Jim Hillage
Director, Employment Policy Research
+44(0)1273 763 400
Jim Hillage, MBE, BA (Cantab.), MSc (LSE), currently leads the Institute's work on UK public policy, including research into unemployment, work-related welfare, education and training, health work and well-being and employment relations.
He is able to draw on 40 years' experience of researching into labour markets and employment policy and evaluating the direct and indirect impact of a range of policy interventions on employers, individuals and intermediaries. In 2007 Birthday Honours he was awarded the MBE for services to skills and training.
Jim has led many national evaluations including the Employer Training Pilots, Train to Gain, Activity and Learning Agreements, the Fit Note, the Fit for Work service pilots the University for Industry, Investors in People and the Learner Support Fund. He has also conducted studies for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills and the Departments for Education, Work and Pensions and Business, Innovation and Skills and others on employability, young people and the labour market, information advice and guidance, student finance, higher education, workplace learning and employers' skill needs.
1979 |
London School of Economics |
MSc, Industrial Relations and Personnel Management |
1978 |
University of Cambridge |
MA, Economics, Social and Political Science |
2018 |
Director, Employment Policy Research |
2016-2018 |
Principal Associate, Institute for Employment Studies |
2004-2016 |
Director of Research, Institute for Employment Studies |
1999‑2004 |
Associate Director, Institute for Employment Studies |
1993‑1999 |
Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies |
1991‑1993 |
Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies |
1989‑1991 |
Editorial Development Manager, Industrial Relations Services |
1986‑1989 |
Editor: Pay and Benefits Bulletin, Industrial Relations Services |
Research publications
- Evaluation of the 18-21 Work Skills Pilot 1, Newton B, Hillage J, Buzzeo J, , Department for Education, Sep 2018
- Fit for Work: Scoping the feasibility of an impact evaluation, Gonzalez Carreras F J, Speckesser S, Hillage J, , Department for Work and Pensions, Jun 2018
- Student income and expenditure survey 2014 to 2015: English report, Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W, , Department for Education (DfE), Mar 2018
- Appraisal of the Right to Request Time to Train Regulations, , Department for Education, Oct 2017
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2014/15: Welsh-domiciled students, Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W, , Welsh Government, Jun 2017
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2014/15: Welsh-domiciled students: Interim executive summary, Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W, , Welsh Government, Jun 2017
- The impact of Brexit on the world of employment, Hillage J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2016
- Impact of the Cycle to Work Scheme, Swift S, Green M, Hillage J, Nafilyan V, Report 509, Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 2016
- Understanding mature entrants’ transitions to postgraduate taught study, Pollard E, Gloster R, Hillage J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Marvell R, Griggs J, Drever E, Kotecha M, Rahim N, , , Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), May 2016
- The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of methods of protecting and promoting the health of older workers, Cox A, Hillage J, Fletcher L, Marvell R, Wilson S, Miller L, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J , Evidence Review 4, National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE), Sep 2015
- The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of ways to help older workers plan and prepare for retirement, Cox A, Hillage J, Marvell R, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J , Evidence Review 5, National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE), Sep 2015
- Factors facilitating or constraining interventions to protect and promote health of older workers and to help plan and prepare for retirement, Cox A, Hillage J, Marvell R, Swift S, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Hind A, Brine J , Evidence Review 6, National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE), Sep 2015
- Exploring the value of an O*NET resource for the UK, Hillage J, Cross M, , Gatsby Foundation, Aug 2015
- Evaluation of the 2010–13 Fit for Work Service pilots: final report, Hillage J, Williams M, Marvell R, Shiels C, Gabbay M, Weston K, Humphreys I, Research Report 896, Department for Work and Pensions, Jun 2015
- Summary: Evaluation of the 2010–13 Fit for Work Service pilots: final report, Hillage J, Williams M, Marvell R, Shiels C, Gabbay M, Weston K, Humphreys I, , Department for Work and Pensions, Jun 2015
- Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health and wellbeing of employees, , National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Jun 2015
- Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health of employees: Evidence Review 1, Hillage J, Holmes J, Rickard C, Marvell R, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brine J, NICE guidelines NG13, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Jun 2015
- Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health of employees: Evidence Review 2, Hillage J, Holmes J, Rickard C, Marvell R, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brine J, NICE guidelines NG13, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Jun 2015
- Workplace policy and management practices to improve the health of employees: Evidence Review 3, Hillage J, Holmes J, Rickard C, Marvell R, Taskila T, Bajorek Z, Bevan S, Brine J, NICE guidelines NG13, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Jun 2015
