
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Teleworking and Rural Development

    Huws U, Honey S, Morris S | Oct 1996 | Rural Development Commission

    This report examines the geographical distribution of various forms of teleworking, and differentiates between 'prosperous rural' and 'peripheral rural' areas on grounds of accessibility, income levels and local economies. The impacts and opportunities of various forms of teleworking on rural areas are assessed, including the kinds of infrastructure, training and marketing support that will be required. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Return on Investors

    Hillage J, Moralee J | Sep 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the key findings from three annual studies based on comparisons of employers involved and not involved in Investors in People. It looks at why employers get involved with Investors, the issues surrounding meeting the standard, the effect on employer training and management practice and the impact on business performance.

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    Teleworking and Gender

    Huws U, Podro S, Gunnarsson E, Weijers T, Arvanitaki K, Trova V | Sep 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Teleworking is becoming an increasingly important part of working life. But does it makes a positive or a negative contribution to sexual equality? Ursula Huws has been studying teleworking for nearly two decades. Here, she and her colleagues review the evidence and present the results of a unique survey which, for the first time, compares the experiences of male and female teleworkers from the same occupational group.

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    Health Surveillance in Great Britain

    Honey S, Hillage J, Patch A, Morris S | Sep 1996 | Health and Safety Executive

    This study on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive aimed to provide a comprehensive picture of health surveillance carried out by employers in Britain. Health surveillance is the collective term used for a range of procedures designed principally to protect the health of individual employees by identifying the occurence of work-related diseases as early as possible.

  • Ethnic Minority Graduates: Differences by Degrees

    Connor H, La Valle I, Tackey N D, Perryman S | Aug 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Participation in higher education by students from ethnic minorities has been increasing steadily over the past decade, and they now represent almost one in eight of all UK students. Very little is known about their employment outcomes. In particular, does the increased participation of ethnic minorities in higher education translate into an improved position for them in the labour market? To answer some of these questions, the Department for Education and Skills commissioned this exploratory study to compare the employment experiences of graduates from different ethnic groups.

  • Human Resource Planning: an Introduction

    Reilly P | Aug 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report investigates the changing context of human resource planning in a more turbulent world. It considers what role it may play in future and under what circumstances. It also illustrates the uses of human resource planning, not through detailing techniques, but by practical examples. The work is based on interviews with human resource planning practitioners, a literature review and IES consultancy experience.

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    A New Deal for Secretaries?

    La Valle I, Giles L, Perryman S | Aug 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The study is the first part of the Department for Education and Employment's Skills Review Programme to explore current and future skill requirements in eight key occupations in Britain. The secretarial study has involved collecting information from 20 large organisations in a range of business sectors.

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    University Challenge: Student Choices in the 21st Century

    A report to the CVCP

    Connor H, Pearson R, Court G, Jagger N | Jul 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is about student numbers at UK universities in the mid 1990s, and the choices and challenges for the universities as they moved into the 21st century. It presents the findings of a study commissioned by the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of UK universities (later Universities UK) in 1995, on student trends, diversity and likely future growth in demand for higher education, and the factors influencing them. This publication is no longer available.

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    What do Graduates Really do?

    Connor H, Pollard E | Jun 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report aimed to find out what graduates really did in the first few years after their degree studies, in terms of their employment outcomes and career paths, to help current and prospective students make better decisions about career plans and provide beneficial feedback to universities. This report presents the findings of a larger scale follow-up survey of graduates from the University of Sussex in 1991-1993. This publication is no longer available.

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    Temporary Work and the Labour Market

    Atkinson J, Rick J, Morris S, Williams M | Jun 1996 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report examines the considerable variation that exists in the way employers recruit temporary workers, and their perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the intermediary bodies involved. The occupational and other characteristics of this group of employees are explored, as well as the critical issues affecting the prospects for jobseekers in making the transition from temporary to permanent employment.