten Common Mistakes
Bevan S | Aug 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis paper identifies ten of the most common mistakes made by employers as they seek to formulate and implement reward strategy.
A Guide to the Current and Future Trends in Administration
Tyers C | Aug 2000 | The Council for AdministrationAn overview of how changes in the way businesses operate have affected, and will continue to affect, the development and execution of the administrative functions within organisations. It also offers practical recommendations about how to adapt to these changes. This publication is no longer available.
Employers Skill Survey: Case Study - Food Manufacturing Sector
Dench S, Hillage J, Reilly P, Kodz J | Aug 2000 | Department for Education and EmploymentThe Secretary of State for Education and Employment established the Skills Task Force to assist him in developing a National Skills Agenda. An important part of this remit was to provide evidence on the nature, extent and pattern of skill needs and shortages, and their likely future development. A substantial amount of the evidence came from a major programme of new research which looked at the extent, causes and implications of skill deficiencies. This is one of nine reports, with case study examples from the sector.
Employers Skill Survey: Case Study - Local and Central Government
Tamkin P, Hirsh W, Hillage J | Aug 2000 | Department for Education and EmploymentThe Secretary of State for Education and Employment established the Skills Task Force to assist him in developing a National Skills Agenda. An important part of this remit was to provide evidence on the nature, extent and pattern of skill needs and shortages, and their likely future development. A substantial amount of the evidence came from a major programme of new research which looked at the extent, causes and implications of skill deficiencies. This is one of nine reports, with case study examples from the sector.
Free, Fair and Efficient? Open internal job advertising
Hirsh W, Pollard E, Tamkin P | Jul 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesMany major UK employers moved during the 1990s to more open internal job markets. These give the job of filling internal vacancies to the line manager (who 'owns' the vacancy) and employees who will see the job advertised and apply for it. This report looks at how this change has been working in practice in both private and public sectors, examines the dilemmas and offers a model of how to balance key tensions.
Measuring Soft Outcomes and Distance Travelled: A Review of Current Practice
Dewson S, Eccles J, Tackey N D, Jackson A | Jul 2000 | Department for Education and EmploymentMonitoring systems for employment programmes targeting unemployed people have traditionally focused on 'hard', quantitative outcomes such as the numbers going into jobs or gaining qualifications. However, it is often both unlikely and inappropriate for projects to expect to achieve 'hard' outcomes from target groups that are facing multiple barriers to employment. IES was commissioned to look at the use of 'soft', qualitative outcomes on projects funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).
HR Shared Services and the Realignment of HR
Reilly P | Jun 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesShared services is an increasingly common organisational response to creating more efficient service delivery. This report is an in-depth look at the issues based on interviews with a number of organisations. They see that costs can be reduced through the economies of scale from centralisation of services. Organisations have found benefit in this structure, but there are design issues that must first be tackled.
Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 2000 Half Yearly Review
Barber L, Regan J | Jun 2000 | Association of Graduate RecruitersThis Half Yearly Review, published by the Association of Graduate Recruiters for their members, replaces the earlier series of AGR Summer Updates. The review includes key findings on starting salaries, recruitment, shortfalls, retention, work experience and sponsorship, and recruitment techniques. This publication is no longer available.
Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships: Skills, Utilisation and Progression
Kodz J, Tackey N D, Pollard E, Dench S, Tyers C, Dewson S | Jun 2000 | Department for Education and EmploymentThis is the report of a study to explore outcomes and progression from Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships. The main aims were to gain a better understanding about: the range of possibilities open to young people after they have completed an MA or NTr; the skills that employers want from their young apprentices and how they utilise those skills; the extent to which there is an inter-relationship between the work-based route and possible progression to higher qualifications and/or higher education; and existing good practice which has wider application and could be replicated across industries or organisations.