
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Crowdsourced leadership

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Tamkin P, Fletcher L | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    We have stumbled across a few references recently to crowdsourced leadership and were intrigued. Is this something new, a repackaging of old approaches or a quickly forgotten fad? We thought it worth exploring what is being said about the concept and what the implications might be for employers.

  • Impact of coaching on employee well-being, engagement and job satisfaction

    Research Summary

    Hicks B, Carter A, Sinclair A | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The research is an exploratory study into whether employees receiving coaching at work experience any impact on their perceptions of well-being, job satisfaction and engagement at work. The study is unique in its focus on coaching primarily delivered by internal volunteer coaches to a range of managers and non-managers. Previous studies into well-being have tended to focus on top leaders coached by external coaches.

  • Top employers for flexible working

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Mercer M | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES has collaborated with work-life balance charity, Working Families, on the ‘Top Employers for Working Families’ benchmarking and awards. The plan was to develop a benchmark which showed employers the ‘platinum standard’ in being a family-friendly, flexible employer. The idea has developed over the years to demonstrate to employers that flexibility is also about business excellence and that being flexible and wanting your employees to be flexible creates the right conditions for productivity and competitive advantage. This paper outlines the benchmark and standards behind the awards.

  • Diversity at senior team and board level

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Mercer M | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This paper explores some of the literature about achieving a diverse top team, and some of the organisational benefits that diversity brings. The literature demonstrates that the benefits flowing from a diverse top team are only achieved if they are not tokenism and the culture of the organisation supports diverse working throughout its processes. The paper was also published as an article in IES Perspectives on HR 2014: HR responding to threats and opportunities.

  • Establishing a culture of openness: IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Robinson D | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    It seems so obvious that a culture of openness and transparency is a ‘good thing’. If people are encouraged to speak out, they will prevent harm; make suggestions for improvement leading to a better quality product or service; come up with creative ideas – and this will lead to better organisational performance. This paper looks at the need for organisations to establish a culture of openness, the drivers and practical considerations.

  • Big data and HR analytics

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Fairhurst P | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    If you have half an eye on the latest hot topics in business it has become hard to miss the phrases ‘big data’, ‘data science’ and ‘analytics’. Indeed in their 2011 report McKinsey & Co described big data as ‘The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity.’ But does it have anything to do with HR; after all people are unique and unpredictable and so can’t be quantified, can they?

  • Zero-hour contracts: the continued debate in 2014

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Holmes J, Rickard C | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    2014 saw the continuation of the heated zero-hours debate. The House of Commons heard the second reading of a Private Members' Bill to limit zero-hours employment contracts. The findings from the government consultation, launched by Business Secretary Vince Cable, on zero-hours contracts were also due to be made available. Mr Cable had suggested that one possible outcome from the consultation would be a code of conduct for employers - which would mean that developments in this area should be on the watch list for all HR practitioners and employers

  • Outsourcing decision making: Can we make it more considered?

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Reilly P | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    There is a constant drip drip of stories in the press announcing the march of outsourcing. The suggestion is that if you are not doing it then you are old fashioned, off the ball. One reason for the publicity is the stream of consultants’ reports that describe either new outsourcing deals done or surveys of future intentions. Words, however, do not always live up to deeds.

  • Flexible contracts: Behind the headlines

    Jan 2014 | UK Commission for Employment and Skills

    Flexible contracts, which include zero hours, temporary, freelance and seasonal working, are used across industries and by many different types of workers. However, the survey of workers also shows that a greater proportion of people on flexible contracts are having to pay for their own training than workers on permanent contracts. This may mean they are missing out on skills development and opportunities to progress in their career. If these types of contracts are used as stepping stones in a career (particularly by young people), are employers storing up skills problems for the future?

  • Understanding Resilience

    IES Perspectives on HR 2014

    Wilson S, Rickard C, Tamkin P | Jan 2014 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This eight-page paper offers an overview of what is meant by resilience and related terminology, to support HR when navigating relevant advertising literature and other HR information sources.