
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Working for a Better Future. Sussex Labour Market Report

    Williams M, Maginn A, Tackey N D | Dec 1995 | Sussex Chamber of Commerce Training and Enterprise

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Employers’ Use of the NVQ System

    Spilsbury M, Moralee J, Evans C | Nov 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This publication is no longer available. In this study, IES revisited its 1993 study of the take-up and use of National Vocational Qualifications to examine progress, involving a survey of 758 employers across England and Wales. It examined the influences of size, ownership and sector on employers’ use of NVQs, their understanding of them, and penetration of NVQs in those employers that do use them.

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    LMI for Further Education: Local and Regional Perspectives

    Maginn A, Kodz J, Meager N | Nov 1995 | Government Office for the South East

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Skills Requirements and Priorities in the Environmental Sciences

    Court G, Jagger N, Moralee J | Oct 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report assesses the labour market for environmental scientists with postgraduate qualifications. It looks first at trends in the number of individuals leaving university with qualifications in the environmental sciences and the kinds of work they do. This publication is no longer available.

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    Winners and Losers

    Funding Issues for the Training of People with Special Training Needs

    Meager N | Oct 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This publication highlights genuine concern felt by TECs and voluntary organisations in the delivery of training provision for those with special training needs. It is the first substantive piece of work to demonstrate the impact of changes in the publicly funded training market on the volume and quality of provision for STN groups and others at disadvantage in the training market. This publication is no longer available.

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    Women in the Labour Market

    Two Decades of Change and Continuity

    Court G | Sep 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report summarises the main trends and issues in women's employment in the two decades up to 1995. It provide information on economic activity, full-time and part-time work, industrial and occupational change, pay and women's educational attainment. This is followed by a discussion on the extent to which women remained at a disadvantage in the labour market.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1995-1996

    Court G, Jagger N, Connor H | Aug 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The 1995-1996 Review looked at the characteristics of the student population, the changing context for higher education, and graduate employment prospects. It outlined major issues in graduate recruitment, and included information on what graduates do when they leave university and the kinds of jobs they enter. This publication is no longer available.

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    Evaluation of Investors in People in England and Wales, 1994-1995

    Spilsbury M, Moralee J, Hillage J, Frost D | Jul 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This publication is no longer available. IES was commissioned to undertake a longitudinal evaluation of the Investors initiative. This report gives evidence arising from the second sweep of the research. It examines employers’ involvement with Investors, training and development, the workforce, business performance and the impact of Investors in People.

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    Careers in Organisations: Issues for the Future

    Hirsh W, Jackson C, Jackson C | Jun 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Drawing on a series of 12 one-day workshops run for IES subscriber organisations, with a total of over 150 participants from 65 different organisations, this report set out to review the career issues that organisations were facing in the mid 1990s and to provide a perspective on how organisations could develop their career management strategies for the future. This publication is no longer available.

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    Is Flatter Better? Delayering the Management Hierarchy

    Kettley P | Jun 1995 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Central to the new model of organisation in the 1990s was a flatter structure, achieved by a reduction in the number of layers in the management hierarchy. Such a structure became synonymous in popular management theory with bureaucracy busting, faster decision making, shorter communication paths, stimulating local innovation and a high involvement style of management.