
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 2001 update - Part 2: Graduating into Employment

    Pearson R, Perryman S | Feb 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Not published as a bound report in 2001, this year's report appears in the form of three summary updates: Part 1: The Diverse Graduate Supply, Part 2: Graduating into Employment and Part 3: Science, Technology and Computing Graduates.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 2001 update - Part 3: Science, Technology and Computing Graduates

    Pearson R, Perryman S | Feb 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Not published as a bound report in 2001, this year's report appears in the form of three summary updates: Part 1: The Diverse Graduate Supply, Part 2: Graduating into Employment and Part 3: Science, Technology and Computing Graduates.

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    Social Class and Higher Education

    Issues affecting decisions on participation by lower social class groups

    Connor H, Dewson S, with Tyers C, Eccles J, Regan J, Aston J | Feb 2001 | Department for Education and Employment

    Despite a major expansion in student numbers, which has enabled more people from wider backgrounds to take higher education (HE) qualifications, students from lower social class backgrounds continue to be under represented. This perspective on participation issues shows how a great many issues can affect decisions to go on to HE study, and that there is no one overriding factor of influence for students from lower social class backgrounds.

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    Performance Review: Balancing Objectives and Content

    Strebler M T, Bevan S, Robinson D | Jan 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report examines the performance review (PR) systems and processes of seven organisations in the public and private sectors and the views of 1,000 managers. How do employers position their PR processes to improve both individual and organisational performance? How can PR be introduced in a way which truly engages employees? Does linking pay to PR make a difference? How can we transform PR from a tired beast of burden into a thoroughbred?

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    An Assessment of Skill Needs in Engineering

    Connor H, Dench S, Bates P | Jan 2001 | Department for Education and Employment

    This engineering dialogue report highlights the continuing strong demand for engineering skills, especially in the fast growing electronics and telecommunications industries which leads to a continuing, substantial need for training provision in engineering. The report also shows that a significant number of engineering employers are experiencing recruitment difficulties and skill shortages are especially apparent among professional engineers and the skilled trades.

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    Guide to Measuring Soft Outcomes and Distance Travelled

    Dewson S, Eccles J, Tackey N D, Jackson A | Jan 2001 | Department for Education and Skills

    This free guide aims to assist projects and organisations to understand and implement systems for recording soft outcomes and distance travelled. It offers a definition of these terms and presents different methods for recording and measuring them. Primarily its aim is to be a resource for ESF projects where the target groups are some distance from labour market participation.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 2001 Survey

    Barber L, Perryman S | Dec 2000 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    IES continued its work for the Association of Graduate Recruiters with this edition of the twice-yearly survey for AGR Members. The report is free to AGR members and can be ordered online from the AGR website: or by post.

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    What's Happening in Recruitment?

    Wolfe H | Dec 2000 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Recruitment intermediaries, or agencies, had been having a tough time since 2002 but signs suggested that the market was picking up and agencies had shown increased confidence since the second half of 2003. While there might be difficulties ahead, recruitment agencies still had a viable future, so what was happening to keep recruitment businesses buoyant, and where were the threats?

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    Non-Financial Recognition

    The Most Effective of Rewards?

    Silverman M | Dec 2000 | Institute for Employment Studies

    It is perhaps understandable for organisations to make simplistic assumptions about the ability of financial rewards to influence employee motivation. Financial rewards are important in aiding recruitment and retention of talent, and as a means of providing tangible recognition of effort or contribution. But as this paper illustrates, there are a host of alternative motivators that can influence employee behaviour and enhance employee motivation.

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    Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Qualitative Evidence from Clients: First Phase

    Atkinson J, Kodz J, Dewson S, Eccles J | Dec 2000 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was part of the Government's welfare to work initiative, and directed towards people aged 50 and over who had been out of work for six months or more and wished to return to employment. This included older people claiming Jobseekers Allowance, those claiming other benefits, those with a disability or long term illness, and the dependent partners of people on these benefits. This report draws on focus groups with New Deal 50 plus clients conducted in four Pathfinder areas: Dorset, City Pride (Manchester), Edinburgh East and Midlothian, and the Black Country.