
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Industrial Relations in Europe 2012

    Commission Staff Working Document

    Broughton A (chief editor) | Apr 2013 | European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

    While Industrial Relations in Europe 2010 noted that social dialogue had been a factor for resilience in overcoming the early effects of the crisis, this 2012 edition concludes that the impact of the sovereign debt challenge and the budgetary consolidation policies being pursued in a wide range of countries are producing more fundamental changes to industrial relations in Europe.

  • European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2013, Issue 1

    Hurley J, Salvatore L, Meierkord A, Celikel-Esser F, Riso S, Broughton A | Mar 2013 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    In this issue: job creation and loss at a glance; case in focus – National Bank of Greece; legal frameworks of restructuring in Europe; and sector in focus – some positive manufacturing developments.

  • What do researchers do? Early career progression of doctoral graduates, 2013

    Mellors-Bourne R, Metcalfe J, Pollard E | Mar 2013 | Vitae

    Produced as part of the ‘What do researchers do?’ series by Vitae. Vitae has used data from successive HESA ‘Longitudinal Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education' surveys, each based on more than 2,000 respondents, to look at the employment and circumstances of doctoral graduates during the period of the UK recession.

  • An impact analysis of the introduction of the Apprentice Rate of the National Minimum Wage

    A research paper to the Low Pay Commission for the preparation of its 2013 report

    Speckesser S, Behling F | Mar 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This study was commissioned by the Low Pay Commission in order to support the preparation of its 2013 report and aimed to estimate the impact of the introduction of the National Minimum Wage Apprentice Rate (NMWAR) on wage levels of apprentices' pay using individual level data. Our objective was to understand whether the NMWAR had an impact on pay levels and what conclusions could be drawn from this to guide the further development of the rate.

  • Organisational Values and the Role of HR

    A review of current thinking

    Culliney M, Robertson-Smith G | Mar 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper considers existing definitions of values before exploring the current thinking on establishing and embedding organisational values and the part that HR has to play in these processes.

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    The feasibility of conducting a national survey of postgraduate taught students

    Drever E, Griggs J, Collins D and Pollard E | Mar 2013 | Higher Education Funding Council for England

    This research consulted Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and other stakeholder organisations about the feasibility of running a national student satisfaction survey for postgraduate taught (PGT) students. Such a survey does exist at undergraduate level (the National Student Survey) and helps to inform student choice, as well as encouraging HEIs to improve their offer.

  • Evaluation of the HSE worker involvement training courses

    Final report

    Broughton A, Wilson S, Newton B | Mar 2013 | Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

    This report presents the main findings of the Institute of Employment Studies’ evaluation of the Health and Safety Executive's 'Do Your Bit' training for new health and safety representatives and for more established representatives and their managers, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of worker involvement in health and safety in organisations.

  • Evaluation of the Outcomes for Employers Participating in the Corporate Health Standard and Small Workplace Health Award - Summary of Interim Findings

    Sinclair A | Mar 2013 | Welsh Government

    The purpose of this evaluation was to look at the outcomes of the awards in terms of: reduced sickness absence; improved employee retention; improved engagement and motivation of employees; and improved company profile. This report presents interim findings based on the telephone interviews conducted up to the end of July 2012. This includes interviews with 16 new applicants for the awards and 15 previous award holders. The individuals interviewed were those responsible for the award application in the organisation.

  • Employment, Partnership and Skills

    Oakley J, Foley B, Hillage J | Feb 2013 | Department for Work and Pensions

    This report (also published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills as Research Report 107) evaluates how well new skills and employment policies and systems were being implemented by Jobcentre Plus, National Careers Service, and skills providers such as colleges and training organisations. In particular it looked at: how aligned the employment and skills systems were; how well local partnerships were working; the claimant experience; and how mandating claimants to skill development was working in practice.

  • Masterclass: Organisational Values

    IES event report

    Robinson D | Feb 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This masterclass for members of the IES HR Network started by asking why there was such an enduring interest in organisational values, despite recent well-publicised events that appear to illustrate the exact opposite of value-driven behaviour. Further debates centred around the meaning of ‘values’ and their potential uses. This report presents a brief summary of the key points raised and debated at the event, and the conclusions drawn.