- Exploring future GP referral to Fit for Work, Hillage J, Brown G, Shiels S, Gabbay M, Research Report 883, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Oct 2014
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2011/12: Welsh-domiciled Students, Pollard E, Williams M, Hunt W, Hillage J, Drever E, Chanfreau J, Coutinho S, Poole E, , Welsh Government, Mar 2014
- Qualitative post-test evaluation of ESENER: Substantive findings, Hillage J, Sinclair A, Foley B, Brück C, Zayzon R, Röbbelen-Voigt K, Vangelova K, Carta E, , European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), Jan 2014
- An assessment of the degree to which rural businesses access national mainstream employer skills and government business support programmes, Culliney M, Pollard E, Hillage, J, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2013
- An assessment of the degree to which businesses access national mainstream employer skills and government business support programmes, Hillage J, Culliney M, Pollard E, , Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 2013
- Evaluation of the Statement of Fitness for Work (fit note): quantitative survey of fit notes, Shiels C, Hillage J, Pollard E, Gabbay M, Research Report 841, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Jun 2013
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2011/12: English-domiciled Students, Pollard E, Hunt W, Hillage J, Drever E, Chanfreau J, Coutinho S, Poole E, Research Paper 115, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), May 2013
- Employment, Partnership and Skills, Oakley J, Foley B, Hillage J, Research Report 830, Department for Work and Pensions, Feb 2013
- National Strategic Skills Audit for Wales 2012, Cox A, Hillage J, Vila-Belda Montalt J, , Welsh Government, Jan 2013
- Jobcentre Plus Employer Satisfaction and Experience Survey 2012, Pollard E, Behling F, Hillage J, Speckesser S, Research Report 806, Department for Work and Pensions, Aug 2012
- Jobcentre Plus Employer Satisfaction and Experience Survey 2012: Research Summary, Pollard E, Behling F, Hillage J, Speckesser S, , Department for Work and Pensions, Aug 2012
- Sector Skills Insights: Digital and Creative, Williams M, Hillage J, Pinto R, Garrett R, Evidence Report 49, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), Jul 2012
- Sector Skills Insights: Energy, Speckesser S, Hillage J, Hogarth T, Ni Luanaigh A, Garrett R, Evidence Report 51, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES), Jul 2012
- Expanding and Improving Part-time Higher Education, Pollard E, Newton B, Hillage J, Research Paper 68, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Jun 2012
- Evaluation of the Fit for Work Service pilots, Hillage J, et al, Research Report 792, Department for Work and Pensions, Mar 2012
- Evaluation of National Skills Academies - Synthesis Report, Johnson C, Hillage J, Miller L, Bellis A, Oakley J, Sumption F, Tu T, Ginnis S, Gosling R, Research Report 39, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Jul 2011
- Skills Priorities Statement for the South East of England 2011-2012, Hillage J, Cox A, Sissons P, Higgins T, Report 267, South East England Development Agency, Sep 2010
- Employment and Skills: six critical priorities for the next government, Meager N, Hillage J, IES Paper , Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2010
- Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 1, Key Findings, Report 00284-2010BKT-EN, UK Commission for Employment and Skills / Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Feb 2010
- Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 2: The Evidence Report, Report 00283-2010DOM-EN, UK Commission for Employment and Skills / Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Feb 2010
- Evaluation of National Skills Academies - Year 1 Synthesis Report, Hillage J, Bellis A, Ginnis S, Gosling R, Tu T, , Learning and Skills Council, Jan 2010
- Impact of Changes in Provision on People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Post-19, Dewson S, Tackey N D, , Learning and Skills Council, Dec 2009
- Qualitative Evaluation of Integrated Employment and Skills Trials: Implementation Report, Levesley T, Sissons P, Francis R, Oakley J, Johnson C, Hillage J, Research Report DWPRR 618, Department for Work and Pensions, Nov 2009
- Review of Employer Collective Measures: Policy Review, Cox A, Sumption F, Hillage J, Stone I, Evidence Report 8, UK Commission for Employment and Skills, Oct 2009
- Learning to be Healthier, Hillage J, Savage J, Lucy D, , University College London, Jun 2009
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 4 Research, Levesley T, Regan J, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, May 2009
- Evaluation of the Adult Learner Account Trials, Johnson C with Usher T and Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Apr 2009
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2007/2008: Welsh-domiciled students, Johnson C, Pollard E, Hunt W, Munro M, Hillage J (IES), Parfrement J, Low N A (NatCen), , Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills and the Welsh Assembly Government, Mar 2009
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2007/2008: English-domiciled students, Johnson C, Pollard E, Hunt W, Munro M, Hillage J (IES), Parfrement J, Low N A (NatCen), Research Report RR0905, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, Mar 2009
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 2 Research, Newton B, Regan J, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Feb 2009
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 3 Research, Levesley T, Regan J, Bellis A, Oakley J, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Feb 2009
- Learning Agreement Pilots Evaluation, Hillage J, Johnson C (IES), Maguire S (Centre for Education and Industry), Perry J, Purdon S (National Centre for Social Research), Research Report RR071, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Dec 2008
