
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Review of the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements

    Project report

    Brown D, Reilly P, Rickard C | Dec 2017 | Office of Manpower Economics (OME)

    This report assesses the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements and Recruitment and Retention Payments in the public sector.

  • Full team ahead: Understanding the UK non-surgical cancer treatments workforce

    Burns K, Meredith M, Williams M, Huxley C, Pallesen C | Dec 2017 | Cancer Research UK

    This Cancer Research UK report presents the findings from research undertaken by IES in partnership with 2020 Delivery into the UK's non-surgical oncology workforce.

  • Capturing school-to-work transitions with longitudinal data sources

    Pollard E, Williams M, Huxley C, Green M, Martin A, Gray H | Nov 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This report presents the findings of a study to identify and scope data sources that capture the school-to-work transition from a range of perspectives.

  • Women on FTSE boards: roles, tenure, share ownership and gender pay

    Nov 2017 | E-reward

    This report produced by E-reward with a commentary from Duncan Brown, presents analysis of representation and remuneration of women on FTSE 350 boards.

  • Gender pay: How do you achieve and report parity?

    The case example of FDM Group

    Brown D | Nov 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    How was FDM Group, a global professional services provider, able to achieve a median gender pay gap of zero per cent? This case study report analyses the Company's progress and culture, offering insights for other employers on how to address their own pay gaps.

  • Involving young people in volunteering

    What works?

    Williams J | Nov 2017 | The Careers & Enterprise Company

    This paper, authored by IES research fellow, Joy Williams, on behalf of the Careers & Enterprise Company, considers the benefits of involving young people in volunteering.

  • Movement into employment: Return on investment tool

    Estimation of benefits from moving an individual from unemployment into sustainable employment

    Mallender J, Tierney R, Baah B, Stavridou M | Nov 2017 | Public Health England (PHE)

    Report containing IES research supports an accompanying tool that has been developed to provide evidence on the return on investment of health and work interventions.

  • Business games and competitions: what works?, Careers & Enterprise Company

    Business games and competitions

    What works?

    Hanson J, Hooley T, Cox A | Nov 2017 | The Careers & Enterprise Company (C&EC)

    This paper published by the Careers & Enterprise Company considers the use and effectiveness of enterprise competitions and business games as forms of enterprise education.

  • The true diversity of self-employment: Executive summary

    Uncovering the different segments of the UK's self-employed workforce

    Williams M, Broughton A, Meager N, Spiegelhalter K, Johal S, Jenkins K | Nov 2017 | Centre for Research on Self-Employment

    This executive summary distils the findings of research conducted by IES in conjunction with the Centre for Research on Self-Employment, offering analysis of the solo self-employed workforce.

  • The true diversity of self-employment

    Uncovering the different segments of the UK's self-employed workforce

    Williams M, Broughton A, Meager N, Spiegelhalter K, Johal S, Jenkins K | Nov 2017 | Centre for Research on Self-Employment

    This report produced by IES in conjunction with the Centre for Research on Self-Employment presents analysis of the solo self-employed workforce and identifies nine distinct segments of this population.