
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    On the Agenda: Changing Nurses’ Careers in 1999

    Robinson D, Buchan J, Hayday S | Sep 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report used evidence from a survey of 6,000 registered nurses, and showed that nurses have a high level of commitment to their profession and to their own continuing development. This publication is no longer available.

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    On the Agenda: Changing Nurses’ Careers in 1999. A Summary

    Robinson D, Buchan J, Hayday S | Sep 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report used evidence from a survey of 6,000 registered nurses, and showed that nurses have a high level of commitment to their profession and to their own continuing development. The NHS was facing the challenge of meeting the career aspirations of nurses whose commitment was being challenged by increasing workload pressures. This publication is no longer available.

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    Family-friendly Employment: the business case

    Bevan S, Dench S, Tamkin P, Cummings J | Sep 1999 | Department for Education and Employment

    An important theme in current and emerging government policy is the importance of practices that allow individuals to combine employment and caring responsibilities. These 'family-friendly' practices also have direct and measurable business benefits: reduced casual sickness absence, improved retention, productivity and recruitment, and improved morale and commitment. Recognising these benefits can help overcome the fears in small to medium sized enterprises that family-friendly policies are costly, impractical or a threat to stability. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Human Resource Planning Audit

    a self-assessment audit to analyse, estimate and plan the supply and demand of your organisation’s human resources

    Reilly P | Sep 1999 | Cambridge Strategy Publications

    Estimating your future workforce requirements is an inexact science. But a number of different techniques exist to help you do this, as well as to calculate the state of the labour market in the short to medium-term - and assess any problems or implications that result. This audit will help ensure that you have reliable monitoring and planning systems in place, so that implications for strategic and cost planning can quickly and easily be assessed.

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    Virtually There: The Evolution of Call Centres

    Huws U | Aug 1999 | Mitel

    The virtual call centre opens up many opportunities for flexible management of variable workloads, including facilitating the transfer of work to other time-zones, outsourcing or the use of teleworkers. It is the potential for teleworking in call centre work that forms the main focus of this study. This publication is no longer available.

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    The Fifties Revival

    Kodz J, Kersley B, Bates P | Jul 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study, funded by the IES Research Club, was based on analysis of the literature and secondary data on the demographic and labour market characteristics of the older workforce, as well as interviews with five leading employers from a range of sectors, and a one-day workshop with IES Corporate Members. The aim of the interviews and the workshop was to draw out the implications of the secondary data analysis for HR policy and practice.

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    Graduates Mean Business

    Tackey N D, Perryman S | Jun 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report focuses attention, among other things, on the support various stakeholders in higher education provide for students considering self-employment.

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    Teleworking and Globalisation

    Huws U, Jagger N, O'Regan S | Jun 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Drawing on extensive experience and comprehensive data analysis, IES researchers have developed an innovative new approach, making it possible for the first time to compare trends in teleworking and identify which countries are successfully attracting the new jobs, and which risk losing employment. This allows policy-makers to identify risks and opportunities and identify both competitors and potential collaborators.

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    Graduate Salaries and Vacancies 1999 Summer Update Survey

    Jagger N, Aston J | May 1999 | Association of Graduate Recruiters

    This publication is no longer available.

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    From People to Profits

    The HR link in the service-profit chain

    Barber L, Hayday S, Bevan S | May 1999 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the results of the most detailed UK work yet to explore how employee attitudes and behaviour can improve customer retention and, as a consequence, company sales performance. It presents compelling data to demonstrate these links, highlights the 'Attitude Chain' model which underpins it, and highlights how other businesses can take this work forward in their own markets.