- Activity Agreements Evaluation, Hillage J, Johnson C, Newton B (IES), Maquire S (Centre for Education and Industry), Tanner E, Purdon S (National Centre for Social Research), Research Report RR063, Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Oct 2008
- Modelling the cost effectiveness of interventions, strategies, programmes and policies to reduce the number of employees on sickness absence, Pilgrim H, Carroll C, Rick J, Jagger N, Hillage J, Document 10, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Sep 2008
- What Works in Delivering Improved Health and Safety Outcomes, Cox A, O'Regan S, Denvir A, Broughton A, Pearmain D, Tyers C, Hillage J, Research Report RR654, Health and Safety Executive, Aug 2008
- Responses to the Evidence Consultation on Long-term Sickness and Incapacity, Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H, , National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Apr 2008
- Review of the Effectiveness & Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes & Policies to reduce the number of employees who move from short-term to long-term sickness absence & to help employees on long-term sickness absence return to work, Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H, Jagger N, Carroll C, Booth A, Document 4, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Apr 2008
- Review of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes and Policies to reduce the number of employees who take long-term sickness absence on a recurring basis, Rick J, Carroll C, Hillage J, Pilgrim H, Jagger N, Document 6, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Apr 2008
- Quality of Working Life in the UK, Denvir A, Hillage J, Cox A, Sinclair A, Pearmain D, Research Report 452, Sector Skills Development Agency, Apr 2008
- Review of the Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes and Policies to Help Recipients of Incapacity Benefits Return to Employment (Paid and Unpaid), Hayday S, Rick J, Carroll C, Jagger N, Hillage J, Document 8, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Apr 2008
- Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 1 Research, Newton B, Page R, Regan J, O'Regan S, Hillage J, , Learning and Skills Council, Apr 2008
- Evaluation of the Activity and Learning Agreement Pilot, Maguire S, Thompson J (University of Warwick), Hillage J, Dewson S, Miller L, Johnson C, Newton B, Bates P, Page P (IES), Research Report RW027, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Jan 2008
- Activity and Learning Agreement Pilots - Programme Theory Evaluation (Working Paper 1), Johnson C, Newton B, Usher T, Hillage J, Working Paper RW028, Department for Children, Schools and Families, Jan 2008
- Higher Education and ESF Objective 3, Aston J, Dewson S, Hillage J, Bates P, Usher T, Report 438, Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2007
- An Evaluation of the UfI/learndirect Telephone Guidance Trial, Page R, Newton B, Hawthorn R, Hunt W, Hillage J, Research Report RR833, Department for Education and Skills, Jan 2007
- The Impact of Learning on Unemployed, Low-qualified Adults, Dench S, Hillage J (IES), Coare P (CCE, University of Sussex), Research Report DWPRR 375, Department for Work and Pensions, Jul 2006
- Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P, Research Report RR774, Department for Education and Skills, Jun 2006
- Carers in the Workplace, Hillage J, Hunt W, HR Network Paper MP61, Institute for Employment Studies, Mar 2006
- Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2004/05, Finch S, Jones A, Parfrement J, Cebulla A (NatCen), Connor H, Hillage J, Pollard E, Tyers C, Hunt W, Loukas G (IES), Research Report RR725, Department for Education and Skills, Feb 2006
- Vocational Education and Training in the UK, Page R, Hillage J, Discussion Paper , Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Socialforschung, Dec 2005
- Learning at Work: Strategies for Widening Adult Participation in Learning Below Level 2 via the Workplace, Bates P, Hunt W, Hillage J, Report 52230, Learning and Skills Development Agency, Sep 2005
- Good Practice in Assess-Train-Assess Approaches to Workforce Development, Miller L, Stratton N, Hillage J, Jagger N, Silverman M, Report RW33, Department for Education and Skills, Apr 2005
- Platform for Progression: Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Loukas G, Newton B, Tamkin P, Report ETP2, Department for Education and Skills, Mar 2005
- Graduate Employment Choices in the East Midlands, Pollard E, Williams M, Hill D, Hillage J, , East Midlands Development Agency, Jan 2005
- Skills Pay, Tamkin P, Giles L, Campbell M, Hillage J, Research Report RR5, Sector Skills Development Agency, Aug 2004
- Why the Difference?, Connor H, Tyers C, Modood T, Hillage J, Research Report RR552, Department for Education and Skills, Jun 2004
- Evaluation of Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Mitchell H, Report ETP1, Department for Education and Skills, Dec 2003
- New Learners, New Learning, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Dewson S, Sinclair A, Research Report RR440, Department for Education and Skills, May 2003
- Choices and Transitions, Perryman S, Pollard E, Hillage J, Barber L, , HERDA-SW and South West Regional Development Agency, Feb 2003
- Education Business Link Clusters Evaluation, Hillage J, Barry J, Pike G, Research Report RR379, Department for Education and Skills, Oct 2002
- Employers Skill Survey 2002, Hillage J, Regan J, Dickson J, McLoughlin K, Research Report RR372, Department for Education and Skills, Aug 2002
- Indicators of Management Capability: Developing a Framework, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Willison R, , Council for Excellence in Management and Leadership, Apr 2002
