
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Slides: Case study: Specsavers

    Mary Jane Seddon | Oct 2012 | Specsavers

    A case study on evidence based HR from Mary Jane Seddon of Specsavers which she presented at the HR Conference 2012 on Evidence-based HR: HR does it with data on 18 October 2012.

  • Slides: Evidence-based HR in Vestas

    Thomas Oyvind Lehmann | Oct 2012 | Vestas Wind Systems

    Slides from Thomas Oyvind Lehmann of Vestas Wind Systems A/S on Evidence-based HR in Vestas which he presented at the HR Conference 2012 : Evidence-based HR: HR does it with data.

  • Slides: People performance link

    Penny Tamkin | Oct 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Slides from Penny Tamkin on 'People performance link' which she presented at the HR Conference 2012 on 'Evidence-based HR: HR does it with data' on 18 October 2012.

  • Slides: Conference welcome

    Imelda Walsh and Dilys Robinson | Oct 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Welcome address from Imelda Walsh and Dilys Robinson to the IES Annual Members’ Conference 2012.

  • Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus Advisory Services in Integrated Children's Centres in Communities First Areas

    Foley B, Stevens H, Newton B | Oct 2012 | Welsh Government

    The Welsh Government (WG) commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to lead a review of its pilot which introduced Jobcentre Plus-led Advisory services into Integrated Children’s Centres in Communities First (CF) areas. The pilot was known as the Employment Services in Integrated Children’s Centres (ESICC). The project was co-funded by Communities First and Jobcentre Plus (JCP). IES had experience of evaluating the Work-Focused Services in the Children’s Centres Pilot in England. This report comprises findings from the evaluation to provide information to the Welsh Government (WG) on the progress and achievements of the ESICC pilot.

  • Restructuring in Europe 2011

    Broughton A (chief editor) | Sep 2012 | European Commission

    This report presents an overview of the European Union’s main strategies, policies and actions that aim to help anticipate, prepare and manage restructuring and change. Particular emphasis is placed on efforts to mitigate the negative consequences...

  • Research to inform development of a guide to online activities for people with dementia

    Hicks B, Miller L | Sep 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Feedback received during the evaluation of the Get Connected grant programme indicated that while care organisations working with people with dementia had hoped to use information and communication technologies purchased with these grants to improve the quality of life of their clients, these aims had been frustrated by the lack of guidance available. In February 2012, SCIE commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies to undertake research to inform development of the guide, and Sara Dunn Associates to write the guide. This report describes the research and piloting process undertaken.

  • IES Annual Review 2012

    Sep 2012 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES Annual Review 2012

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    Precarious work and high-skilled youth in Europe

    Lodovici M S, Semanaza R (eds) | Sep 2012 | European Commission

    This research focused on the risks faced by high-skilled workers of becoming unemployed or being forced to accept less qualified jobs and the ways to encourage the conversion of precarious work into work with rights.

  • Evaluation of Investors in People - Employer Case Studies

    Cox A, Higgins T, Tamkin P, Ni Luanaigh A | Sep 2012 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills

    In April 2010, the UK Commission took over strategic ownership of the Investors in People (IiP) Standard. This report seeks to develop a deeper understanding of how smaller organisations which commit to IiP for the first time perceive and work with the Standard, what the impact is on organisational performance, and the roles played by IiP specialists and centres.