
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    The RCVS Survey of the Veterinary Nursing Profession 2008

    The findings of a survey of veterinary nurses conducted by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

    Robinson D, Munro M | Jul 2008 | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) 2008 survey of the veterinary nursing profession was launched in January 2008. Questionnaires were posted to 11,156 people on the veterinary nurse database. This report analyses the findings from the survey. It reports on the following aspects of the veterinary nursing profession: personal profile, status, working practices, position, pay, career plans, continuing professional development and attitudes.

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    University is Not Just for Young People

    Pollard E | Jul 2008 | Institute for Employment Studies

    What do adults think of Higher Education (HE)? Is it relevant to them and their careers? Do they aspire to HE? Are they aware of HE and the options available? And could, and indeed should, they be encouraged to consider HE? The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills commissioned an exploratory piece of research to help them to better understand adults' perceptions of and orientations to HE, and help them find ways to engage and motivate learning, essentially to encourage greater participation in HE.

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    Going the Extra Mile

    The relationship between reward and employee engagement

    Suff P, Reilly P | Jun 2008 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper demonstrates how a well designed reward package can encourage employees to 'go the extra mile'. It uses real-life case studies to illustrate how a total reward strategy (encompassing both financial as well as non-financial factors) can accommodate the different wants and needs that determine someone's level of engagement.

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    Mental Health and Employment

    Sainsbury R, Irvine A, Aston J, Wilson S, Williams C, Sinclair A (prepared in association with Social Policy Research Unit) | Jun 2008 | Department for Work and Pensions

    The study was designed to address a gap in knowledge about the circumstances that lead people to claim Incapacity Benefit because of a mental health condition and what factors contribute to people with mental health conditions returning to work after a period on Incapacity Benefit. The study also explored employers' understanding and experience of dealing with mental health conditions in the workplace.

  • Strategy Development and Implementation

    Literature Review - ways of thinking about strategy for Primary Care Trust top teams to deliver world class commissioning

    Robinson D, Mercer M | Jun 2008 | NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

    This literature review was commissioned to help inform Primary Care Trusts' (PCTs) approach to the development of their strategic plans. The review provides a summary of the literature on: strategy definitions; 'schools of thinking' about strategy; and methodologies of strategy formulation, development and implementation.

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    The Safe Learner (interim report)

    The impact of individual differences and workplace environment on attitudes to health and safety training

    Miller L, Jagger N | Jun 2008 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The main intention underlying introduction of the Safe Learner blueprint is to influence learners' safety behaviours in work as well as in the learning situation, by increasing their health and safety knowledge and awareness of the actions they should take. This study extends earlier research by IES by evaluating the actions and behavioiurs of learners in work, and in the longer term in general. Since many other factors apart from quality of health and safety training have been demonstrated to influence health and safety at the level of work unit and organisation, this study also assessed the extent to which learners' own attitudes, workplace safety culture, role overload and individual differences serve to reinforce or moderate the impact of the Safe Learner training.

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    Recruitment of Under-Represented Groups into the Senior Civil Service

    Hooker H, Jagger N, Baldwin S | May 2008 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report explores the career aspirations, attitudes and job search behaviours of senior managers from under-represented groups, such as women, those with a long-term health condition or disability, and those from ethnic minorities. The study aims to help the DWP target such under-represented groups more effectively with information about senior posts.

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    Benchmarking policy measures for gender equality in science

    von Tunzelmann N, Iammarino S, Jagger N, Miller L | May 2008 | European Commission

    In 2002, the Helsinki Group on Women in Science, made up of representatives of the Member States and gender experts, published a report on national policies on women in science, which also included the national statistical profiles. The 'Benchmarking national policies on gender equality in science' report provided an update on the national policies and on the statistical profiles of the 33 countries represented in the Helsinki Group, and it introduced, for the first time, data from the Western Balkans.

  • Mapping Provision and Investigating Participation in Postgraduate Art and Design

    Pollard E, Connor H, Hunt W | May 2008 | National Arts Learning Network

    This report for the National Arts Learning Network (NALN) sets out the postgraduate landscape in creative arts and design. It provides a wealth of new information about the later stages in the student life cycle and a solid evidence base on the flows into postgraduate study.

  • Learning and Development 2020 - Three scenarios

    Fairhurst P | May 2008 | Training Journal

    Training Journal ran a project with IES looking at the future of Learning & Development, with a time horizon of 2020. The project was run in two main phases; first looking at the outside world to see what trends and discontinuities might impact the world of L&D over the coming years. The second phase aimed to look at the implications for L&D practitioners of these possible changes by considering possible future scenarios.