- Skill Needs in Electronics, Hillage J, Cummings J, Lain D, Jagger N, RR142, EMTA, The National Training Organisation for Engineering Manufacturing, Dec 2001
- An Assessment of Skill Needs in Information and Communications Technology, Connor H, Hillage J, Millar J, Willison R, Skills Dialogue SD5, Department for Education and Skills, Dec 2001
- Developing the University for Industry Concept - An Evaluation of ADAPT Round 3 Projects, Hillage J, Atkinson J, Barry J, Dewson S, Stevens M, Walsh K, Kettley P, Research Report RR304, Department for Education and Skills, Sep 2001
- Developing the University for Industry Concept - An Evaluation of ADAPT Round 3 Projects, Case Studies, Hillage J, Atkinson J, Barry J, Dewson S, Stevens M, Walsh K, Kettley P, Research Report RR305, Department for Education and Skills, Sep 2001
- Attracting New Learners: a Literature Review, Hillage J, Aston J, , Learning and Skills Development Agency, Jun 2001
- Exploring e-Learning, Pollard E, Hillage J, Report 376, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2001
- Pre-16 Work Experience Practice in England: an Evaluation, Hillage J, Kodz J, Pike G, Research Report RR263, Department for Education and Employment, Apr 2001
- The Skills Implications of Electronic Retailing, Tackey N, Hillage J, Jagger N, Bates P, , Department of Trade and Industry, Sep 2000
- Employers Skill Survey: Case Study - Food Manufacturing Sector, Dench S, Hillage J, Reilly P, Kodz J, Skills Task Force Research Paper SKT34, Department for Education and Employment, Aug 2000
- Workplace Consultation on Health and Safety, Hillage J, Kersley B, Bates P, Rick J, Contract Research Report CRR 268/2000, Health and Safety Executive, May 2000
- Adult Learning in England: a Review, Hillage J, Uden T, Aldridge F, Eccles J, Report 369, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 2000
- Doing Business Better. The Long Term Impact of Investors in People, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Cummings J, Bates P, Barber L, Tackey N D, , Institute for Employment Studies, Feb 2000
- Employability and Employers: the missing piece of the jigsaw, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Report 361, Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 1999
- Employability: developing a framework for policy analysis, Hillage J, Pollard E, Research Report RR85, Department for Education and Employment, Oct 1998
- Excellence in Research on Schools, Hillage J, Pearson R, Anderson A, Tamkin P, Research Report RR74, Department for Education and Employment, Jul 1998
- Employers' Training of Young People, Hillage J, Atkinson J, Kersley B, Bates P, Research Report RR76, Department for Education and Employment, Jul 1998
- Evaluation of Access to Work, Hillage J, Williams M, Pollard E, Research Report , Employment Service, Jul 1998
- Workplace trauma and its management, Rick J, Perryman S, Young K, Guppy A, Hillage J, Contract Research Report 170/98, Health and Safety Executive, Apr 1998
- Individual Commitment to Learning: Motivation and Rewards, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Research Report RR11, Department for Education and Employment, Nov 1997
- Stress: Big Issue, but what are the Problems?, Rick J, Hillage J, Honey S, Perryman S, Report 331, Institute for Employment Studies, Jun 1997
- The Costs and Benefits of the Noise at Work Regulations 1989, Honey S, Hillage J, Jagger N, Morris S, Contract Research Report 116/97, Health and Safety Executive, Jan 1997
- Employers' Use of the National Record of Achievement, Kodz J, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Maginn A, Perryman S, Report 328, Institute for Employment Studies, Jan 1997
- Evaluation of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992, Honey S, Hillage J, Frost D, La Valle I, Contract Research Report 130/97, Health and Safety Executive, Jan 1997
- Pre-16 Work Experience in England and Wales, Hillage J, Honey S, Kodz J, Pike G, Report 319, Institute for Employment Studies, Oct 1996
- Health Surveillance in Great Britain, Honey S, Hillage J, Patch A, Morris S, Contract Research Report 121/96, Health and Safety Executive, Sep 1996
- The Return on Investors, Hillage J, Moralee J, Report 314, Institute for Employment Studies, Sep 1996
- Contemporary Issues in Industrial Relations: Implications for WIRS, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Thompson M, Report 299, Institute for Employment Studies, Dec 1995
- Evaluation of Investors in People in England and Wales, 1994-1995, Spilsbury M, Moralee J, Hillage J, Frost D, Report 289, Institute for Employment Studies, Jul 1995
- Employers’ Views of Education Business Links, Hillage J, Hyndley K, Pike G, Report 283, Institute for Employment Studies, Apr 1995
- The Role of Job Evaluation, Hillage J, Report 269, Institute of Manpower Studies, Jul 1994
- Employers’ Policies and Attitudes Towards Check-Off, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Report 271, Institute of Manpower Studies, Jul 1994
- Careers and Training in Dance and Drama, Jackson C, Honey S, Hillage J, Stock J, Report 268, Institute of Manpower Studies, May 1994
- Evaluation of Investors in People in England and Wales, Spilsbury M, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Meager N, Report 263, Institute for Employment Studies, Jan 1994
- The Costs of Getting a Job, Atkinson J, Hillage J, Report 236, Institute of Manpower Studies, Jun 1993
- Family Friendly Working: Hope or Hype?, Hillage J, Simkin C, Report 224, Institute of Manpower Studies, Jun 1992
- Employers’ Requirements of the Careers Service, Hillage J, Wilson A, Report 222, Institute of Manpower Studies, Nov 1991
- Winning Words, Hillage J, Wilson A in collaboration with Stevens A of the Open University., , British Tourist Authority and the Employment Department, Nov 1991
