
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Qualitative Evidence from ES and BA Staff: First Phase

    Atkinson J, Dewson S, Kodz J | Dec 2000 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available. New Deal 50 plus was a voluntary programme for unemployed and economically inactive people aged 50 and over, who had been out of work for six months or more. This research was conducted during the spring of 2000, before ND 50 plus was rolled out nationally. It draws on interviews with ES and BA staff in four Pathfinder areas, Dorset, the Black Country, City Pride (Manchester), and Edinburgh East and Midlothian.

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    Flexibility at Work. Balancing the Interests of Employer and Employee

    Reilly P | Oct 2000 | Gower

    Flexibility at Work brings clarity to this misunderstood subject. It will show you how to obtain the business benefits of flexibility through an approach which addresses the needs of both employer and employee. Peter Reilly breaks down flexibility into five different types, from functional through to financial. He introduces a model of how mutual flexibility might be developed and the preconditions necessary to make it successful. Along the way he cites much evidence of how employers are introducing alternative working arrangements that provide benefits to both parties. This publication is no longer available.

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    Skillset National and Regional Consortia Research Toolkit

    Maginn A | Oct 2000 | Skillset

    The Toolkit was written for Skillset national and regional Consortia. Its purpose was to assist staff in those organisations involved in commissioning or using research. This publication is no longer available.

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    Learning from Cross-functional Teamwork

    Kettley P, Hirsh W | Sep 2000 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Cross-functional teams offer employers great potential rewards: their diversity of functional specialities, viewpoints and cultures represent the real 'coalface' of organisational learning and knowledge management. This report provides an understanding of the learning process within such teams and the influence of factors such as: team composition, task allocation, operating principles and values, and the support of the rest of the organisation.

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    Succession Planning Demystified

    Hirsh W | Sep 2000 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report gives an account of how succession planning is conducted and where it fits with other HR processes and business priorities.

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    The Skills Implications of Electronic Retailing

    Tackey N, Hillage J, Jagger N, Bates P | Sep 2000 | Department of Trade and Industry

    The Department for Trade and Industry commissioned IES to assess the education and skills needs of the retailing sector, arising from the development of electronic commerce (e-commerce) over the internet, digital television and other media platforms. The research mapped out the principal industries and supply chain involved, identified the skills required in the retail sector and in the supply chain to participate effectively in e-commerce, and assessed the extent to which skill needs were being met. This publication is no longer available.

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    Reward Strategy: Ten Common Mistakes

    Bevan S | Aug 2000 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper identifies ten of the most common mistakes made by employers as they seek to formulate and implement reward strategy.

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    A Guide to the Current and Future Trends in Administration

    Tyers C | Aug 2000 | The Council for Administration

    An overview of how changes in the way businesses operate have affected, and will continue to affect, the development and execution of the administrative functions within organisations. It also offers practical recommendations about how to adapt to these changes. This publication is no longer available.

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    Employers Skill Survey: Case Study - Food Manufacturing Sector

    Dench S, Hillage J, Reilly P, Kodz J | Aug 2000 | Department for Education and Employment

    The Secretary of State for Education and Employment established the Skills Task Force to assist him in developing a National Skills Agenda. An important part of this remit was to provide evidence on the nature, extent and pattern of skill needs and shortages, and their likely future development. A substantial amount of the evidence came from a major programme of new research which looked at the extent, causes and implications of skill deficiencies. This is one of nine reports, with case study examples from the sector.

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    Employers Skill Survey: Case Study - Local and Central Government

    Tamkin P, Hirsh W, Hillage J | Aug 2000 | Department for Education and Employment

    The Secretary of State for Education and Employment established the Skills Task Force to assist him in developing a National Skills Agenda. An important part of this remit was to provide evidence on the nature, extent and pattern of skill needs and shortages, and their likely future development. A substantial amount of the evidence came from a major programme of new research which looked at the extent, causes and implications of skill deficiencies. This is one of nine reports, with case study examples from the sector.