
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    The Out-of-School Childcare Grant Initiative: a second evaluation

    O'Brien M, Dench S | Jun 1996 | Department for Education and Employment

    The Social Survey Division of The Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, together with IES, were commissioned by the then Department of Employment to undertake an evaluation of the Out of School Childcare Grant Initiative in England and Wales. This publication is no longer available.

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    Managing Careers in 2000 and Beyond

    Jackson C, Arnold J, Nicholson N, Watts A G | May 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report reviews the profound changes happening to careers as a result of far-reaching revolutionary forces affecting labour markets, employment structures, organisational practice and educational provision. The report is the product of an ESRC-funded seminar series, bringing together leading scholars and practitioners to provide a state-of-the-art assessment of current knowledge about careers, and a state-of-the-nation review of trends in career development practice and support.

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    Strategies for Career Development: Promise, Practice and Pretence

    Hirsh W, Jackson C with Tamkin P, Kettley P, Jackson C | May 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Successful career development practice is designed to give an organisation competitive advantage in attracting, retaining and developing the best people. By looking at policy and practice in the area of career development, this study aims to get behind the 'rhetoric' and to set out an agenda for the future.

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    The Target for Higher Level Skills in an International Context

    Jagger N, Morris S, Pearson R | Apr 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The study examined the appropriateness of the Higher Level Skills Lifetime Learning Target which stated that 30 per cent of the working population should be qualified to NVQ Level 4 and above by the year 2000. The study compared the position in seven competitor countries with the situation in the UK, using comparable data on their economies, demographics and output at NVQ Level 4 and above. Countries covered were: Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the USA. This publication is no longer available.

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    Further Education: an Employer’s Factfile

    Rawlinson S | Mar 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This IES brief for employers was produced under the auspices of the IES Research Club. It provides companies with some key facts about the further education sector and its increasingly important role in recruitment, training and career development. It also outlines the substantial changes that are taking place in the development and delivery of qualifications. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Recruitment and Retention of People with Disabilities

    Dench S, Meager N, Morris S | Feb 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report updates a previous IES study, exploring employers' policies, practices and attitudes towards the employment of people with disabilities. The study examines employers' perceptions of the employability of people with various disabilities, and the extent to which they are prepared to accommodate disabled employees.

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    Competence Based Management Training

    Competence-Based Management Training

    Strebler M T, Bevan S | Feb 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In seeking to achieve their business goals, many organisations have recognised that investing in the development of their managerial capability is essential. This report looks at one route to this goal: Competence-Based Management Training. It examines what CBMT is, how organisations are using it and why, and what impact it has had on their business and on their traditional approaches to management development. Drawing on evidence from a survey and case studies conducted among large employers, this report seeks to contribute to the continuing debate about the use and assessment of competences for business success.

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    Developing Responsiveness

    College-Employer Interaction

    Rawlinson S, Connor H | Jan 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This publication is no longer available. IES investigated the nature of interaction between colleges and employers, and the factors promoting or inhibiting success. The study was commissioned jointly by the Further Education Funding Council, the Council for Industry and Higher Education, and the Department for Education and Employment. The work was carried out during 1995 and involved interviews with 75 employers, five TECs, and staff and students from 19 colleges. This report presents the findings, and provides a functional model for the management and development of college interaction with employers.

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    Review of Engineering Training Provision

    Connor H, Dench S, Rawlinson S | Jan 1996 | Engineering Training Authority

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Contemporary Issues in Industrial Relations: Implications for WIRS

    Atkinson J, Hillage J, Thompson M | Dec 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This publication is no longer available.