- The role of wages and other factors in recent Scottish Migration Flows, Meager N, Hillage J, Williams M, , Scottish Enterprise, Nov 1991
Articles and chapters
- The issue of 'long-term' fit notes for depression in the UK: patient, GP and general practice variation, Gabbay M, Shiels C, Hillage J, Journal of Mental Health, Taylor & Francis, [Online], July 2017
- Recurrence of sickness absence episodes certified by general practitioners in the UK, Shiels C, Gabbay M and Hillage J, The European Journal of General Practice, Taylor and Francis, DOI: 10.3109/13814788.2016.1156083, April 2016
- Sickness certification for common mental disorders and GP return-to-work advice, Shiels C, Gabbay M and Hillage J , Primary Health Care Research and Development, March 2016, Cambridge University Press, DOI: 10.1017/S1463423616000074 , March 2016
- How will the main parties provide jobs for young people?, Hillage J, University Business, April 2015
- How will the main parties provide jobs for young people?, Hillage J, edquarter, April 2015
- Factors associated with the length of fit note-certified sickness episodes in the UK, Gabbay M, Shiels C, Hillage J, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, BMJ Publishing Group, February 2015
- Factors associated with prevalence and types of ‘may be fit’ advice on fit notes: a cross-sectional primary care analysis, Shiels C, Gabbay M, Hillage J, British Journal of General Practice, Royal College of General Practitioners, Vol. 64 No. 620, March 2014
- Who does higher education work for?, Hillage J, Higher Education Network, The Guardian, November 2012
- Can apprenticeships secure higher growth?, Hillage J, House Magazine, Dods, April 2011
- Make apprentices work, Hillage J, Human Resources, online, March 2011
- NICE guidance on long-term sickness and incapacity, Hillage J, British Journal of General Practice, The Royal College of General Physicians, Vol. 61, No. 584, March 2011
- Workplace involvement improves return to work rates among employees with back pain on long-term sick leave: a systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions, Carroll C, Rick J, Pilgrim H, Cameron J, Hillage J, Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(8): 607–621, Spring 2010
- Workplace involvement improves return to work rates among employees with back pain on long-term sick leave: a systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions, Carroll C, Rick J, Pilgrim H, Cameron J, Hillage J, Disability and Rehabilitation, Informa Healthcare, September 2009
- Use it or lose it, Hillage J, Vision 2020: climbing the work ladder (UfI), UfI, February 2008
- Student Income and Expenditure: Key Results from the 2004/05 Survey, Hillage J, Labour Market Bulletin 20, Department for Employment and Learning, December 2006
- The regional implementation of the Employer Training Pilots in the United Kingdom, Tamkin P, Hillage J, Gerova V, Skills Upgrading: New Policy Perspectives, OECD, June 2006
- Known knowns and known unknowns: What can evaluation tell us about labour market impact? John Killeen Commemorative Lecture 2005, Hillage J, Career Research and Development, The NICEC Journal, Spring 2006
- Response to call for evidence, Leitch Review of Skills, Hillage J, Skills in the UK: The long-term challenge. Interim report, HM Treasury, December 2005
- Policies and Strategies for Workforce Development: encouraging a customised approach, Miller L, Hillage J, Newton B, Jagger N, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 287-304, November 2005
- Investing in People, Hillage J, Modern Management, Institute for Supervision and Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 1996
Conference appearances
- The role of evidence in policy-making: informing, influencing or impacting?, Hillage J, Institute of Education, University of Wolverhampton, 2015/16 public lecture and seminar series, Wolverhampton, March 2016
- Long-term sickness absence: why it matters and what can be done, Hillage J, Long-term sickness absence: Employee, employer and the State, Eversheds, London, January 2015
- Update on the UK graduate labour market, Hillage J, Training Day for the South East and South West, Higher Education Liaison Officers Association, Winchester, December 2014
- Long-term sickness absence: why it matters and what can be done, Hillage J, Long-term sickness absence: Employee, employer and the State, Eversheds, Cardiff, November 2014
- Long-term sickness absence: why it matters and what can be done, Hillage J, Long-term sickness absence: Employee, employer and the State, Eversheds, Nottingham, October 2014
- Long-term sickness absence: why it matters and what can be done, Hillage J, Long-term sickness absence: Employee, employer and the State, Eversheds, London, October 2014
- Young people and the labour market: today and tomorrow, Hillage J, Be inspired by labour market Information, Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridge, July 2014
- Advice and training: rural access to national employer skills and government business support programmes, Hillage J, Rural Enterprise Support Workshop, Enterprise Research Centre, Aston University, February 2014
- Chair, Hillage J, The Future of Apprenticeships: Implementing the Government’s Response to the Richard Review, London, June 2013
- The labour market for young people, Hillage J, Young People: Their Future Choices, Norfolk County Council, March 2013
- The labour market for school leavers and HE graduates, Hillage J, Northamptonshire Annual CEIAG Conference 2013, February 2013
- Chair, Hillage J, Apprenticeships after the Richard Review, Westminster Briefing, London, December 2012
- Chair, Hillage J, Employment, Skills and Enterprise Summit: Investing in the Workforce, Supporting Business, Delivering Growth, Westminster Briefing, London, December 2012
- The labour market for school leavers and HE graduates, Hillage J, 15th Annual National Conference for CEG Advisers and Consultants, York, November 2012
