
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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    27 National Seminars on Anticipating and Managing Restructuring - A.R.E.N.A.S.

    Bergström O, Broughton A, Triomphe C E | Aug 2010 | European Commission

    This report examines the measures used for anticipating and managing restructuring in the 27 Member States of the European Union at the end of the first decade of the 21st Century. Restructuring is defined here as any change in the structure of an organisation with an impact on the employment or working conditions of the workers.

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    Organisations' Responses to the Disability Discrimination Act: 2009 Study

    Dewson S, Williams C, Aston J, Carta E, Willison R, Martin R | Aug 2010 | Office for Disability Issues

    The overall aim of the research was to gain a deeper understanding of the way in which organisations had responded to their obligations under the DDA. The research pays particular attention to the changes introduced by the DDA 2005, most notably the extension of the legislation to include public bodies (in areas not already covered by the existing goods and services provisions), larger private clubs and locally electable authorities (with regard to discrimination against disabled elected members). The research also covers organisational responses to the DDA 1995 to get a complete picture.

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    Evidence Review on Regulation Culture and Behaviours

    Wilson S, Tyers C, Wadsworth E | Aug 2010 | Food Standards Agency

    The Food Standards Agency commissioned an evidence review to investigate the culture and behaviours in businesses and enforcement bodies, and the communication between individuals in these two groups, to understand what works best to secure regulatory compliance particularly, though not exclusively, in relation to food safety. It forms part of the Agency’s response to the recommendations made in the Public Inquiry Report (2009) that documents the circumstances surrounding the outbreak of E.coli O157 in South Wales in 2005. The review was carried out following the principles of a rapid evidence assessment (REA).

  • National Police Promotion Framework (NPPF): Research Evidence on Work-Based Assessment

    Appendix B. Rapid Evidence Assessment

    L Miller, S Hayday, H Fearn, F Sumption | Aug 2010 | The National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA)

    A rapid evidence review was undertaken of literature relating to work-based assessment for the National Police Improvement Agency. A systematic search of the literature was conducted and the findings synthesised into a report, with a list of implications being identified for the NPIA.

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    Women in Leadership: Time to Intervene?

    Robinson D, Hicks B | Aug 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Several organisations that realise the importance of a diverse senior team, and are attempting to address inequality at this level, have asked IES to investigate what is going on: what are the barriers stopping women from getting to the top, are HR systems and processes inadvertently discriminatory, and what actions should organisations take? Although the majority of this client work has explored the career paths of women and the obstacles and enablers they have encountered, many of the findings can be applied across all under-represented employee groups.

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    Redesigning public sector HR functions

    Fairhurst P, Reilly P | Aug 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    There can be no doubt now that the public sector is going to have to find significant savings over the coming years. HR will have to both play its part in facilitating that process but also find its own new ways of working. This may not be painless but, as many are recognising, a crisis can often also be an opportunity to go back to first principles and make more radical changes to ensure that the service is truly fit for purpose.

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    An evaluation of the impact of implementation of consultant practitioners in clinical imaging

    Price R, Miller L | Aug 2010 | The Society and College of Radiographers

    This research captures data on issues relating to the consultant practitioner role in clinical imaging. It explores their impact on service operations and service improvement, and hence their immediate impact on clinical imaging services at two National Health Service (NHS) trusts in England.

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    What do researchers do? Doctoral graduate destinations and impact three years on, 2010

    Hunt W, Jagger N, Metcalfe J, Pollard E | Aug 2010 | The Careers Research and Advisory Centre

    This report presents, for the first time, the career destinations and impact of research graduates three years after graduation. It shows that doctoral graduates feel their studies increase their capacity to contribute to innovation and make a real difference in the workplace. The report examines people’s motivations for undertaking doctoral study, the employment rates and occupations of graduates and the extent to which doctoral graduates have an impact in their job.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2010, Issue 2

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Billingham D, Broughton A | Aug 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    Europe continued to show signs of a tentative recovery with marginally positive growth and other economic indicators stabilising. There were however persistent concerns over levels of public debt and, to a lesser extent, over the stability of the euro. Unemployment had not risen in the last quarter (9.6%, EU27 in each of the three months February to May 2010) having increased sharply (by 3 percentage points) since the beginning of 2008.

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    Flexible Nursing

    Report for NHS Professionals

    Mercer M, Buchan J, Chubb C | Jul 2010 | NHS Professionals

    This literature review focuses on flexible resourcing of nursing staff in the National Health Service (NHS) through the three main types of temporary nursing staff; bank nurses, agency nurses and nurses provided through NHS Professionals. It also examines flexible working arrangements for permanent nurses within the NHS.