
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Evaluation of the Fair Cities Pilots 2007

    Atkinson J, Dewson S, Fern H, Page R, Pillai R, Tackey N D | May 2008 | Department for Work and Pensions

    The Fair Cities Pilots were an experimental programme, designed by the National Employment Panel (NEP). They aimed to increase the number of disadvantaged ethnic minority residents who gained steady work and new careers, and to test the effectiveness and value-for-money of the demand-led approach in tackling disadvantage in the labour market. This report sets out final results from the evaluation of the Pilots. It draws together the key findings, and in their light, discusses the implications for policy development in the welfare-to-work arena.

  • The Brighton Factor

    New graduates and their local labour market

    Pollard E, Cowling M, Barber L, Millmore B, Hunt W | Apr 2008 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How can the city of Brighton and Hove make the most effective use of those university graduates who want to stay, and how can graduates develop their careers locally? This report explores the aspirations and expectations of University of Sussex graduates, particularly those who stay in Brighton and Hove and in the wider county after they graduate.

  • Workforce Planning Guide

    Robinson D, Hirsh W | Apr 2008 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This practical guide uses an eight-step approach to help both HR practitioners and managers through the workforce planning process.

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    Quality of Working Life in the UK

    Denvir A, Hillage J, Cox A, Sinclair A, Pearmain D | Apr 2008 | Sector Skills Development Agency

    This report investigates the elements of the job, workplace and relationships that have a specific bearing on an employee's Quality of Working Life (QWL), and the connections these may ultimately have with employee satisfaction and organisational performance.

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    Understanding the Perspective of Potential Sponsors on the Points-Based System Sponsorship Arrangements

    Bellis A, Williams M | Apr 2008 | Home Office

    This report outlines findings from a qualitative research study into the perspective of potential sponsors of migrant workers and overseas students on the new Points-Based System (PBS) sponsorship rules.

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    Study of the Impact of Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) on Company Performance

    Cowling M, Bates P, Jagger N, Murray G (SOBE, University of Exeter) | Apr 2008 | HM Revenue & Customs

    This study assesses the impact of Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCT) tax relief on the UK economy, and whether these interventions had been worthwhile. Overall, the findings indicated that EIS and VCT investments had had a positive effect on capacity building in recipient companies. However, in material terms, these effects remained very small.

  • Train to Gain Learner Evaluation: Report from Wave 1 Research

    Newton B, Page R, Regan J, O'Regan S, Hillage J | Apr 2008 | Learning and Skills Council

    Ipsos MORI and IES were commissioned by the Learning and Skills Council to conduct the learner element of the evaluation of Train to Gain in accordance with an overall evaluation framework. This report covers the findings from the first wave of research.

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    Responses to the Evidence Consultation on Long-term Sickness and Incapacity

    Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. This guidance provides recommendations for good practice that are based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness.

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    Guidance for Primary Care Services and Employers on the Management of Long-term Sickness and Incapacity

    Mapping Review

    Hayday S, Rick J, Carroll C, Jagger N | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The aim of the guidance was to provide recommendations for good practice based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness. The first stage in the development of the effectiveness and economic rapid reviews was this mapping report to the Programme Development Group. It discusses the methodology and results from a systematic sifting of abstracts to identify material that may address the above research questions.

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    Review of the Effectiveness & Cost Effectiveness of Interventions, Strategies, Programmes & Policies to reduce the number of employees who move from short-term to long-term sickness absence & to help employees on long-term sickness absence return to work

    Hillage J, Rick J, Pilgrim H, Jagger N, Carroll C, Booth A | Apr 2008 | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance for primary care services and employers on the management of long-term sickness and incapacity. The guidance provides recommendations for good practice that are based on the best available evidence of effectiveness and cost effectiveness.