
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Employment and Support Allowance: Findings from a face to face survey of customers

    Barnes H, Sissons P, Stevens H | Oct 2010 | Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

    This report presents the first findings of a representative face-to-face survey of 3,650 Employment and Support Allowance claimants. It was carried out between December 2009 and February 2010 by Ipsos MORI. The sample consisted of those who made a claim for ESA between April and June 2009, allowing a sufficient gap for the majority to have had a decision on the outcome of their claim by the time of the survey.

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    Work-Related Stress

    Broughton A | Oct 2010 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin

    This report examines the issue of work-related stress in the 27 EU Member States and Norway. Studies capturing data on work-related stress in individual countries differ in terms of their scope, methodology and coverage.

  • Extending flexicurity

    The potential of short-time working schemes

    Mandl I, Storrie D, Hurley J, Mascherini M, Broughton A, Owczarzak R, Riso S, Salvatore L | Oct 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    In the face of recession, falling demand and the consequent slowing of production, short-time working and temporary layoff schemes have been extended (or introduced) in many Member States. These schemes, often with the aid of public funds, reduce working time, while protecting workers’ incomes and company solvency; frequently, the time spent not working is used for training instead. This report examines the practice of reduced working time across Europe, and looks in detail at how it is implemented in ten Member States, with a view to determining the contribution that such schemes can make in implementing the common principles of flexicurity, especially in light of the broad-based consensus they enjoy among the social partners.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2010, Issue 3

    Hurley J, Riso S, Salvatore L, Ford B, Miginis M, Broughton A | Oct 2010 | European Monitoring Centre on Change

    The pace of recovery following the 2008–9 economic crisis picked up somewhat throughout 2010 with the EU forecast to register 1.7% growth in 2010. Uncertainty however persisted on a number of fronts. Fears of a double dip recession in the US economy were reinforced by weak employment and growth data. Global growth appeared increasingly to depend on demand from developing countries, notably the BRIC bloc.

  • Performance Management: Can the practice ever deliver the policy?

    Brown D | Oct 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Performance management, it appears, isn’t working.

  • Back Office Efficiency: Shared Services

    Case Studies

    Fairhurst P, Reilly P | Oct 2010 | Foundation Trust Network, NHS Confederation

    This report presents case studies of organisations who have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of their back office functions by developing shared service operations. Eight case studies are presented in this report. These are Anglia Support Services, Berkshire Shared Services, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire partnership, Cheshire HR Shared Service, Knowsley Health and Wellbeing, LaSCA, NOMS and Southwest One.

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    The 2010 RCVS Survey of the UK Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Professions

    Robertson-Smith G, Robinson D, Hicks B, Khambhaita P, Hayday S | Oct 2010 | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS)

    This report presents the results of the 2010 surveys of the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing professions, carried out on behalf of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). Where possible and appropriate, results are compared with those of previous surveys. The aim of these surveys is to provide RCVS, and other interested parties, with an evidence-based view of the veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse professions, and the changes taking place within them.

  • Evaluation of the Advancement Network Prototypes

    Final report

    Newton B, Gloster R, Sissons P, Fearn H, Whitehurst D | Oct 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    In recent years there have been several key developments for employment and skills guidance policy that have led to the formation of a number of initiatives, including the Advancement Network Prototypes.In 2009, the Department for Business,...

  • Skills Priorities Statement for the South East of England 2011-2012

    Evidence Base Report

    Hillage J, Cox A, Sissons P, Higgins T | Sep 2010 | South East England Development Agency

    The South East Skills Priorities Statement explains the vital role skills play in attracting inward investment, developing high growth sectors, increasing innovation and driving up enterprise.Equally, for individuals, skills are critical to...

  • IES Annual Review 2010

    Sep 2010 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES Annual Review 2010