
Publications graphicWe author and publish a range of resources to keep you up to date with the latest developments in employment, labour market and human resource policy and practice.

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  • Fairness, flexibility and affordability: What are the lessons from pay and reward approaches and trends in the UK?

    Fairness, flexibility and affordability

    What are the lessons from pay and reward approaches and trends in the UK?

    Brown D | Feb 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    With many UK workers experiencing real wage cuts and in a rapidly tightening labour market, this research paper, authored by IES' head of HR consultancy, Duncan Brown, analyses trends in UK pay and rewards over the past thirty years.

  • Broughton A, Gloster R, Marvell R, Green M, Langley J, Martin A (2018), The experiences of individuals in the gig economy. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

    The experiences of individuals in the gig economy

    Broughton A, Gloster R, Marvell R, Green M, Langley J, Martin A | Feb 2018 | Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

    This report authored by IES presents the findings from qualitative analysis of individuals working in the gig economy. The report's findings highlight the diversity of the gig economy, both in terms of the individuals undertaking this kind of work and the work that they are doing.

  • Evaluation of the Carers in Employment (CiE) Project: Methodological details and tabular findings

    Evaluation of the Carers in Employment (CiE) Project: Methodological details and tabular findings

    Wilson S, Marvell R, Gonzalez-Carreras F | Jan 2018 | Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

    This document presents a technical annex to the IES evaluation of the Carers in Employment (CiE) project. It contains methodological details of interviews conducted as part of the IES evaluation and tabular summaries of monitoring data collected at interim and final stages of the evaluation.

  • Evaluation of the Carers in Employment (CiE) Project: final report

    Evaluation of the Carers in Employment (CiE) Project: Final report

    Wilson S, Marvell R, Cox A, Teeman D | Jan 2018 | Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

    This report presents the findings from the IES evaluation of the government-funded Carers in Employment (CiE) project which operated from 2015 to 2017. The project aimed to examine 'what works' in supporting carers to remain in or return to employment.

  • Slides: Mental health and work

    Bevan S | Jan 2018 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Stephen Bevan's slides from IES HR Workshop 'Good work and mental wellbeing: creating the healthy workplace', London, January 2018.

  • Slides: Good work and mental wellbeing

    Exton R, Totterdill P | Jan 2018 | Workplace Innovation Europe

    Slides from Rosemary Exton and Peter Totterdill's presentation at IES HR Workshop 'Good work and mental wellbeing: creating the healthy workplace', London, January 2018.

  • Slides: Productivity: What is it and why does it matter?

    Bevan S | Dec 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Stephen Bevan's slides from IES HR Network event 'Workplace productivity: The human factor', December 2017, London.

  • Slides: Productivity...

    Brown D | Dec 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    Duncan Brown's presentation slides from IES HR Network event 'Workplace productivity: The human factor', December 2017.

  • Royal College of Nursing Employment Survey 2017

    Marangozov R, Huxley C, Manzoni C, Pike G | Dec 2017 | Institute for Employment Studies

    The nursing workforce in 2017 is under a number of pressures, both from the demand side but also the supply side. The findings of this survey paint a picture of how these pressures are impacting nursing staff.

  • Review of the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements

    Project report

    Brown D, Reilly P, Rickard C | Dec 2017 | Office of Manpower Economics (OME)

    This report assesses the use and effectiveness of market pay supplements and Recruitment and Retention Payments in the public sector.