
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

All our pdf publications are free to access.

  • Report of the trustees and financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2018

    Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    A summary of the annual financial statements and Institute activity in the last 12 months, up to 31 March 2018.

  • Slides: Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

    Tyler E | Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Elaine Tyler's presentation slides from IES HR Workshop 'Implementing an effective employee value proposition', London, March 2018.

  • Student income and expenditure survey 2014 to 2015

    Student income and expenditure survey 2014 to 2015: English report

    Maher J, Rooney K, Toomse-Smith M, Kiss Z, Pollard E, Williams M, Hillage J, Green M, Huxley C, Hunt W | Mar 2018 | Department for Education (DfE)

    This report presents the findings of the Student Income and Expenditure Survey 2014/15, which was jointly commissioned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Welsh Government.

  • IES Annual Review 2017

    IES Annual Review 2017

    Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The annual review aims to bring IES’ research and consultancy activities to life, showing how they improve employment and HR policy and practice.

  • IES Annual Snapshot 2017

    IES Annual Snapshot 2017

    Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This separate ‘Snapshot’ document lists in detail our activities in the financial year 2016/17. It complements our annual review 2016/17 which contains further detail on our activities and impact throughout this reporting period.

  • NIA Evaluation infographic

    Infographic: NHS Innovation Accelerator Evaluation

    Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    This infographic presents the key findings from the IES-led evaluation of the NHS Innovation Accelerator.

  • NHS Innovation Accelerator Evaluation

    Final report

    Cox A, Spiegelhalter K, Marangozov R, Hanlon J, Hex N, Gabbay M | Mar 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    IES evaluation report of the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA). The NIA aims to improve take-up of innovations in the NHS. The report offers insights on the key conditions for success in scaling healthcare innovations.

  • Preparing for Brexit through workforce planning

    Preparing for Brexit through workforce planning

    Reilly P, Hirsh W, Robinson D, Martin A | Mar 2018 | Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)

    This report, authored by IES on behalf of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), offers guidance on the workforce planning implications of the UK leaving the European Union.

  • Improving health and employment outcomes through joint working

    Improving health and employment outcomes through joint working

    Bevan S | Feb 2018 | Public Policy Institute for Wales

    This report analyses how economic inactivity, which remains high in Wales despite currently low unemployment levels, can be addressed. The report explores how employers, health services and employment services in Wales can work together more effectively to produce better health and work outcomes.

  • Slides: Talent management: Strategies, practices and challenges

    Hirsh W, Tyler E | Feb 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Wendy Hirsh and Elaine Tyler's slides from IES HR workshop 'Talent management: strategies, practices and challenges', 15 February 2018, London.