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Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships: Skills, Utilisation and Progression
Kodz J, Tackey N D, Pollard E, Dench S, Tyers C, Dewson S | Research Report RR204 | Department for Education and Employment | Jun 2000
This is the report of a study to explore outcomes and progression from Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships.The main aims of the research were to gain a better understanding about:
- the range of possibilities open to young people after they have completed an MA or NTr
- the skills that employers want from their young apprentices and how they utilise those skills
- the extent to which there is an inter-relationship between the work-based route and possible progression to higher qualifications and/or higher education
- existing good practice which has wider application and could be replicated across industries or organisations.
The research approach comprised in-depth case studies in six occupational sectors.