
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Managing an Age Diverse Workforce

    Research and Practice in the Run-Up to the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations

    Baldwin S, Strebler M | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report reviews and summarises the employment literature on age discrimination and diversity that existed at the time the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations came into force on 1 October 2006. This is substantiated by IES research findings on age diversity and discussions with company representatives at an IES HR Network Event in the lead-up to October 2006.

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    Employee Absence and Attendance

    Hayday S | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This opinion paper explores the causes of absence, how to measure and monitor absence, and identifies successful absence management techniques. It advocates policies that not only emphasise preventing 'illegitimate' absence, but also give sufficient priority to those who are 'legitimately' absent and aid their return to work.

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    Employee Engagement

    Robinson D | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This opinion paper explores how IES's research has defined engagement, created an engagement measure and provided an engagement diagnostic tool. It identifies the factors that drive engagement and provides general lessons about how to manage employee engagement in your organisation.

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    Stress and Psychosocial Trauma

    Lucy D | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This opinion paper explores the causes of stress, what employers can do to tackle stress, and effective rehabilitation practices.

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    Work-Life Balance

    Gifford J | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This opinion paper draws on IES research to explore how employers manage work-life initiatives.

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    Management and Leadership

    Tamkin P | Nov 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    UK managers have been accused of being under-skilled and underperforming, paralysing organisations through their incompetence. This opinion paper argues that if there is a problem with managers, it might be sensible for organisations to look long and hard at themselves first.

  • Building on Young Apprenticeships

    Equal Opportunities

    Newton B, Miller L, Page R, Tuohy S | Oct 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The Department for Children, Schools and Families commissioned this report to support the implementation of the recommendations made within the earlier research, 'Young Apprenticeships: Equal Opportunities'. This report: illustrates how to produce careers and training information to promote Young Apprenticeships (YA) to atypical entrants in three strongly gender-segregated sectors; demonstrates how to encourage wider choices and provide practical information, advice and guidance (IAG) through the provision of taster sessions during YA recruitment; and identifies examples of good equalities practice within YA delivery through progress-update visits to the five original case study areas.

  • The Changing HR Function: Transforming HR?

    Reilly P, Tamkin P, Broughton A | Oct 2007 | Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development

    This research report describes the evolution and current state of the HR function, and provides practical guidance for organisations on how best to structure and staff the function to achieve future success. It is the final stage of a larger project within the CIPD's research programme on the HR function, and its particular focus is on the impact of HR transformation.

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    Incentives and Barriers to Training in the Electrotechnical Industry

    Miller L | Oct 2007 | Electrical Contractors Association

    In order to inform its training and qualification policies and strategy for the industry, the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) commissioned IES to gain an understanding of the training culture that exists within the electrical installation sector. A postal survey was used to gain up-to-date information regarding training practice and attitudes towards training. The report draws conclusions regarding the survey and makes recommendations to the ECA. This publication is no longer available.

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    An Introduction to Strengths at Work

    Fairhurst P | Oct 2007 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In many organisations, development is based on identifying where people could do better, their 'gaps' and areas of poor performance, and trying to fix these. Much less time is spent on what people already do well and what energises them, and using these as a basis for developing high performance. This opinion paper explains how switching the focus to what works and what people's strengths are, leads to much higher energy levels and ultimately to better performance.