
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Understanding Occupational Regulation

    Tamkin P, Miller L, Williams J | Feb 2013 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES)

    Occupational regulation is a policy mechanism which can raise skill levels by introducing minimum prescribed skills standards into an occupation or an aspect of it. Whilst there is evidence of the positive effects of introducing occupational regulation there is little information on schema design or the motivations for their introduction or amendment. This report addresses some of these gaps.

  • The Role of Temporary Agency Work and Labour Market Transitions in Europe

    Institutional frameworks, empirical evidence, good practice and the impact of social dialogue

    Voss E, Vitols K, Farvaque N, Broughton A, Behling F, Dota F, Leonardi S, Naedenoen F | Feb 2013 | Eurociett

    Eurociett and UNI Europa aimed to improve the knowledge and gather qualitative as well as quantitative data on how temporary agency work caould contribute to facilitating transitions in the labour market, thereby fostering progression in the career paths of agency workers in line with the concept of 'making transitions pay'. The study was carried out between February and November 2012, closely monitored by a steering group consisting of the two European social partner organisations as well as representatives of national members.

  • Assistant Practitioners in the NHS: drivers, deployment, development

    Miller L | Feb 2013 | Skills for Health

    In early 2011 Skills for Health published The role of Assistant Practitioners in the NHS: factors affecting evolution and development of the role. This Working Paper is a follow-up to that earlier publication. The paper reviews the situation, examines the types of education and training being offered to individuals prior to taking on these roles and the progression pathways available and considers the extent to which the issues identified in the earlier report have been addressed and/or resolved.

  • Slides: WSH A values driven business

    Lynne Graham | Jan 2013 | Westbury Street Holdings

    Slides from Lynne Graham, HR Director at WSH on 'WSH A values driven business' which she presented at the HR Network event on Values on 31 January 2013.

  • Slides: Values Masterclass

    Dilys Robinson | Jan 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    An introduction to Values by Dilys Robinson at the HR Network event on Values on 31 January 2013.

  • The Family Nurse Workforce

    A Study for the Family Nurse Partnership National Unit

    Robinson D, Miller L, Rickard C  | Jan 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) Programme is an evidence-based, preventative programme for vulnerable young first-time mothers and their families, offering intensive and structured home visiting, from early pregnancy until the child is two, delivered by specially trained nurses. This study, commissioned by the FNP National Unit, explores workforce issues, especially recruitment, retention and job satisfaction, amongst Family Nurses (FNs) and their Supervisors.

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    Quality of Work: How does it matter in Europe?

    A comparative analysis of four EU states

    Wilson S, Lazazzara A, Stettes O, Lopez M-N, Bastien A, Lau J | Jan 2013 | Entreprise & Personnel

    The report summarises employer practice and relevant government policy in each country and presents a series of business case studies showing a range of employer responses to employee well-being and job quality issues. The report proposes a 'typology' of employer behaviour and describes how each of the various case studies can be placed within that framework.

  • Understanding Employer Networks

    Cox A, Higgins T, Marangozov R, Breuer Z, Garrett R | Jan 2013 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills

    This research sought to develop a greater understanding of the design, implementation and impact on skills of employer networks in the UK to inform the delivery of investment projects. This study explores networks with a skills and/or innovation focus in the UK and draws insight from eight case studies of diverse network types: illustrating how they function and operate; the drivers, and nature, of employer engagement; and the type of impact they have on employers.

  • National Strategic Skills Audit for Wales 2012

    Cox A, Hillage J, Vila-Belda Montalt J | Jan 2013 | Welsh Government

    This audit provides a detailed evidence base and key intelligence on Wales’ existing and future skills needs in 2012. It was designed to help supply the analysis and evidence required to develop Wales’ skills base so that it would meet the immediate and longer-term needs of the economy.

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    European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - 2013, Issue 4

    Hurley J, Salvatore L, Meierkord A, Celikel-Esser F, Riso S, Broughton A | Dec 2012 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    In this issue: macroeconomic trends and prospects; job creation and loss at a glance; country in focus – Sweden; Irish restructuring support measures in focus; sector in focus – the newspaper industry.