
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Managing Sickness Absence in the Police Service

    A Review of Current Practices

    Hayday S, Broughton A, Tyers C | Aug 2007 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Home Office and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) commissioned this review of absence policies and management in seven police forces. It presents an in-depth analysis of absence management in the case study forces and identifies the clear themes and issues which are vital for the effective management of absence.

  • An Evaluation of the Local Authority Programme Joint Authorisation Pilot Project

    Transfer of enforcement responsibilities in the motor vehicle repair and dry-cleaning sectors

    Wilson S, Tyers C | Aug 2007 | Health and Safety Executive

    During 2006 the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) ran a pilot initiative at Peterborough City Council which involved handing over inspection responsibilities from HSE in two industrial sectors. This transfer was the first of its kind: neither HSE nor the local authority had prior experience of a large-scale handover on a premises-by-premises basis. This independent report examines the effect of these pilot activities. It has two main components: a process evaluation which assesses the way in which the pilot programme has been delivered, the way in which staff have been supported, the challenges that they have faced, and the successes they have experienced; and an impact evaluation, leading to a costs and benefits analysis, which investigates the extent to which the service has resulted in a cost-effective improvement in outcomes.

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    Qualitative Assessment of Jobcentre Plus delivery of the JSA and New Deal Interventions

    Davis S, James L, Tuohy S  | Jul 2007 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report presents the findings from a qualitative assessment of Jobcentre Plus delivery of the Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) and New Deal (ND) interventions. The research, which involved interviews with staff from three Jobcentre Plus districts, explored how delivery might differ from the ‘prescribed’ model, and how that might impact on performance.

  • Young Mothers Not in Learning

    A qualitative study of barriers and attitudes

    Dench S, Bellis A, Tuohy S | Jun 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Care to Learn is a UK government initiative that provides financial support for teenage parents who want to continue in, or return to learning. It helps with the cost of their childcare and travel. The report explores these mothers' attitudes to learning, and the examines the range of barriers - practical, emotional and motivational - that restrict their access to learning.

  • Learning Provision for Young Parents

    A survey of learning providers

    Dench S | Jun 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Care to Learn is a UK government initiative that provides financial support for teenage parents who want to continue in, or return to learning. It helps with the cost of their childcare and travel. This report explores the extent to which learning providers are engaged with teenage parents and Care to Learn, and the extent to which they are addressing the specific needs of young parents. The data suggest a relatively high level of flexibility and provision for young parents, even within institutions that rarely engage with this group.

  • Learning for Young Mothers

    A qualitative study of flexible provision

    Dench S, Bellis A | Jun 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Care to Learn is a UK government initiative that provides financial support for teenage parents who want to continue in, or return to learning. It helps with the cost of their childcare and travel. The report looks at how learning provision is developed and delivered, and issues around its set up and longer-term survival. It also explores the impact on young mothers and what it is about particular types of provision that suit these young women.

  • Gateways to the Veterinary Profession

    Perceptions of Veterinary Careers

    Robinson D, Munro M, Baldwin S, Pollard E | Jun 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The Gateways to the Professions project was a collaboration between the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), six out of seven of the UK veterinary schools and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), part-funded by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). Its objective was to develop communications materials that could help break down barriers preventing students from a broader ethnic, social and economic base applying to veterinary school.

  • Job Matching in the UK and Europe

    Bevan S, Cowling M | Jun 2007 | Sector Skills Development Agency

    This study was commissioned by the Sector Skills Development Agency and seeks to explore how well the skills of workers meet the demands of their jobs in UK and Europe, and what factors lie behind this.

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    Career Development in Employing Organisations

    Practices and challenges from a UK perspective

    Hirsh W | May 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper considers the nature of career development within employing organisations and its implications for the role of employers in offering career support to employed adults. Although based on research evidence and practical experience from the UK, recent research for Cedefop indicates that the issues explored here also seem likely to be of relevance to other European countries.This paper is based on an input to the Guidance for Workforce Development Conference, held by CEDEFOP in Thessaloniki, 2007.

  • Constructing Better Health - Final Evaluation Report

    Tyers C, Sinclair A, Rick J, with Lucy D, Cowling M, Gordon-Dseagu V | May 2007 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Constructing Better Health pilot aimed to raise awareness of occupational health issues within the construction industry, as well as to test out a model of delivery so that learning points could be used in the design of any national scheme. The pilot was carried out in Leicestershire from October 2005 to June 2006. This report investigates both the process and the impact of the pilot.