Evaluating Reward Effectiveness
Survey Report
What are organisations doing about assessing the impact of their reward programmes? What are the most important methods, criteria and measures used? And what are the major obstacles?
This report presents the findings from a survey examining practice and opinions relating to the evaluation of reward effectiveness in UK organisations. It explores all the main aspects of reward effectiveness and the process of evaluation, shedding light on this relatively little understood area.
Senior HR and reward practitioners from 173 UK-based organisations (employing around two million people) took part in the survey. The survey was conducted in mid-2009, carried out by e-Reward in partnership with IES.
IES HR Network members can download this report free of charge from the download link below. The report is also available to e-Reward subscribers here: http://www.e-reward.co.uk/reports.asp?report=75
This publication is for members only.