Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 2: The Evidence Report
Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow was the first National Strategic Skills Audit for England produced by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
The Audit provided key intelligence on England's existing and future skills needs in both current and emerging industries. The information contained in this and future versions of the Audit (which will be produced on an annual basis) will help the UK Commission to supply the analysis required to develop the nation's skills base so that it meets the immediate and longer-term needs of a fast changing economy.
The overarching aim of the National Strategic Skills Audit was to provide valuable insights to government, employers, education and training providers and individuals on England’s strategic skills needs. In doing so the Audit provided an essential contribution towards a more ‘active’ approach to equipping the country with the skills needed to underpin economic success and was the logical next stage in the development of a labour market needs-led approach to skills development.
This report draws upon an examination of the 'drivers of change'; a set of labour market projections; and detailed sectoral analysis (undertaken by Sector Skills Councils, as well as a number of specially commissioned studies) to provide:
- a 'big picture' overview of strategic skills needs, assessing economic, social, technical drivers of change
- an assessment of the likely futures and their implications for the labour market and skills
- a regional overlay, incorporating consistent and comparable skills data across the English regions
- an assessment of the skills needs of existing sectors
- an assessment of the skills needs of the key sectors identified in New Industry, New Jobs
- identification of other economically significant sectors where skills deficiencies might constrain future employment and economic growth
- an assessment of key occupations and skill requirements by sector.