- Fit for purpose? Do policies to reduce long-term sickness absence work?, Hillage J, Disability and Social Inclusion seminar series, Cetre for Disability and Social Inclusion, Cuty University, London, July 2012
- Expanding and Improving Part-time Higher Education, Hillage J, Pollard E, Newton B, Higher Education Seminar, Department for Business, Inmovation and Skills, London, June 2012
- Chair, Hillage J, Jobless Generation: Youth Unemployment in the EU, Chatham House, London, June 2012
- Where are the jobs for young people?, Hillage J, Future Skill Needs, Schools to Work Commission, House of Commons, London, May 2012
- Chair, Hillage J, Developing Valued, Accessible and Effective Apprenticeships: Investigating the Detail of Government Plans, Westminster Briefing, London, June 2011
- Chair, Hillage J, Achieving Sustainable Employment Conference 2011, Government Knowledge, London, May 2011
- Chair, Hillage J, Welfare & Employment Conference 2012, GovKnow, London, January 2011
- The Challenge - Integrating Employment and Skills Policy and Delivery, Hillage J, Employment and Skills Summit 2010: Building a 21st Century Workforce, House Magazine, London, October 2010
- Chair, Hillage J, Creating 21st Century Apprenticeships: Investigating the Implications for Service Providers and Employers, Westminster Briefing, London, September 2010
- Education for employment and life, Hillage J, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010
- Unlocking learning? Towards evidence-informed policy and practice in education, Hillage J, British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, BERA, Warwick, September 2010
- Chair, Hillage J, Health @ Work Summit 2010. Assessing, Addressing and Embedding Your Health Agenda, Symposium, London, June 2010
- Integrating employment and skills, Hillage J, UK Commission for Employment and Skills: Skills, Jobs, Growth Convention, Neil Stewart Associates, London, February 2010
- Skills Investment to Accelerate Recovery: the future demand for jobs and skills, Hillage J, Economic Development Association Scotland, Road to Recovery Series, Economic Development Association Scotland, Edinburgh, June 2009
- The economics of education and skills, Hillage J, Research and Policy Conference: The shape of things to come, Learning and Skills Network, London, April 2009
- Rowing with or against the tide? The demand for part-time HE, Hillage J, Success through partnership: Lifelong learning in higher education, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning, Brighton, March 2009
- Chair, Hillage J, Absence Management Forum 2009, Symposium, London, January 2009
- The barriers holding people back, Hillage J, Life chances: supporting people to get on in the labour market, DIUS/DWP Analytical Seminar, London, June 2008
- Developing a new national measure of quality of working life, Hillage J, Quality of Working Life: The W/O Psychology Contribution to Conceptualisation and Measurement, ENOP Symposium 2008, European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP), Paris, March 2008
- Activity and Learning Agreements, Hillage J, Provision for the bottom 20 per cent and the learning leaving age, Campaign for Learning, London, March 2008
- Role of research in the new employment and skills arena, Hillage J, Continuous Professional Development Conference, SSDA, York, December 2007
- Education and Employment, Hillage J, The Coming Year in Parliament, House Magazine, Westminster, December 2007
- Employability - use it or lose it!, Hillage J, Closing the Employment Inequality Gap in Brighton and Hove, Equal Brighton and Hove, Brighton, November 2007
- Role of research in development of public employment and training policy, Hillage J, Dynamics of knowledge production between academic research and the practice of public services management, ESRC, King's Fund, June 2007
- The graduate labour market: supply and demand of high level skills, Hillage J, Education and Skills Committee, House of Commons, House of Commons, February 2007
- Education and Employment, Hillage J, Coming Year in Parliament, House Magazine, Westminster, December 2006
- Student Income Survey 2004/2005, Hillage J, DfES Annual Research Conference, Department for Education and Skills, London, November 2006
- Evaluation of Activity and Learning Agreements, Hillage J, DfES Annual Research Conference, Department for Education and Skills, London, November 2006
- UK High Level HE Policy, Hillage J, High Level Policy Forum, European Association of Institutions in HE, Brussels, November 2006
- Skills training and employability, Hillage J, Home International Funding Conference, Belfast, June 2006
- Student income and expenditure in Northern Ireland, Hillage J, Department for Education and Learning, Northern Ireland Seminar, Department of Education & Learning Northern Ireland, Belfast, June 2006
- The Impact of Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, Adult learning - What role for choice and personalisation?, IPPR, London, November 2005
- Known knowns and known unknowns: what can evaluation tell us about labour market impact?, Hillage J, John Killeen Commemorative Lecture 2005, NICEC, RIBA, London, October 2005
- ETP and the skill strategy in England, Hillage J, DYSG’s annual policy and research conference, DYSG (Learning & Skills Development Agency for Wales), Marriott Hotel, Cardiff, February 2005
- Lessons from ETP, Hillage J, National Conference - Developing the Individual and Employer Offer, Learning & Skills Council, by video presentation (actual conference Solihull), February 2005
- Lessons from ETP, Hillage J, LSC Management Meeting, Learning & Skills Council, London, February 2005
- ETP Evaluation: Issues for Colleges, Hillage J, Employer Skills Task Group Meeting, Learning & Skills Council, LSC Offices, 8-10 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W, January 2005
