
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Supporting learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to access European Social Fund Priority 2 and 5 provision

    Evidence report September 2013

    Marangozov R, Gloster R, Williams J, Culliney M, Vila-Belda Montalt J, Jacobsen Y, Cassey L | Sep 2013 | Skills Funding Agency

    This research aimed to gather evidence to explain the apparent under-representation of learners declaring a learning difficulty and/or disability (LDD) in ESF Priority 2 and 5 provision that was identified during the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) of the programme. Alongside this the work aimed to interpret the evidence into relevant actions and guidance to support the learning sector to address this apparent under-representation.

  • Engaging individuals with learning difficulties and disabilities in workplace learning

    Sep 2013 | Skills Funding Agency

    The aim of this guide is to highlight where and how providers can work to make their offer of workplace learning more inclusive for disabled employees. It is based on the good practice, insights and experiences of a number of providers from across England who are working hard to deliver learning provision in an accessible and inclusive way, both inside the workplace and outside of it. This guide aims to share these insights more widely in order to add value to the existing good practice that many providers already have underway around the Equality Duty and their own equality and diversity commitments.

  • The effectiveness and costs-benefits of apprenticeships: Results of the quantitative analysis

    Samek M, Comi S, Origo F, Torchio N, Speckesser S, Montalt J, | Sep 2013 | European Commission

    This report jointly researched by IES, Ecorys and IRS for the European Commission assesses the effectiveness of traineeship and apprenticeship schemes.

  • Young people’s views and experiences on entering the workplace

    Culliney M, Broughton A | Aug 2013 | Acas

    This report summarises the findings of a small-scale exploratory research study on young people entering work, carried out in March and April 2013. The main aim of this study was to gather data directly from young workers to inform the development of Acas guidance for employers on employing young workers and those with relatively limited labour market experience.

  • Adult Career Decision-Making

    Qualitative Research

    Gloster R, Pollard E, Bertram C, Williams J, Hirsh W, Buzzeo J, Henderson L | Aug 2013 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

    This report presents the findings of research into adult career decision-making. The study was undertaken by the Institute for Employment Studies and explores how adults make career decisions and their awareness, use of and satisfaction with the support available. The research was qualitative and included a literature review. The study consisted of 50 depth interviews with adults making career decisions, including some who had used the National Careers Service (NCS) and others who had not. Additionally research was undertaken with prisoners: 15 interviews were carried out in three prisons.

  • Top tips for local authorities implementing Raising the Participation Age (RPA)

    Maguire S, Newton B | Aug 2013 | Department for Education

    The government has raised the participation age (RPA) in England requiring all young people to continue in education or training: from September 2013, until the end of the academic year in which they turn 17; and from summer 2015 until their 18th birthday. To support the implementation of this policy the Department for Education funded local authorities (LAs) to lead trials and locally-led delivery projects (LLDPs) over four years, with the Phase 4 projects forming the last phase of work in 2012/13. An evaluation of the Phase 4 LLDPs was commissioned to gather evidence on new activities and effective practice, as well as provide guidance to assist LAs with planning and preparing for RPA.

  • Research into the Phase 4 Locally-Led Delivery Projects for Raising the Participation Age

    Maguire S, Newton B | Aug 2013 | Department for Education

    The 2008 Education and Skills Act included legislation to raise the age at which young people are required to stay in education or training in England to 17 years from 2013 and to their 18th birthday from 2015. An evaluation of locally-led projects and trials funded to support implementation was commissioned to gather evidence on new activities and effective practice, as well as to assist LAs with planning and preparing for RPA.

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    Migrants in low-paid, low-skilled jobs

    Barriers and solutions to learning English in London

    Aug 2013 | Greater London Authority (GLA)

    This report provides an overview of the outcomes of research examining the particular challenges faced by migrants in low-paid, low-skilled jobs in London and outlines actions that can be taken to improve this situation. The aim was to understand the enablers and barriers impacting on English language learning among migrants in low-paid and low-skilled employment in London and to establish the types of English language learning that are most likely to work for them.

  • Public Employment Services and Green Jobs

    Cox A, Foley B | Aug 2013 | The European Commission Mutual Learning Programme for Public Employment Services (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)

    The purpose of this paper to is to review the most recent literature with a focus on (Public Employment Services) PES delivery and policy implementation concerning green skills and jobs, identifying merits and weaknesses of different approaches and transferable core elements.

  • The Palace: Perspectives on Organisation Design

    Garrow V, Varney S | Jul 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report uses the story of an old palace to consider the challenges of design in a complex and highly connected world, where organisations are expected to be agile and innovative, work globally in a seamless way, and continually ‘engage’ talented employees through an attractive employer brand. It explores the move from ‘organisation’ to ‘organising’ and the delicate balance between designing to innovate while managing risk.