
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Evaluation of National Skills Academies - Year 1 Synthesis Report

    Hillage J, Bellis A, Ginnis S, Gosling R, Tu T | Jan 2010 | Learning and Skills Council

    This synthesis report presents findings from Year 1 of the National Skills Academies (NSAs) evaluation conducted by Ipsos MORI and the Institute for Employment Studies. The report brings together findings from three separate strands of research carried out during Year 1: a Preliminary Report (IES, February 2009), Stakeholder Research Report (IES, June 2009) and an Employer Survey (Ipsos MORI, July 2009). The aim of the evaluation was to understand the added value generated by National Skills Academies, across the network and individually, and to assess whether they met the aims set out for them in the 2005 White Paper (‘Skills: getting on in business, getting on at work’, March 2005, DfES), the national prospectus and in individual business plans.

  • Creative Graduates Creative Futures

    Ball L, Pollard E, Stanley N | Dec 2009 | Council for Higher Education in Art and Design; University of the Arts London

    The Creative Graduates Creative Futures report provides a comprehensive exploration of the experiences, activities and contribution of creative graduates and their plans for the future. It sets the findings in context, providing expert commentaries from writers and researchers within the sector, and compares the position of creative graduates today with that of ten years ago, as evidenced by the Destinations and Reflections report of 1999.

  • The Role of Finance in the Decision-making of HE Applicants and Students

    Findings from the Going into HE Study

    Usher T, Baldwin S, Munro M, Pollard E, Sumption F | Dec 2009 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    This report summarises findings from the Going into HE research project. From the outset, the aim was to develop a clear understanding of: the role and importance of finance in the decision-making process of English-domiciled people from different groups who were considering entering full-time Higher Education (HE) in the UK and the impact of the support arrangements on their decisions.

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    Joint Pilots Baseline Research

    Atkinson J, Bellis A, Marangozov R | Dec 2009 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This research draws out common experiences and broad lessons from three pilot interventions which focused on very hard-to-help individuals, exposed to serious social exclusion. The three pilots were the Next Steps Test Bed Regional Pilots, the ACE Pilots, and Exit to Work. The study explored the Department for Work and Pension’s departmental responsibilities, and the Pilots’ approaches to improving employment prospects.

  • Evaluating Reward Effectiveness

    Survey Report

    Brown D, Glenn S, Armstrong M | Dec 2009 | e-Reward

    This report presents the findings from a survey examining practice and opinions relating to the evaluation of reward effectiveness in UK organisations. It explores all the main aspects of reward effectiveness and the process of evaluation, shedding light on this relatively little understood area.

  • Impact of Changes in Provision on People with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities Post-19

    Final Report

    Dewson S, Tackey N D | Dec 2009 | Learning and Skills Council

    This report presents the findings from a research study on the extent and impact of any changes in provision for adults in Further Education (FE) with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LLDD).

  • Train to Gain: Wave 5 Learner Survey

    Levesley T, Bellis A, Regan J | Dec 2009 | Learning and Skills Council

    This report documents the findings from the fifth wave of the learner evaluation of Train to Gain – a service managed by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) that was designed to help employers improve the skills of their workforce. This wave comprised a telephone survey of a representative sample of learners, carried out in July 2009.

  • Activity Agreement Pilots: Evaluation of the 2008-2009 extension

    Maguire S, Newton B, Fearn H, Huddleston P, Levesley T, Miller L, Oakley J, Usher T, Williams C, White C | Dec 2009 | Department for Children, Schools and Families

    The DCSF commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and the Centre for Education and Industry (CEI) to undertake the process evaluation of the Activity Agreement (AA) Pilots extension phase from April 2008 to April 2009. Activity Agreements pilots were designed to trial different approaches to support and encourage 16-17 year olds who were not in education, employment or training (NEET) back into learning, training or employment.

  • Learning Agreement Pilots: Evaluation of the 2008-2009 extension

    Maguire S, Newton B, Bates P, Huddleston P, Levesley T, Miller L, Munro M, Usher T | Dec 2009 | Department for Children, Schools and Families

    Three variants of LAP were piloted from April 2006 for a two-year period, with a view to identifying the most successful model. This report concentrates on the implementation and delivery of the Learning Agreement Pilots during their extension period from April 2008 to April 2009. The only significant difference between the two delivery phases was the withdrawal of wage compensation paid to employers in two pilot areas from April 2008.

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    Qualitative Evaluation of Integrated Employment and Skills Trials: Implementation Report

    Levesley T, Sissons P, Francis R, Oakley J, Johnson C, Hillage J | Nov 2009 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report provides early evidence on how effectively the DWP’s Integrated Employment and Skills trials were working, from the perspective of Jobcentre Plus, nextstep, and customers. It represents the findings of Stage 1 of the evaluation, which began in December 2008 and covered the ten trial areas.