
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    July 2001 Graduate Salaries and Vacancies Half-Yearly Review

    Barber L, Perryman S | Jun 2001 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    IES continued its work for the Association of Graduate Recruiters with this edition of the twice-yearly survey for AGR Members. The report is free to AGR members and can be ordered directly from the AGR.

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    eWork in Europe

    Results from the EMERGENCE 18-Country Employer Survey

    Huws U, O'Regan S | Jun 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Another report from the acclaimed EMERGENCE Project, this pioneering survey tracks, for the first time, the use of eWork across the EU and in the three largest Central and Eastern Europe candidate states. Not only does it show employers' use of ICT to support homeworking and multilocational working, and to relocate work to remote back offices and call centres, it also documents the use of electronically supported outsourcing, the locations involved, and the reasons for their choice.

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    Employers' Views of Postgraduate Physicists

    Jagger N, with Davis S, Lain D, Sinclair E, Sinclair T | Jun 2001 | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    This study was commissioned by the Physics Programme of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The study was intended to examine the views of those who employ postgraduate physicists as to both the quantity and quality of the current provision. In line with previous studies covering postgraduates of other disciplines, special emphasis was put on examining employers' requirements in terms of soft skills.

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    Attracting New Learners: a Literature Review

    Hillage J, Aston J | Jun 2001 | Learning and Skills Development Agency

    This report provides a review of the literature on initiatives to stimulate demand for post-16 learning. Examples of policy and practice initiatives from the UK, America, Europe and Australia are categorised into three broad types: stimulating mass demand, through widespread publicity, provision of advice and guidance or funding and making the provision of learning more flexible; stimulating demand for learning among targeted groups of individuals and communities; and stimulating demand among employees and for work-related learning.

  • A Critical Review of Psychosocial Hazard Measures

    Rick J, Briner R B, Daniels K, Perryman S, Guppy A | Jun 2001 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report focuses on the research tools used to quantify factors causing stress in the workplace. The report identifies existing approaches and looks for evidence of their reliability (do they produce consistent measures) and the validity of their results (do they measure what they are supposed to).

  • The Problem of Minority Performance in Organisations

    Tackey N D, Tamkin P, Sheppard E | May 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This research brief concentrates on one of the key determinants of progression within organisations: the performance management process. It explores the literature on the relationship between ethnicity and performance in order to understand the issues that may contribute to the frequently observed under-performance of minority ethnic employees.

  • Executive Coaching: Inspiring Performance at Work

    Carter A | May 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Executive coaching, largely an import from the US, swept the boardrooms of Europe in the late 90s and early 2000s. It was arguably the 'hot topic' for meeting senior management development needs in many employing organisations. It is a form of tailored work-related development for senior managers which spans business, functional and personal skills. There is more than one significant relationship to consider, ie coach and executive, coach and commissioner, and commissioner and executive. Issues of trust and control emerge in seeking to understand the successful interplay between these various relationships.

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    Straight Talking

    Effective Career Discussion at Work

    Hirsh W, Jackson C, Kidd J M | May 2001 | National Institute of Careers Education and Counselling

    This report summarises research undertaken in a consortium of major UK employers into employees' experience of effective career discussions at work. The research shows the importance of informal discussions about career issues and gives detailed analyses of the skills needed by those giving and receiving such support.

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    The New Deal for Young Unemployed People

    Dewson S, Eccles J | May 2001 | National Council for Voluntary Organisations

    This report presents the findings of a study on the New Deal for Young Unemployed People, commissioned by NCVO. The study's aim was to explore and determine the experiences of young people entering the Voluntary Sector option of the New Deal for 18 to 24 year olds. This publication is no longer available.

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    Equality in Performance Review

    Tamkin P, Cummings J, Hooker H | May 2001 | Cabinet Office

    This report looks at factors affecting performance marks across the Civil Service and was carried out by Capita and IES. Some 180,000 personal records were analysed and 500 people interviewed.