
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Baseline Survey of the Measures in Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Relating to the Provision of Goods and Services

    Meager N, Evans C, Tackey N D, Williams M | Apr 1999 | Department for Education and Employment

    This report provides detailed information about establishments covered by the DDA's provisions on access to goods and services, and the changes establishments have made and intend to make to serve their disabled customers better.

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    Monitoring the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995

    Meager N, Doyle B, Evans C, Kersley B, Williams M, O'Regan S, Tackey N D | Apr 1999 | Department for Education and Employment

    This report presents the findings of a study monitoring cases taken during the first 19 months of implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), throughout the UK.

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    The New Deal Gateway: A Labour Market Assessment

    Walsh K, Atkinson J, Barry J | Apr 1999 | Employment Service

    This is a short, focused study examining the issues behind the coexistence of notified vacancies and unemployed young people on New Deal's Gateway in the Birmingham labour market. This publication is no longer available.

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    Supporting Skills for Care Workers

    Dench S, La Valle I, Evans C | Feb 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the findings of an in-depth exploration of the skills required to work in childcare and eldercare. These occupations are frequently seen as requiring little real skill, and it has been argued that the skills needed basically come naturally, especially to women. Our study challenges this view and shows that both looking after children and older people require a body of skill and knowledge which is changing and becoming more complex.

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    Reviewing Attendance in the NHS

    Causes of absence and discussion of management strategies

    Bevan S, Heron P | Feb 1999 | Health Education Authority

    IES carried out an evaluation of workplace health in the NHS in 1995 which collected data from employees in 14 NHS Trusts. Subsequent reanalysis of the data, coupled with a comprehensive review of the academic literature on sickness absence, has resulted in a series of findings about the common causes of sickness absence which lead, in turn, onto discussion about the management strategies most likely to reduce it.

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    The New Deal for Young Unemployed People: A Summary of Progress

    Atkinson J | Jan 1999 | Employment Service

    The New Deal for young unemployed people was a key element in the Government's Welfare to Work strategy. It aimed to help young people who had been unemployed and claiming Jobseeker's Allowance for six months or more to find work and to improve their longer term employability. This report summarises the development of the programme in November 1998, eight months after its national roll-out. This publication is no longer available.

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    Skills and Training Needs in West London's Food Manufacturing Sector

    Dench S | Jan 1999 | West London TEC and Centre for Food Policy, Thames Valley University

    This Briefing Paper was part of a series on the food economy in West London which came from a three year collaborative project between the Centre for Food Policy at Thames Valley University and West London TEC. The 'Food Excellence Programme' aimed to enhance the understanding of the food sector's opportunities and constraints, and to enable organisations to refine their services for local companies and businesses. This publication is no longer available.

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    The IES Annual Graduate Review, 1998-1999

    The Key Facts

    Pearson R, Perryman S, Connor H, Jagger N, Aston J | Dec 1998 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The IES Annual Graduate Review provides the latest information on trends and assessments of future prospects for the graduate labour market. It includes key facts, figures and commentary on the main changes influencing student demand, the changing characteristics of the student population, and graduates’ experiences in a more diverse labour market. This publication is no longer available.

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    Teleworking and Local Government: assessing the costs and benefits

    Huws U | Dec 1998 | Local Government Management Board

    Teleworking is complex but is rapidly becoming more commonplace. Local authorities require a basis on which to examine whether or not a business case can be made for its development. Drawing on the experience of local authorities to date and available research literature, this report provides a checklist of the main issues for local authorities wishing to assess the costs and benefits of teleworking. This publication is no longer available.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1999

    Perryman S, Jagger N | Nov 1998 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.