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Workplace Consultation on Health and Safety
Hillage J, Kersley B, Bates P, Rick J | May 2000 | Health and Safety ExecutiveThe Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reviewed the regulations on health and safety consultation and representation arrangements. To support the review it commissioned IES to examine: awareness about the requirements for consultation on health and safety among employers, safety representatives and employees; the process of consultation; the forms of consultation about health and safety in the absence of trade union appointed/elected employee representatives; the impact of consultation and representation on employers' approaches to the management of health and safety; and the extent to which employers do not consult employees and why.
Learning from Employee Development Schemes
Lee C | May 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis brief has been produced following interest expressed by IES members in the subject of employee development schemes. The increasing popularity and diversity of employee development initiatives appears to have generated a demand for a review and clarification of the current state of play in this area. This brief provides such a review by evaluating the available literature including examples of company practice.
Stepping Stones
An evaluation of foyers and other schemes serving the housing and labour market needs of young people
Maginn A, Frew R, O'Regan S, Kodz J | May 2000 | Department of the Environment, Transport and the RegionsThe most high profile aspect of provision to meet young people’s accommodation, training and employment needs in the 1990s was the introduction, and expansion of, Foyer schemes. These were designed to support young people’s transition to independence by improving their employability and ability to secure and retain their own accommodation. This is the report of a study comparing Foyer with other schemes which had broadly similar aims and served similar client groups. This publication is no longer available.
Skills for a Competitive Future
A survey for the Pharmaceutical Industry National Training Organisation
Jagger N, Aston J | Apr 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis study examined skills, recruitment and training issues covering the whole pharmaceutical industry. The 'Skills for a Competitive Future' survey was commissioned by the Pharmaceutical Industry National Training Organisation (PhINTO) as part of its remit to assess and improve skills and training in the industry.
Adult Learning in England: a Review
Hillage J, Uden T, Aldridge F, Eccles J | Apr 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis review of adult learning policy and provision in England as at the end of the 20th century, summarises the state of adult learning in terms of the institutional arrangements and policies, the extent of participation and factors influencing funding, the main issues facing policy-makers and the policies they have adopted and that are planned. It was prepared as a Background Report for the OECD's review of adult learning in a range of industrialised countries.
New Deal for Long Term Unemployed People
Case Studies to Evaluate the Pilots
Atkinson J, Barr J, Blanden J, Dewson S, Walsh K | Feb 2000 | Employment ServiceThis study by IES for the Employment Service, evaluated eight pilots for the New Deal for Long Term Unemployed People, after one year of operation. It reviewed local partner relations, attitudes of the long-term unemployed and drop-out rates, employer attitudes and innovations. This publication is no longer available.
Employee Returns: Linking HR Performance Indicators to Business Strategy
Carter A, Robinson D | Feb 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThis practical guide demonstrates how, through analysis and linking to organisational strategy and business objectives, together with careful targeting of comparative measures, measurement can help raise the profile of HR within an organisation.
The IES Annual Graduate Review, 2000
A diverse and fragmented market
Pearson R, Aston J, Bates P, Jagger N | Feb 2000 | Institute for Employment StudiesThe IES Annual Graduate Review provides the latest information on trends and assessments of future prospects for the graduate labour market. It includes key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes influencing student demand, the changing characteristics of the student population, and graduates' experiences in a more diverse labour market.
Learning in Later Life: Motivation and Impact
Dench S, Regan J | Jan 2000 | Department for Education and EmploymentThe Department for Education and Employment commissioned this study from IES to explore the impact of learning on older people, in terms of social and community activity and involvement. The study also provides information on patterns and characteristics of learning among a sample of people aged between 50 and 71, their motivations for learning, reasons for not learning, barriers to learning and other aspects of their lives.
Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 2000
Jagger N, Blanden J, Regan J | Dec 1999 | Association of Graduate RecruitersThis publication is no longer available.