
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Outsourcing: a Flexible Option for the Future?

    Reilly P, Tamkin P | Dec 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report was published at a time of continuing employer appetite for flexible work arrangements, set against a background of legal and political uncertainty. It sets out arguments for and against outsourcing, and emphasises the need for careful evaluation of the benefits to be found, and the risks involved. This publication is no longer available.

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    Trading Skills for Sales Assistants

    Dench S, Perryman S, Kodz J | Dec 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This qualitative study of sales assistants in the retail industry looks at the culture and competitive strengths in retailing, and the nature and impact of change in the industry. From this background the report explores employers' skills requirements and how they are changing. The study also addresses recruitment, and the assessment of whether individuals have the skills and abilities needed.

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    Personal Feedback: Cases in Point

    Kettley P | Dec 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Multi-source feedback, often called 360 degree review, is the process by which an individual manager receives personal feedback from more than one source (eg subordinates, peers, line manager and customers). This study examines the practical application of various forms of multi-source feedback in eight case study organisations including: the Post Office, BAA, Mercury Communications, Yorkshire Water, BT, and BP.

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    Mapping Provision

    The Provision of and Participation in Further Education by Students with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities

    Meager N | Dec 1996 | The Further Education Funding Council / The Stationery Office

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1996

    La Valle I, Jagger N, Perryman S | Nov 1996 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1997

    La Valle I, Perryman S | Nov 1996 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Employers, Recruitment and the Unemployed

    Atkinson J, Giles L, Meager N | Nov 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How do employers regard the unemployed jobseeker? Do they treat unemployed applicants any differently from employed ones? As the duration of unemployment rises, do long term unemployed applicants face extra barriers to landing a job? This research answers these questions by evaluating employers' attitudes towards, recruitment of, and rejection of, unemployed jobseekers. It is concerned with both the long term unemployed and unemployed people in general. It draws on a representative sample of 800 UK employers, investigated by telephone survey and face-to-face interview.

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    Pre-16 Work Experience in England and Wales

    Hillage J, Honey S, Kodz J, Pike G | Oct 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study, carried out for the Department for Education and Employment, was the first comprehensive analysis of where young people go when they complete work experience, what they do, and how it is organised. It is based on a national survey of work experience co-ordinators, supplemented by detailed case studies in six parts of the country.

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    Leaving Employment Early

    Dench S, Norton R | Oct 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This is a survey of people taking early retirement from seven large employers, all of which were going through major programmes of change and reductions in employee numbers. The report investigates their attitudes towards early retirement, and their attachment to and subsequent experiences in the labour market. It explores their financial situation, the types of advice and support available to them, and the adequacy of these.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1996-1997

    La Valle I, Jagger N, Connor H, Rawlinson S | Oct 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Since 1984 the IES Graduate Review provided the latest information on trends in higher education and the graduate labour market.The Review included key facts and figures on the main changes influencing the higher education experience, the changing...