
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Review and Evaluation of the National Peer Referencing Pilots

    Bellis A, Lucy D, Baldwin S, Newton B | May 2007 | Quality Improvement Agency for Lifelong Learning

    Drawing on a series of telephone interviews and workshops, this report explores the efficacy of methods of engagement, identifies good practice and makes recommendations for the development of peer referencing and review by learning providers.

  • Reasons for Early Leaving from Further Education and Work-based Learning Courses

    Simm C, Page R, Miller L | May 2007 | Department for Education and Skills

    This research is based on a survey of 2,180 learners who withdrew from at least one LSC-funded course during the 2004/05 academic year. The survey covers learners aged 16-18 and 19+, across further education and work-based learning.

  • Evaluation of the Fair Cities Pilots 2006

    Second Interim Report

    Atkinson J, Dewson S, Casebourne J, Tackey N D | May 2007 | Department for Work and Pensions

    Orchestrated by the National Employment Panel, the Fair Cities Pilots were employer-led initiatives designed to improve job entry and progression for ethnic minorities in Brent, Birmingham and Bradford. This interim report sets out the results from the first nine months of the delivery phase. The report draws together key findings and sets out recommendations.

  • Taking Risks with Asbestos

    What Influences the Behaviour of Maintenance Workers?

    O'Regan S, Tyers C, Hill D, Gordon-Dseagu V, with Rick J  | May 2007 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report presents the results of 60 interviews with maintenance workers (including electricians, joiners/carpenters, plumbers/heating engineers, and painters/decorators) who discuss their attitudes towards, knowledge about, and behaviour around, asbestos. The research found that there are a range of issues affecting how likely an individual is to behave safely around asbestos.

  • Cascading Messages through Others

    The Effect on Awareness of, and Compliance with the Duty to Manage Asbestos Regulations

    Sinclair A, Gifford J, Hunt W, with Bust P, Gibb A | May 2007 | Health and Safety Executive

    This report presents the findings of a research project aimed at exploring the impact of the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) Cascading Messages Through Others Campaign. This initiative was launched in 2002, and is designed to educate and inform dutyholders and responsible others regarding the Duty to Manage Asbestos Regulations (regulation four of the 'Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (CAWR) 2002') in non-domestic premises. The campaign aims to pass on information to organisations via HSE partners, who have been encouraged to put on training events for dutyholders with the support of HSE-designed training materials and activities.

  • Landlords' Responses to the Disability Discrimination Act

    Aston J, Hill D, Williams C | Apr 2007 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This qualitative research explores how landlords were responding to their Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) duties prior to December 2006, and their awareness of the new DDA duties for landlords which were coming into force in December 2006. It consists of 45 in-depth interviews: five interviews with landlords' stakeholder organisations, 25 interviews with landlords, and 15 interviews with disabled tenants. The landlords sample included local authorities, housing associations, private landlords and letting agents.

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    Effective succession planning

    A framework for thinking about your own approach

    Hirsh W | Apr 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Succession planning is one part of ensuring that an organisation can meet its future needs for people. ‘Talent management’ is now a common umbrella term for the attraction, retention and development of people with potential. Succession planning certainly comes under that umbrella. In some organisations succession planning and talent management focus only on senior leadership, while others choose to apply the same concepts and processes to broader groups of jobs and people.

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    The Going Rate

    Paying for Specialist Skills

    Suff P, Reilly P | Apr 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper reviews the factors influencing specialists' pay and evaluates pay determination techniques. It concludes that an analytical approach is necessary to provide both the transparency and objectivity required to defend an equal value claim, as well as provide staff with the reassurance that pay decisions are based on impartial criteria.

  • Human Resource Management, Organisational and Workforce Development in the NHS

    From Current Thinking to Future Models: An Interim Report

    Reilly P, Tamkin P, Miller L, Broughton A | Apr 2007 | NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

    The aim of this enquiry is to help identify areas of development in terms of human resource management/organisational development and work development activity for the NHS Institute and its stakeholders. Such activity clearly has a key role in developing a flexible, adaptable workforce that is capable of sustaining continuous service improvement.

  • The Experiences of Sexual Orientation and Religion or Belief Discrimination Employment Tribunal Claimants

    Denvir A, Broughton A, Gifford J, Hill D | Mar 2007 | Acas

    In 2006, Acas commissioned a qualitative study exploring the experiences and views of employees who had been involved in sexual orientation and religion or belief employment tribunal cases. This document provides a summary of that research. An over-arching summary is presented followed by findings which draw out the particular experiences of the two groups of claimants.