- Brokerage: the lessons from ETP, Hillage J, Learning Brokerage: Building Bridges between Learners and Providers. A seminar for LSC and DfES staff, Learning & Skills Council and LSDA, LSC National Office, Coventry, January 2005
- Learning the Lessons from ETP, Hillage J, NETP Acceleration Event, Learning & Skills Council, Jury’s Inn Hotel, Birmingham, January 2005
- Employer Training Pilots : A platform for progression?, Hillage J, DfES Research Conference, DfES, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, November 2004
- Member of Strategic Group, Hillage J, National Guidance Research Forum seminar, National Guidance Research Forum, Winchester, May 2004
- Basic skills in the workplace - lessons for ETP, Hillage J, Adult Basic Skills: Findings from UK and OECD reviews, National Research Development Centre, NRDC, London, April 2004
- IES and policy issues, Pearson R, Hillage J, Tamkin P, Robinson D, Tyers C, Connor H, DfES seminar, DfES, London, March 2004
- Advice on proposals from the National Education Research Forum - peer review, Hillage J, consultation, DfES, London, December 2003
- Minority Ethnic Students in HE, Connor H, Tyers C, Hillage J, DfES seminar, DfES, London, October 2003
- Briefing for UK representative on EU Employment Task Force about Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, DfES briefing, DfES, LSE, October 2003
- Discussion about the lesson for the new level 2 entitlement from Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, DfES briefing, DfES, Sheffield, September 2003
- Latest progress on Employer Training Pilots, Hillage J, CBI Education & Training Affairs Committee, CBI, London, June 2003
- Impact of E-commerce on Employment in the Financial Sector, Hillage J, Alliance for Finance Conference 2002, Alliance for Finance, TUC, Congress House, London, March 2002
- Panel member: Challenges Ahead for Education and Skills Research Over the Next Five Years, Hillage J, DfES Research Conference, DfES, Institute of Civil Engineers, London, December 2001
- Are we all Going Soft?, Hillage J, Research Making an Impact on Policy and Practice: the fifth annual conference of the Learning and Skills Research Network, LSDA, Robinson College, Cambridge, December 2001
- Exploring e-Learning, Hillage J, Event on e-learning, ALG, ALG, London, October 2001
- The Impact of the HSE on Health and Safety Outcomes, Hillage J, Chief Scientist’s Seminar, HSE, London, July 2001
- Work Experience 2000: latest evidence on practice, Hillage J, Work Experience of the 21st century, Centre for Education & Industry, Grantham, November 2000
- Skill Implications of e-commerce, Hillage J, DTI e-Commerce Task Force seminar, DTI e-Commerce Task Force, DTI Conference Centre, London, August 2000
- Employers’ Approaches to Workforce Development, Hillage J, Skills and Enterprise Network National Conference 2000, DfEE, Nottingham, June 2000
- Employability as a policy framework in the UK, Hillage J, EU Joint Employment Observatory Conference, IAS, Marseilles, June 1999
- Education Research: Ways Forward, Hillage J, University of Brighton Research Centre seminar, University of Brighton Research Centre, University of Brighton, April 1999
- Employability in the Modern Labour Market, Hillage J, CfBT West London Careers seminar, CfBT West London Careers, West London TEC, April 1999
- Employability and well-being in the modern labour market, Hillage J, Employability: A new era in workplace health and safety, Health & Safety Authority, Eire, Dublin Castle, Eire, March 1999
- Employability in the modern labour market, Hillage J, Careers Conference, CfBT Bedfordshire Careers, Luton Careers Centre, February 1999
- Excellence in Research on Schools, Hillage J, Research Synthesis to inform public policy, School of Public Policy, London, January 1999
- Future of Educational Research - the way forward, Hillage J, Future of Educational Research - the way forward, University of Birmingham, University of Birmingham, January 1999
- Education Research: a way forward, Hillage J, Excellence in Research on Schools, University of Sheffield, University of Sheffield, December 1998
- Employability: issues for public policy, Hillage J, Skills Task Force Meeting, DfEE, Kingsley Thistle Hotel, London, November 1998
- Employability in practice, Hillage J, Do you fit the bill? Exploring Employability - Work and Learning Network Conference, University of Warwick, University of Warwick, November 1998
- Employability: issues for further education, Hillage J, FEFC Strategy Meeting, FEFC, London, November 1998
- Education research: ways forward, Hillage J, Autumn ‘98 Seminar, AEB, Regent’s College, London, November 1998
- Employability: issues for public policy, Hillage J, DfEE National Skills Taskforce on Employability and Key Skills, Department for Education and Employment, Russell Hotel, London, October 1998
- Investors in context, Hillage J, Achieving IiP, IRS Training, RAC Club, London, October 1998
- What makes good quality work experience, Hillage J, Building on Achievement, Work Experience, NYBEP (North Yorkshire Business & Education Partnership), York, March 1998
- Turning Labour Market Information into Intelligence, Hillage J, What is Working, East Anglian Training Consortium, Cambridge, February 1998
- The Implications of Current Employment Trends for Careers in the New Millennium, Hillage J, EATC Regional Conference for Independent Schools, East Anglian Training Consortium and Bedfordshire Careers Centre, Cambridge, January 1998
- The Labour Market Future for Young People, Hillage J, Current Careers Education and Guidance Developments for Headteachers, Principals and Senior Managers, Norfolk Careers Services, Norfolk, January 1998
- Chairperson, Hillage J, EOC Conference on Gender and Skills, IES/EOC, London, January 1998
