
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 1, Key Findings

    Feb 2010 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills / Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    This publication provides an overview of the key findings of the first National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010: Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow. The Audit aimed to provide government, as well as employers, providers, individuals and public agencies with greater insight and foresight into England’s existing and future skill needs.

  • Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow - The National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010, Volume 2: The Evidence Report

    Feb 2010 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills / Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow was the first National Strategic Skills Audit for England produced by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. The Audit provided key intelligence on England's existing and future skills needs in both current and emerging industries. This report draws upon an examination of the 'drivers of change'; a set of labour market projections; and detailed sectoral analysis.

  • Evidence-based Reward Management Toolkit

    Brown D et al. | Jan 2010 | e-Reward

    This 'how-to' toolkit chronicles the key components of evidence-based reward management: conducting reward reviews; measuring the impact of reward programmes; evaluating that impact; and then developing, implementing and applying reward policies and practices on the basis of the evidence you have assembled.

  • The HR Agenda for 2010

    Ten top trends as we come out of recession

    Garrow V (ed.) | Jan 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The HR team at IES reflected on some of the priorities for organisations as they started to emerge from recession and looked to the future. In these short articles topic leaders provided insights that had emerged from recent consultancy and research practice across the public and private sector.

  • Economic Evaluation of the Small Firms Loan Guarantee (SFLG) Scheme

    Cowling M | Jan 2010 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    This research provides a comprehensive assessment of the wider economic impact of SFLG arising from supported businesses being able to access loans that they would otherwise not have received. The impact of SFLG is assessed on a number of business outcomes including employment change, sales change, labour productivity, likelihood to export, and propensity to introduce new products and processes.

  • Strategies for Effective HE-Employer Engagement

    A South West Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Research Report

    Bolden R, Hirsh W, Connor H, Petrov G, Duquemin A | Jan 2010 | University of Exeter Business School and Council for Industry and Higher Education

    This is the third in a series of reports summarising the outcomes of research to support the South West Higher Level Skills Pathfinder Project 1. This final report complements the two previous publications through a series of case studies of 10 English HE institutions (HEIs) on their institutional strategies to EE.

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    Workplace Health Connect Pilot

    Evaluation Findings

    Tyers C, Lucy D, Carta E, Savage J, Kossykh Y, Bailey Y | Jan 2010 | Health and Safety Executive

    The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Workplace Health Connect (WHC) pilot was launched in February 2006 and ran until February 2008. It was a free, no-obligation service which aimed to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with advice on workplace health issues in order to increase the level of healthy workplaces across England and Wales. The pilot included an extensive evaluation of the service to inform the further development of the occupational health, safety and return to work (OHSR) model underpinning the design of this and other HSE pilots.

  • Assessing the Needs of Disadvantaged Learners and Potential Learners

    Bates P, Usher T, Hunt W, Johnson C, Bosley S, Berkeley V, Lam P, Tu T | Jan 2010 | Learning and Skills Council

    The Institute for Employment Studies, together with the National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education and Ipsos-MORI, was commissioned by the Learning and Skills Council to undertake a study to explore the needs of disadvantaged learners and non-learners and the role of learner support in promoting and enabling engagement in education and training among these groups.

  • On Becoming an NHS Chief Executive

    Insights from those who are

    Barber L | Jan 2010 | NHS Yorkshire and the Humber

    The Institute for Employment Studies was commissioned by NHS Yorkshire and the Humber to undertake research into how chief executives in the region had made it to the top in the NHS. This is a 'hints and tips' guide from chief executives in the region gathered under useful themes. This publication is no longer available.

  • Career Paths of Chief Executives - Research report

    Barber L | Jan 2010 | NHS Yorkshire and the Humber

    IES was commissioned to undertake research into how chief executives in the Yorkshire and Humber region had made it to the top in the NHS. This is the report of the research itself. This report is no longer available.