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  • Statistical Indicators of eWork

    Huws U | Nov 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This discussion paper arises from the EMERGENCE project, which, with core funding from the European Commission's Information Society Technologies Programme, aims to measure and map ICT-related employment relocation at a global level. It discusses the value and relevance of monitoring eWork, and the difficulties with existing classification systems. This paper draws on two earlier outputs from the project (a global review and analysis of existing literature and statistics, and an 18-country survey of employers' use of eWork) to discuss the implications of the results for the identification and capture of statistical indicators of eWork. The paper makes recommendations for future collection and analysis of statistics on the information economy.

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    Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Qualitative Evidence from Clients: Third phase

    Aston J, Willison R, Kodz J | Nov 2001 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available. This research was based on 30 in-depth interviews with participants of the programme. It follows two earlier phases of qualitative research and its aim was to evaluate the longer term outcomes of the programme. All respondents had also participated in at least one of these two previous phases of the research.

  • Women in ITEC Courses and Careers

    Millar J, Jagger N | Oct 2001 | Department for Education and Skills

    This report represents the first systematic review and analysis of the participation of women in Information Technology, Electronics and Communications (ITEC)-related courses and careers internationally. The project focused on six countries: the UK, the US, Canada, Ireland, Taiwan and Spain. It drew on an evidence base of empirical data, literature and insights from interviews with key informants in the selected countries.

  • Right Choice?

    A follow-up to 'Making the Right Choice'

    Connor H, Pearson R, Pollard E, Tyers C, Willison R | Oct 2001 | Universities UK

    In 1999 IES reported on a large-scale national study on student choice and decision making about higher education: 'Making the Right Choice'. Two and half years on, the 1998/99 survey participants were re-contacted by IES to find out how their earlier choices had worked out and, with the benefit of hindsight, what improvements they felt could be made to the information and guidance provided to potential students.

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    Developing Good Practice in New Deal in Colleges

    Ratcliffe M, Atkinson J, Burgess C, Cartner N | Oct 2001 | Learning and Skills Development Agency

    New Deal is a test of providers’ ability to respond flexibly and effectively to the needs of individuals who are disengaged from the learning process. These guidelines show what can be done to develop and improve the quality of the full-time education and training (FTET) option within the New Deal for 18-24 year olds. They identify features of high quality provision and principles of effective delivery,together with case studies and suggestions for further improving practice. These guidelines aim to assist providers of FTET New Deal programmes and the partners with which they work, to share and develop good practice.

  • Costing Sickness Absence in the UK

    Bevan S, Hayday S | Sep 2001 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Despite growing concern over sickness absence, organisations appear fundamentally ill equipped to form a comprehensive view of their absence costs. The most usual method of estimation uses only the basic salary of the absent employee, and neglects other significant aspects such as salary oncosts, overtime, payments to replacement workers, and all management costs from both line management or HR functions. This applies even to 'leading edge' UK employers who have the most sophisticated information systems.

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    Developing the University for Industry Concept - An Evaluation of ADAPT Round 3 Projects

    Hillage J, Atkinson J, Barry J, Dewson S, Stevens M, Walsh K, Kettley P | Sep 2001 | Department for Education and Skills

    This study examines the impact of a series of development projects funded by the ESF-sponsored ADAPT Initiative on the development of the University for Industry concept in the UK. While the Ufi policy was being developed, organisations were encouraged to submit proposals for the final round of ADAPT funding for projects which both met the aims of the ADAPT Initiative and would contribute to developing Ufi-related policy. This study tracks the development of ten of the successful projects and examines their policy contribution in terms of the outcomes of the projects themselves and the factors affecting their achievement and the implications for Ufi/learndirect and the processes in place for these lessons to be communicated. This is the main report on the findings; the case studies are published in a separate report (ref RR305).

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    Developing the University for Industry Concept - An Evaluation of ADAPT Round 3 Projects, Case Studies

    Hillage J, Atkinson J, Barry J, Dewson S, Stevens M, Walsh K, Kettley P | Sep 2001 | Department for Education and Skills

    This study examines the impact of a series of development projects funded by the ESF-sponsored ADAPT Initiative on the development of the University for Industry concept in the UK. While the Ufi policy was being developed, organisations were encouraged to submit proposals for the final round of ADAPT funding for projects which both met the aims of the ADAPT Initiative and would contribute to developing Ufi-related policy. This study tracks the development of ten of the successful projects and examines their policy contribution in terms of the outcomes of the projects themselves and the factors affecting their achievement and the implications for Ufi/learndirect and the processes in place for these lessons to be communicated. These are the case studies; the overall findings are published in a separate report (ref RR304).

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    Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Research with Individuals (Wave 1)

    Atkinson J, Dewson S | Sep 2001 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available. This report presents the results of the first representative survey (1,023 face to face interviews nationally) of New Deal 50 plus participants which was carried out in September 2000. The survey has explored the key elements of the programme with participants, including their entry routes on to the programme, their experiences of caseloading and the New Deal Personal Adviser (NDPA) service, the Employment Credit and the Training Grant.

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    Evaluation of New Deal 50 plus - Research with Individuals (Wave 2)

    Atkinson J | Sep 2001 | Employment Service

    This publication is no longer available. This report presents findings of a telephone survey of 503 participants in New Deal 50 plus undertaken in February 2001. Half the respondents (the re-contacts) had taken part in a survey six months previously, and were now being followed up; the other half (the new contacts) had joined the programme during those six months.