- Health Surveillance in Practice, Hillage J, Health Surveillance Workshop, HSE/IRS, October 1997
- Evaluation, Building on Investors, Hillage J (with Hazel Kirkham, Training & Dev. HDL), People Potential and Performance, Cabinet Office (OPS), Britannia International Hotel, London, September 1997
- The Case for Investors in People, Hillage J, IIP Success - Ensuring a Payback, Industrial Relations Services Training, Harrington Hall, London, July 1997
- Evaluation of Investors in the Civil Service, Hillage J, Human Resource Strategy Network Meeting, Cabinet Office, Church House, Croydon, July 1997
- Changing work patterns: looking ahead to the 21st century, Hillage J, Enfield Careers Conference, NFER - Nelson Education, Enfield, March 1997
- The Management and Organisation of Work in the 21st Century, Hillage J, Future of Work, Templeton College, Oxford, Templeton College, Oxford, February 1997
- Changing Work Patterns, Hillage J, Careers Education and Guidance: Maintaining the Momentum, CRAC, Commonwealth Conference and Events Centre, London, December 1996
- Changing Context for Careers Education and Guidance, Hillage J, Surrey Careers Service Annual Conference, Surrey Careers Service, Glynn House, Ewell, Surrey, December 1996
- Work Experience: Where are we now?, Hillage J, Work Experience in the 21st Century, Devon Education Business Partnership, Southgate Hotel, Exeter, November 1996
- Where are we now? Work Experience in 1996, Hillage J, Work Experience for the 21st Century, University of Warwick/Trident, Stoke Rochford Hall, Grantham, October 1996
- Changing Work Patterns, Hillage J, The Changing Nature of Work - Implications for Future Citizens in Education Work, CRAC, Girton College, Cambs., September 1996
- The Role of Job Evaluation Today, Hillage J, Flexible Grading Systems, IRST, Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, September 1996
- Changing Work Patterns: the Implications for Careers Education and Guidance, Hillage J, Hirsh W, Schools and Careers Services: The Changing Nature of Careers Education and Guidance, NICEC/CRAC, Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincs, May 1996
- Developments in the Provision of Work Experience: a National Perspective, Hillage J, Croydon Education Business Partnership conference, Croydon Education Business Partnership, Bromley Education Development Centre, March 1996
- Employers’ Perspectives on Education Business Links, Hillage J, Education Business Links in a Climate of Change, South West Education Industry Group, Langshire Cliff Hotel, Dawlish Warren, Devon, February 1996
- The Role of Job Evaluation Today, Hillage J, Flexible Grading Systems, IRST, RAC Club, London, February 1996
- Employers’ Views of Education Business Links, Hillage J, BABSIP Winter Conference, British Association for Business Studies Industrial Placements, J Sainsbury Management Centre, Ware, January 1996
Advisory roles and affiliations
- Associate Fellow, Centre for Education and Industry, University of Warwick (2010 - 2013)
- Member, Equal Brighton & Hove Action 3 Steering Group (2006 - 2008)
- Expert Advisory Panel, Sector Skills Development Agency (2004 - 2006)
- National Guidance Research Forum Strategic Group (2004 - 2006)
- National Employer Training Programme Working Group (2004 - 2004)
- Steering Group overseeing a research programme on 'Prospects for Growth of FE', LSDA (2002 - 2003)
- External verifier for the North Yorkshire Business Education Partnership work experience awards (2001 - 2002)
- Health & Safety Executive's Knowledge Programme Action Group, helping to deliver the 'Securing Health Together' strategy (2001 - 2002)
- Centre for Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education's (EPPI) Review Group on post-16 education and training (LSDA) (2001 - 2002)
- Occupational Route Map for T Levels
- Estimating the impact of cycling to work
- 'Prevent in Further Education' data analysis
- SME lending and competition: an international comparison of markets
- Expert workshop on the use of O*NET occupational database resource in the UK
- Seminars on long-term sickness absence, on behalf of Eversheds
- Research to inform GP referral to the health and work assessment and advisory service
- Evidence review of the effect of workplace policies and management practices on employees' health and wellbeing
- ILO retreat contribution
- Expert input to the OECD Post Secondary VET Study for England
- Evaluation of the outcomes for employers participating in the Corporate Health Standard and Small Workplace Health Awards
- Jobcentre Plus National Employer Satisfaction & Experience Survey (2011)
- Small Business Survey 2012
- Evaluating Fit for Work Service Pilots
- Long-term Unemployment and Worklessness in Newham
- Well-being Through Work Project Evaluation
- Evaluation of New Medical Statement
- Evaluation of Working Neighbourhoods Fund
- London 2012: Approaches to Management of Health and Safety
- Health Benefits of Post-compulsory Education, Training and Lifelong Learning
- Assessment of Business Link Health Checks
- Compliance with the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act (1969)
- Scientific, Technical, Engineering and Mathematical Technicians
- Socially Excluded Adults Public Service Agreement (PSA 16)
- Evaluation of National Skills Academies
- Evaluation of a Dual Local Authority and HSE-Staffed Occupational Health Support Service for SMEs
- Evaluating Integrated Employment and Skills (IES) Trials
- Impact of Learning on Employability
- Going into HE: Interaction of Elements of Financial Support and Other Factors
- UK Skills: Key Themes, Policy Issues and Priorities
- Evaluating the Duty to Manage Asbestos
- Workplace Health Gets a Boost for SMEs in Wales
- Response of Employers to an Ageing Workforce
- Learning with Train to Gain
- Further Evaluation of Learner Support Funds
- Evaluating Workplace Health Connect
- Constructing Better Health