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    Qualitative post-test evaluation of ESENER: Substantive findings

    European Risk Observatory

    Hillage J, Sinclair A, Foley B, Brück C, Zayzon R, Röbbelen-Voigt K, Vangelova K, Carta E | Jan 2014 | European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)

    The European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) is a pan-European survey of management and worker representatives in enterprises with more than ten employees on how health, safety and well-being are managed at work. This project involved in-depth cognitive interviews with ESENER respondents in five EU countries aimed at exploring the reasons and thinking behind the answers given by respondents to the survey, both to enhance understanding of what respondents mean by their answers and as a means for developing and improving the quality of future versions of the survey.

  • European Restructuring Monitor Quarterly - Issue 4, January 2014

    Salvatore L, Gerogiannis E, Busch F, Celikel-Esser F, Broughton A | Jan 2014 | European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

    In this issue: job creation and job loss at a glance; support instruments for restructuring in Greece; cases in focus: Radio Television Valenciana, Spain and Liepajas Metallurg, Latvia; and sector in focus: transport and storage – Amazon’s expansion in Central and East Europe.

  • The engaging manager and sticky situations

    Robinson D | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report is part of The Engaging Manager Series. Each short report in the Engaging Manager Series explores different aspects of engaging management. This report explores how engaging managers deal with difficult situations at work. These include managing poor performance, tackling unacceptable behaviour, and breaking bad news to individuals or the team.

  • Talent Management: A Four-Step Approach

    Campbell V, Hirsh W | Dec 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This IES report is based on research with 23 organisations in varied sectors. By speaking directly to practitioners, the study sought to identify how organisations are tackling talent management and particularly the factors driving their choices.

  • IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    HR responding to threats and opportunities

    Dec 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Topics covered in IES Perspectives on HR 2014, include: big data and HR analytics; outsourcing decision making: Can we make it more considered?; crowdsourced leadership; zero-hour contracts: the continued debate in 2014; understanding resilience; diversity at senior team and board level; talent for what? Reconnecting talent management with business needs; top employers for flexible working; and establishing a culture of openness.

  • Apprenticeship and Traineeship Schemes in EU27: Key Success Factors

    A Guidebook for Policy Planners and Practitioners

    Dec 2013 | European Union

    This Guidebook was prepared within the context of a wider project commissioned by the European Commission, entitled 'Providing targeted advice on European Social Fund (ESF) support to apprenticeship and traineeship schemes', implemented between December 2012 and December 2014. The Guidebook’s primary aim is to provide an overview of the main apprenticeship and traineeship programmes (‘what exists’) which have been in operation in each Member State in the period 2007-2012, with a particular focus on their employment outcomes and overall effectiveness.

  • Evaluation of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE 16 to 24) programme

    Dec 2013 | Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    The evaluation of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers was carried out in partnership by BMG Research and IES, with IES leading on provider research and the return-on-investment assessment and BMG leading consultations with national stakeholders and employers. This report describes the findings of research, which involved talking with participating employers, government agencies and training organisations involved in the administration of the grant. All aspects of the policy are covered, from the way it was run, whether the grant amount was set at the right level, to satisfaction with the learning and training.

  • Facing into Change: The Organisation Development & Design Expert Service

    Garrow V | Dec 2013 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Facing into Change is a case study report illustrating OD in practice, through the work of the Organisation Development & Design Expert Service. The OD&D Service is one of four Civil Service HR expert services and offers support to departments and cross-Government functions in delivering complex change. To help illustrate the important role they have started to forge in supporting the Civil Service Reform Plan and large scale change, three of the Service’s clients agreed to share their own stories. Rail Group, the Treasury Solicitor’s Department and the Civil Service Pension Schemes Executive in the Cabinet Office, explain the reasons they feel OD support is vital during major change, share their experience of working with the OD&D Service, and describe the impact it has had for them.

  • Evaluation of the Outcomes for Employers Participating in the Corporate Health Standard and Small Workplace Health Award - Summary Report in English

    Sinclair A, Ledermaier S | Dec 2013 | Welsh Government

    The purpose of this evaluation was to look at the outcomes of the awards in terms of: reduced sickness absence; improved employee retention; improved engagement and motivation of employees; and improved company profile. This publication presents a summary of the research and its findings in English.

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    Evaluation of the Outcomes for Employers Participating in the Corporate Health Standard and Small Workplace Health Award - Summary Report in Welsh

    Sinclair A, Ledermaier S | Dec 2013 | Welsh Government

    The purpose of this evaluation was to look at the outcomes of the awards in terms of: reduced sickness absence; improved employee retention; improved engagement and motivation of employees; and improved company profile.