
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Work Trials Employers Study

    Atkinson J, Kodz J, Tackey N D, Barber L, O'Regan S | Sep 1997 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Productive Skills for Process Operatives

    Giles L, Kodz J, Evans C | Jul 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study of process operatives examines the developments in processing work in 20 organisations within the chemical, and food and drink processing industries. The study is fourth in a series exploring employers' skill requirements and how these are changing, in eight key occupations.

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    Career Paths of Visual Artists

    Honey S, Heron P, Jackson C | Jul 1997 | The Arts Council of England

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Stress: Big Issue, but what are the Problems?

    Rick J, Hillage J, Honey S, Perryman S | Jun 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report draws together evidence from the literature and from a number of case study organisations to examine the good practice principles underlying the effective management of work based problems. It moves away from traditional and sometimes vague concepts of stress and stress management, to propose a pragmatic, problem solving framework.

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    Virtually Free

    Huws U, Gunnarsson E | Jun 1997 | Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development

    This publication is no longer available.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1997 Summer Update

    Perryman S, La Valle I | May 1997 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    From Admin to Strategy: the Changing Face of the HR Function

    Tamkin P, Barber L, Dench S | May 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report brings together findings from a number of sources (the literature, a series of case studies and consultancy work with organisations) to examine the reality of how the HR function has had to change itself in helping organisations deal with change.

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    Getting the Best out of your Competencies

    Strebler M T, Robinson D, Heron P | May 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report draws on the experiences of eight leading employers at different stages in their use of competencies. The practices of the five organisations using competencies for the performance review of their managers have been evaluated in detail by seeking feedback from nearly two hundred employees.

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    HR Information Systems: Stand and Deliver

    Robinson, D | May 1997 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Despite attractive presentation, computerised HR systems have never quite become the management tool they promised to be. HR practitioners are left wondering whether the huge effort of implementation was worthwhile. This study examines the experience of six large organisations, and draws on survey results to show the wider picture. Suppliers, too, offer their perspective.

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    Working for Your Health: A Survey of NHS Trust Staff

    Bevan S | May 1997 | Health Education Authority

    This report presents the findings from staff surveys in the 14 NHS trusts who participated in a Health Education Authority (HEA) study of the Health at Work in the NHS (HAWNHS) initiative. The surveys were all conducted in the first seven months of 1995 and formed part of a wider study to evaluate and monitor the impact of the HAWNHS initiative.