
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Monitoring and managing restructuring in the 21st century

    Hurley J, Storrie D, Mandl I, Riso S, Gerogiannis E, Vacas C, Broughton A | Nov 2013 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)

    The 2013 annual report from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) presents a retrospective of over a decade of measuring the impact of large-scale restructuring activity in Europe. It summarises restructuring trends based on a restructuring database that includes details of over 16,000 large-scale restructuring events – each generally involving at least 100 job losses or gains.

  • How should we measure higher education? A fundamental review of the Performance Indicators - Part One: The synthesis report

    Pollard E, Williams M, Williams J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Drever E, Griggs J, Coutinho S | Nov 2013 | Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

    A fundamental review of UK Performance Indicators was commissioned by the UK Performance Indicators Steering Group in early 2013, in the context of large-scale, fast-paced changes in the HE sector, and differing policies for HE between the UK nations. The overarching aim of the research was to review the rationale, purpose and policy drivers of UKPIs, the usage and the users of the UKPIs; and whether the existing UKPIs were still fit for purpose.

  • How should we measure higher education? A fundamental review of the Performance Indicators - Part Two: The evidence report

    Pollard E, Williams M, Williams J, Bertram C, Buzzeo J, Drever E, Griggs J, Coutinho S | Nov 2013 | Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

    A fundamental review of UK Performance Indicators was commissioned by the UK Performance Indicators Steering Group in early 2013, in the context of large-scale, fast-paced changes in the HE sector, and differing policies for HE between the UK nations. The overarching aim of the research was to review the rationale, purpose and policy drivers of the UKPIs, the usage and the users of the UKPIs; and whether the existing UKPIs were still fit for purpose.

  • Under-representation by gender and race in apprenticeships

    Research summary

    Newton B, Williams J | Nov 2013 | Unionlearn

    This research was designed to supply detailed insight into under-representation in apprenticeships by gender and ethnicity, to capture information about the decisions made by young people, and to examine employer practices in case recruitment strategies or unconscious bias could act as barriers.

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    The immigrant workforce in Germany

    Formal and informal barriers to addressing skills deficits

    Speckesser S | Oct 2013 | Migration Policy Institute

    This report analyses whether publicly-financed consultative institutions, employers, and professional associations are prepared to meet the needs of existing and future immigrant populations. More specifically, it evaluates the accessibility of training programmes to immigrants, and the success of existing mainstream and targeted programmes in serving the skills needs of diverse populations and preparing them to meet labour market demands.

  • Evaluation of the Impact of Learning Below Level 2

    Wiseman J, Roe P, Parry E, Speckesser S, Gloster R | Oct 2013 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    This evaluation of the impact of learning below Level 2 in Further Education in England was commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The overarching aim of the evaluation was to determine the impact that Below Level 2 FE learning has had on learners’ lives, in terms of: their employment status and earnings; prospects at work; their search for a job; benefit dependency; and learning progression.

  • Slides: IES engagement round up

    Dilys Robinson, Peter Reilly, Mary Mercer, Penny Tamkin | Oct 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A round up of IES work on employee engagement presented by Dilys Robinson, Peter Reilly, Mary Mercer and Penny Tamkin at the IES HR Annual Conference 2013 on 'The many faces of employee engagement'.

  • Slides: Engagement in Higher Education: Case study

    Karen Cregan | Oct 2013 | University of Chester

    Slides from Karen Cregan, Assistant Director of HRM Services at the University of Chester on 'Pursuing best practice in staff engagement: a case study' which she presented at the IES HR Annual Conference 2013 on 'The many faces of employee...

  • Slides: Engagement in Higher Education

    Nicola Carter | Oct 2013 | UCEA

    Slides from Nicola Carter, Senior Employee Relations Adviser, UCEA on 'Engagement in Higher Education' which she presented at the IES HR Annual Conference 2013 on 'The many faces of employee engagement'.

  • Slides: Academic and practitioner perspectives on engagement: Convergence or divergence

    Kate Truss | Oct 2013 | Kent Business School

    Slides from Professor Kate Truss, Kent Business School on 'Academic and practitioner perspectives on engagement' which she presented at the IES HR Annual Conference 2013 on 'The many faces of employee engagement'.