
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1998

    Perryman S, La Valle I | Nov 1997 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Individual Commitment to Learning: Motivation and Rewards

    Tamkin P, Hillage J | Nov 1997 | Department for Education and Employment

    This study focuses on the benefits of learning both to the individual and to the organisation. If the returns to learning were clearly understood by employers and others, would more learning accrue? This publication is no longer available.

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    What do Graduates do Next?

    Connor H, La Valle I, Pollard E, Millmore B | Nov 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the results of the second follow-up of graduates, undertaken in 1997 by IES and the Careers Development Unit of the University of Sussex, covering almost 600 of the graduates who responded to the initial 1995 survey. The study gives further insight into career development and progress in the labour market up to six years after graduation, and shows the extent of change over the last two years in occupation, salaries, types of contract and employment sectors.

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    Enrolled Nurses: a study for the UKCC

    Seccombe I, Smith G, Buchan J, Ball J | Nov 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Despite recent decline in the numbers of enrolled nurses, they are likely to remain a significant element of the NHS nursing workforce for some time. This report examines issues surrounding the employment of these second-level registrants, their careers and deployment. It points to future problems of under-utilisation of enrolled nurses, and reducing career opportunities. The pressures to convert to first level registration are increasing, but barriers, mostly relating to funding, persist. Reductions in the availability of conversion course places may be both premature and unwise.

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    Flexibility and Security: towards a new European balance

    Huws U | Nov 1997 | Citizen's Income Study Centre

    As we move into the global Information Society, a profound restructuring of work is taking place across Europe. New, flexible forms of employment offer both opportunities and threats. Whilst they open up new possibilities for groups previously disadvantaged in the labour market, they also create new forms of insecurity for those who used to think they had a permanent, full-time job for life. This publication is no longer available.

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    The evaluation of active labour market measures for the long-term unemployed

    Meager N, Evans C | Nov 1997 | International Labour Organization

    This paper gives a summary overview of the results of about 100 evaluation studies of active labour market programmes in the 1990s from OECD member countries. It also summarises the main evaluation methods used and their advantages and drawbacks. In particular the advantages of 'target oriented' rather than 'programme oriented' evaluation research for policy makers are shown.

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    Keeping the Best: A Practical Guide to Retaining Key Employees

    Bevan S, Barber L, Robinson D  | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Rather than panic and throw money at the problem, it is important that employers adopt more considered and targeted approaches to keeping their best employees. This practical guide demonstrates that, through careful risk analysis and targeting of retention measures, losses of key people can be both predicted and prevented. The guide includes turnover costs checklist, retention risk analysis, and exit interview questionnaire.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1997-1998

    The Fragmenting Graduate Market

    Pearson R, Perryman S, Connor H, Jagger N, La Valle I | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The IES Annual Graduate Review included key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes influencing the HE experience, the changing characteristics of the student population, and graduates’ experiences in a more diverse labour market. In 1997-1998 special attention was given to the implications of the Dearing Inquiry for graduate employment and graduate recruiters. This publication is no longer available.

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    Accountants With Attitude

    A Career Survey of Women and Men in the Profession

    Jackson C, Hayday S | Oct 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the results of a national survey of the career attitudes of female and male accountants. The survey was commissioned by Women in Accountancy to ascertain the views of professionally qualified accountants from all six CCAB bodies towards their current and future careers. As the number of women entering the accountancy profession increases, the survey identifies similarities and differences in the career experiences of women and men, and key HR challenges facing the profession. The report aims to stimulate debate about how careers in accountancy might develop in the future.

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    Exchanging Skills in Sales and Marketing

    Kodz J, Atkinson J, Perryman S | Sep 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Part of the Department for Education and Employment Skills Review Programme, exploring current and future skill requirements in key occupations, this study of sales and marketing occupations was based on 17 in-depth interviews examining developments in these occupations.