
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    Learning from the downturn - An employer perspective

    Chubb C, Reilly P | Mar 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The aims of the research were: to see whether organisations were responding to economic problems differently than in the past; and if so, to consider why they were adopting these strategies; to assess how well the strategies had worked; and to consider whether such initiatives might have longer term beneficial impacts, not just on the bottom line but on factors such as employee engagement and workforce flexibility.

  • Review of the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework

    Brown D, Mercer M, Buchan J, Miller L, Chubb C, Cox A, Robinson D | Mar 2010 | NHS Employers

    The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) is a generic competency framework that was intended to define and describe the knowledge and skills that NHS staff need to apply in their work to deliver quality services; provide a single consistent framework for staff reviews and development; and influence the pay progression of non-medical staff. This independent review identifies the barriers to the successful implementation and use of the KSF, and makes recommendations for change and improvement to support widespread adoption and effective usage.

  • Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes - First Interim Report

    Newton B, Sissons P, Gloster R | Mar 2010 | Learning and Skills Council

    This report documents the findings from the first phase of the evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes. The Prototypes formed part of the development work leading up to the implementation of the adult advancement and careers service (aacs) in autumn 2010. The Prototypes were managed by the Learning and Skills Council and tested a broad range of approaches to delivering services, offered through a range of channels centring on face-to-face services enhanced in some cases by web resources and planned telephone lines.

  • Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes - Second Interim Report

    Newton B, Gloster R, Sissons P, Fearn H, Whitehurst D | Mar 2010 | Learning and Skills Council

    This report documents the findings from the second phase of the evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes. The Prototypes formed part of the development work leading up to the implementation of the adult advancement and careers service (aacs) in autumn 2010. The Prototypes were managed by the Learning and Skills Council and tested a broad range of approaches to delivering services, offered through a range of channels centring on face-to-face services enhanced in some cases by web resources and planned telephone lines.

  • An Integrated Evaluation of Acas Workplace Projects

    Based on survey and case study findings

    Broughton A, Pearmain D, Cox A | Feb 2010 | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service

    This report summarises the findings of an evaluation of Workplace Projects. The evaluation consisted of a telephone survey and four in-depth case studies of organisations. The aim of the evaluation was two-fold: to evaluate the impact of Acas Workplace Projects on client organisations; and to illustrate why, how and to what effect a selection of Workplace Projects had been commissioned.

  • Implementing Shared Professionals

    An evolving guide

    Reilly P, Fairhurst P | Feb 2010 | Capital Ambition

    This guide is intended to help local authorities consider whether, and how, they might share professionals or professional services with other organisations. The guide is informed by a series of case studies; a number of which are published on the Capital Ambition website. It is planned to add to the list of case studies as the project progresses and update this guide as new lessons are learned.

  • Employment and Support Allowance: Early implementation experiences of customers and staff

    Barnes H, Sissons P, Aston J, Dewson S, Stevens H, Williams C, Francis R | Feb 2010 | Department for Work and Pensions

    From October 2008 Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) replaced Incapacity Benefit and Income Support paid on incapacity grounds for new customers. This report represents the first stage of the evaluation of ESA and presents the findings from an early implementation study. It is based on fieldwork carried out in May and July 2009 in four Jobcentre Plus districts across Great Britain.

  • Flexible forms of work: ‘very atypical’ contractual arrangements

    Broughton A, Biletta I, Kullander M | Feb 2010 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    This report examines the recent evolution of some specific flexible employment contractual arrangements in the EU Member States and Norway. Within the broader category of ‘non-standard forms of work’, the overview focuses on the ‘very atypical’ forms of work, namely: part-time work of fewer than ten hours a week, very short fixed-term contracts, zero hours working, and non-written contracts.

  • Skills Priorities and Scenarios in the Justice Sector

    Usher T | Feb 2010 | Skills for Justice

    This report details the findings of a research and consultation project conducted on behalf of Skills for Justice between September and November 2009. The main objectives of this work were to: identify key skills drivers, skills needs and priorities in the justice sector; and develop a small number of future skills scenarios regarding the justice sector workforce to assist Skills for Justice to support the Justice sector in future workforce planning.

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    Professional and Financial Services Cluster Report

    Sissons P, Levesley T | Feb 2010 | Skills for Justice

    This report examines skills needs within the Professional and Financial Services (PFS) Cluster. The PFS Cluster was highlighted in the Government White paper New Industry, New Jobs as an area where the UK had a competitive advantage and which offered the potential for growth across global markets. The cluster represents a group of industry strands contained within five Sector Skills Councils